Dice does it again

Nigress featured on the new cover art for Russian DLC in Battlefield 1
They will also be adding playable female characters to the game with this new DLC

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Does it ever end?

Those hands look pretty white to me

She's clearly white you fucking idiot.

I'm triggered. Why do they shit all over history like this? Name me one nigger that thought on the Eastern Front during WWI. Maybe some people from the Far East but not niggers

That's a white chick with a shaved head

He's clearly italian.

Also be sure to check out Far Cry 5, goyim!

In this installment of the award-winning Far Cry series, you travel to Montana, where you fight the the most villainous enemy of all: white Christian men.

oh you have got to be fucking kidding me

Kek why do they have to force everything so hard

Did you just assume their gender?

no fucking way

don't trigger me. don't tell me dice is white washing russians. RUSSIANS ARE BLACK DAMNIT.

If that's what ends up happening then I hope it tanks harder than Assfaggots Unity. I hope the glitches within the game become memes for years to come.

Outlast 2 was fucking unplayable because of this garbage.

I cannot wait for the days of gaming when ALL of the marginalized can be represented, like my fellow genderfluid post-op transexual paraplegic chronic beer-guzzling pastafarian special olympic medalist refugee person of color friends. They are so oppressed and under-represented!

>its real
>final shot is a church singing amazing grace as a white christian male bangs another man's head into the church bell
I can't wait until they release the Ariana Grande mission DLC.

It's real

A guy who was involved in the testing confirmed it.
Everyone was calling him s larper until the teasers surfaced

He basically said far cry 5, will be you fighting le ebil white Christian american militia

Fucking Kikes

>Sheebon as a imperial Russian soldier
Fucking hell , Swedes need to be genocided

So let me get this straight, some female black shaven nig nog in WW1.... LOL, it is 2017 after all ghuys!!! Never forget much holohoax, but always remember the dindus who fought and killed all those evil nazis in ww1.

When the trailer for the game comes out, be sure you faggots dislike and leave a comment about this garbage Create an account if you have to. Bring up manchester. Don't let the normies succumb to any more brainwashing. If you don't, I garuntee you will see more of this horrid shit.

whether she is white or black it's still fucking stupid; though if she was black, if would be even more fucking stupid. I enjoyed this game when I got it, despite the obvious SJW undertones all the fuck over it, to the point it's a rarity to have a nigless squad, but desu I'm pretty much fucking bored of it and never play it. Haven't in weeks. Doubt this dumb shit makes me jump back into it.

this is the worst type of propaganda. when I was a young, impressionable kid, I spent my time holed up in my room obliterating sandmonkeys in COD4. it hurts to imagine all the suburban white kids being programmed to hate and fear their own kind.

Isnt it a female?

>four women total in all of ww1
>got raped and killed within minutes of first battle
I GOT A GREAT IDEA FOR A COVER GUYS *cum falls out of ass*


I chose to believe it ´d just be a rumour.
I was wrong.

This is not only a fake image, but also fake information. Females are not being added in the DLC.

You fucks fall for anything without even a quick google.

>quick google
Wow really makes me think

These women: en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women's_Battalion

could just be a modern western type game. this trailer looks better btw




dark white amirite?

Of all the fucking millions of men that died in the war they focus on some fucking small ass battalions that fought a couple battles just to be "inclusive". fucking hell is it so much to ask for authenticity over retarded identity politics these days

I wonder how many muslim "refugees" are on the dev team

fucking kek m8 you guys got cucked real hard.


>The moment when you realize in ten years that will actually be the cover art of battlefield 16

I swear to god if they add female clone troopers and sex bot droids in the next battlefront...

Lets not forget the always wonderful bioware

>put women into trench warfare
Humanity deserves to go extinct

there was helicopters during ww1?
just asking here guys i dunno.

American reporter Bessie Beatty estimated the total number of women serving in these gender-segregated units at 5,000 in the fall of 1917, but only the 1st Russian Women's Battalion of Death and the Perm Battalion were deployed to the front.[3]

just like amelia flight too, propaganda only.

