Why all muslims?

i know a lot of us pedes are angry at the recent terrorist attack in Manchester. But while you rage, please remember Muslims are just like you and me, who love and feel like we do. There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the world, the vast majority are peace loving folk. You can tell apart the KKK and the crusades from regular Christians, why not Muslims? Hate breeds hate, irrationally hating
will only radicalize them further.

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>Why all muslims?

Why not?

I hate Muslims

I forcible touch they're woman on my street and treat them like shit skins do to white bitches,

They are complacent

>Muslims are just like you and me, who love and feel like we do
but this is false
>There are over 1.6 billion Muslims in the world
>the vast majority are peace loving folk

Fuck off you faggot

Tfw you realize you could surpass the bar set by Hitler

We can stop their international hatred by starting where the crusaders left off and this time finishing the job.

because how can you judge a quarter of humanity based on a hand full of people? Are all americans school shooters?

>But while you rage, please remember Muslims are just like you
I was never brainwashed into worshiping a pedophile war lord and I have never put an evil death cult religion ahead of my own family, friends and country. They are nothing like me.

All Muslims are violent retards that have no place in civilized society. If they were not they would not follow or be part of the such a stupid shit religion.