Gentlemen... How do we fix the Libertarian Party?

Gentlemen... How do we fix the Libertarian Party?

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Promote libertarian ideals w/in a white society.
>Mexican American/tejanos are allowed
>that means you have to fly the Texan flag

it needs a new name. i can't get that naked guy out of my head whenever I heard "libertarian"

The Libertarian Party needs to die, it has become a safe space for the weed, guns and fursuits freaks.

guys an obvious fed plant


for california governor

Libertarian is a funny word, like it's made up
Just call yourselves the Liberty Party

There needs to be a strong, charismatic, and thoughtful leader to become the face of the party. That leader needs to whip the party into shape because the libertarian party is the edgy teenager party that just wants to serve as a means for contrarians to brag about how superior they are for not voting for the mainstream parties.

Is it really that difficult to imagine libertarians as this cringe?

They need to actually try and win some seats in Congress and some state offices rather than just be a cult of personality every 4 years.


You literally can't. It's the densest and largest group of autism in the world. Gary Johnson is like an autism posterboy.

We let it die once and for all

First and foremost, nominate presidential candidates who aren't braindead dumbasses

Find a way to get its own media exposure. The mainstream media systematically ignores them. If they had a popular news channel it would be a huge step. Their nonconformist nature makes things like that hard

Old money controls the LP just like the D's and R's.

It's a false hope. You ain't gettin' off the reservation.

Gary was actually pretty good as a governor but should have made an effort to learn more about world events. He was the best they've produced so far.

This was the moment when the lolbertarian party died.

He fried himself on hallucinogens, then


he's running on a platform that includes a proposal for a basic income (i.e scrap most welfare programs and do a single unconditional cash grant). If libertarians seize on the basic income idea, they can win.

They're all hopping on the bus for the authoritarian and right wings. They're your problems now.