>In other words, make sure to unload any investments in studios which make such god awful games. Guaranteed losers in the long run.

rockstar is literally the last stand of a somewhat white identity in AAA gaming

Sorry, were any of you expecting anything different from a Swedish developer?

let them

your optimism is cute user but we all know how it will actually be

>that background image
Jesus fucking christ

That's white in United States of nigger

>cover photo

That's a white woman. It's a reference to the female battalion that fought for the Russian Empire during WW1.
I get you guys are going to be triggered by seeing a woman in video games regardless, but why are you pretending it's a black woman? Does it give you more of an oppression boner?

You dumb fucks weren't going to play any of these games anyway

I had hopes for far cry just because I thought it'd have a western vibe instead of modern day things and I've been itching for a game with cowboys again after replaying coj gunslinger

>when old jokes become reality

red dead redemption 2

What's the problem?

Are you sure they are Christian and not a David Koresh or space religion cult?

Waco, Texas simulator. Far Cry 5.



I hope to God it delivers, brother. Fingers crossed there's some footage at e3

does it affect multiplayer gameplay? no? then i care not

It's been delayed today, with 7 new screenshots.

http :// www.rockstargames .com/ newswire/article/60210/Red-Dead-Redemption-2-Is-Now-Coming-Spring-2018

Looks like Battalion movie poster

Looks like a meme.

Half of the things in this image are no longer funny due to them becoming real.

russian peasant farmers tan

>that's a russian female
>they had female troops in ww1

>That's what passes as white in The United States of Nigramerica


Mr. 56%ers at it again

>Sup Forums - Cartoons and Comics
every goddamn time

Ruski how do you feel about a woman representing the russian imperial army?


Slavs are fucking eye blending albinos do later to you meriniggers

OP is a fucking retard because the girl on the game cover is a white Russian.

How can that even be a question?
"What is more essential historical accuracy (truth) or gender equality (lies)?"

Do we get to play as Ben "see a nigger, pull the trigger" Garrison?


>be german
>get bombed




>The 1st Russian Women's Battalion of Death, commanded by Bochkareva, was still at the front after the revolution, but disbanded shortly after as a result of increasing hostility from male troops who resented female volunteers for preventing them from retreating many times over.
Gurlz rule, boys die on the front xdddddddddddd

I don't think Niggers existed during WW1

He'll probably be the main antagonist, which would be the only thing to redeem the game

She looks like a typical Slav to me?

>tfw 24
>still playing video games


good post my polack

>playing bf1 earlier
>blew up an with a german stick grenade
>found a snipers nest filled with 3 niggers, hacked them all to death with a hatchet in the back
Wait now you're telling me I can stab shoot blow up bludgeon tea-bag etc women now?

lel this shit is just fun when you don't give a fuck

What game is that?

>WW1 game
>Everyone has automatic weapons.
>Can be revived from being shot in the face with a tank with a neede
>Can repair bombers by flying straight
>Horses can survive bullets to the head
>Blimps can survive several million bullets.
>Iron man suit equivalent armor randomly spawn in battlefield
>Gas merely inhibits your ability to aim.

Clearly a realistic war sim we have here, it would be a travesty to implement something as unrealistic as female characters

dont forget
>ww1 tanks somehow faster then ww2 tanks

Stupid fucking argument that I've seen too much. That's like having two drinks, spilling one, then spilling the other because "oh that one was already spilt". It's about being grounded, something "unrealistic" would be UFOs and aliens bombing germany, it's about being grounded in reality and believable.

That's because you're a pathetic beta male who thinks your apathy will save you.

I will only accept this if there is a melee option to rape.

>complaining about women in video games

>Slavs are white
fucking idiot

its not like DICE have any choice anyway, it's EAs decision on whether theyre going to allow DICE to make it or not and ultimately EA tell them what theyre doing

>not only can I kill nigs in bf1 but now I can kill female nigs
Based DICE!



it's there, you just have to adjust your contrast and exposure level, here.. I did it for you

On the 25th October 1917 and led by founder Maria Brochkareva, the 2nd Women's Battalion of Death were the last army unit to defend the winter palace during the Russian Revolution.

._. those feels..

Women characters get double the health and double the aim assist though.

1. It's a white womam
2. She's bald becaue en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Women's_Battalion
They even did a moive in russia about those battalions
> inb4 amerifat education