Islam red-pill thread

Islam red-pill thread.




Your argument is massively invalid.


whatever manchild autist made that image really needs to rethink his pathetic existence

I thought Islam claimed Jesus as a prophet. Nice proxy faggot.

Nah fuck you, and fuck the dead whores in Manchester hahahah

tfw my last name is abraham


Kys roach

Guys, im a former muslim who HATES islam. You will gain SO MUCH credibility if you STOP quoting it with numbers like the bible. Don't quote it as 9:23. Say verse 23 of x Surah. I.E surah al nasr. You expose yourselves as completely ignorant when you put shit like 9:23

Everyone redpilled knows that 9:23 reads as Sure:Verse
It's doesn't expose shit you spastic
Stop setting arbitrary requirements how to handle your shitty desert death cult in order for you NOT to go on autistic rants

Fucking drink bleach

No, you fucking retard, most of these people don't know that it reads surah:verse

If you post this shit on twitter every reply will be "lol u dont even kno how to quote the qur'an no one takes u srs"

im trying to help you be more credible to help redpill people, its not for my arbitrary requirements.

“It’s coming to a place near you.
The Qurans that are given out in our prison system, to Muslim prisoners by Muslim chaplains, paid for by Saudi Arabia, are Qurans written to the Wahabi tune. They’re not just your everyday Quran; they’re the Qurans that the Wahabis want you to read, containing direct incitement.
They’re being given out with taxpayers’ money in the prison system, where militias are forming. Next you’ll have militias of this kind with their own chaplains within the United States armed forces. Are you ready for that? Are you ready to have Wahabi preachers in the U.S. armed forces?
You better get ready for it, unless you’re going to take the James Madison view that there shouldn’t be any chaplains in the U.S. armed forces to begin with, or in the prison system. People want to pray, you can’t stop them. But we cannot have state subsidized prayer. We cannot have state subsidized preachers or chaplains.
Give it up, or give it to your deadliest enemy and pay for the rope that will choke you.

This is very urgent business, ladies and gentlemen, I beseech you: resist it while you still can and before the right to complain is taken away from you, which is the next thing.

You will be told, you can’t complain – because you’re Islamophobic. The term is already being introduced into the culture, as if it’s an accusation of race hatred or bigotry, whereas it’s only the objection to the preachings of a very extreme and absolutist religion.

Watch out for these symptoms… The barbarians never take a city until someone holds the gates open to them. And it’s your own multicultural authorities who will do it for you.”
-Christopher Hitchens, 2009
predicting what's happening now

Acts 17 apologetics (aka David Wood) is pretty much dedicated to discrediting Islam. Start there.

FRESH OC. Redpill for tonight. Spread it on Twitter.

So if I wanted to say Surah 9:23 properly, tell me exactly how I should rephrase it.

Go find Dr. Bill Warner on soundcloud.
He has a whole series on Political Islam.
It's a perfect start to redpill yourselves on Islam, and be able to debate against any libshit.

Islam is the only cure for the west.



this is one of my favorites

Hey, look who's a big fan of Islam!
