Why are millennials uninterested in owning a home?
Isn't this bad for the economy?
Why are millennials uninterested in owning a home?
Isn't this bad for the economy?
In reverse order
With high demands for mobility and the realization that the "forever home" is a myth, why bother?
No, it's GREAT goyim! By choosing to rent, more of your money goes back into market, where more qualified banks and business owners can better utilize liquid assets. Further, it keeps people constantly needing to work since they have nothing to fall back on.
sage and report slide threads
>he fell for the homeowner meme
because 30 years ago you could buy a house straight out of highschool with whatever job
>manage to get a decent job
>buy a house, probably a ways away from your job
>6 years later your neighborhood is magically full of nogs
>have to go through the arduous process of selling the house instead of just moving to a different apartment
I think most millennials just can't afford it, and the ones that can either buy or don't want to be tied down to one city due to job market instability or their repressed redpills about minorities ruining cities and the burbs in cycles.
Around here everyone wants to own a house.
Millennials can't afford it because prices are insane.
It is bad for the economy to have such a lot of capital tied up in non productive assets.
Who is this girl? She has nice eyes.
They are interested, they just can't afford it because the economy never recovered and job instability and wages collapsed.
Why is that so difficult to understand? These threads always get posted.
So here's the bottom line, it is always the economy.
Everytime you have a "why don't millennials do..." it is always the economy. It's shit, and as long as it's shit nothing will get better.
furthermore I'm planning on going into a field where I won't always have stable job security. (Nor do I want the feeling of being locked to a place this early in my life)
Blame kikes for making all the worthwhile areas in my state (which I'd love to stay) rise like fucking hell. I'd struggle to afford a home up here even if I did have a well paying job
also stop moving to fucking Colorado you pieces of shit I hope you human garbage that are flocking to my state die
by own you mean be in debt for one till you're 70, own it for one year before you're put in a home and your home is sold to pay for that..fuck off
The same reason we're uninterested in freebasing sapphires in pipes made from Faberge eggs. Because we work in low-paid industries that are undergoing massive contractions, and we can't fucking afford it.
>Why are millennials uninterested in owning a home?
because central banking has made owning a home super expensive and out of reach of the middle class and millennials
any other non market based answer is fucking retarded
Unless you want to live in some flyover town in Bumfuck, Nebraska with the opportunity to be a plumber, housing prices are insane across the board. I'm from Orange County, CA and the absolute minimum to make to live in South Orange County (the non-mexican part) is at least $160K per year.
What's the point of owning a home?
After a few years you won't want to live there anymore and you're shackled to it until you find some idiot to buy it from you.
How can millennials in the US afford 500k-1m houses?
I just can't pay $200,000 for something that will cost me $2,000/month to maintain for the rest of my life. My current goal is to buy some property for 10k-20k and build my own house.
My grandparents spent hundreds of thousands of dollars building houses. Note; HOUSES, in the plural.
Each one of them is now worth much more than they paid for it. But they don't have any of them. They sold every single one of them, and my grandmother says it's all gone. Where all the money went is a mystery.
All the money came from phone company stocks my great grandmother cashed in for my grandmother. Where all the remaining stocks went is also a mystery.
People like my grandmother destroyed our economy, and left their grandchildren with nothing. So little, they think that sums of money that used to flow like water are now unimaginable.
Fuck boomers. Their assisted living homes and anti-psychotic induced brain damage are their just deserts.
t. jew
owning a home is the the most important thing about forming a family and forming roots in a community
why do brainwashed idiots not realize that central banks are the reason house prices are so expensive
they print money and a large portion of this money goes right into the housing sector
>levaraged, frozen, immobile all your eggs in one basket investment
It's become so difficult that many have given up. Some have just convinced themselves that they didn't want one in the first place. Others have actually started questioning why they'd need so much debt when housing is historically a bad investment.
So they needed to be in a position to never be able to afford one to understand that it's generally not that great to buy one.
>my grandmother destroyed our economy, and left their grandchildren with nothing
You sound like a really entitled brat.
Because they came of age right when the housing bubble popped. Can't really blame them for being adverse to it, especially since it looks like we are setting ourselves up for another bubble. Owning a house is fine is some circumstances but in others it's an unwieldy amount of debt that only the (((bankers))) benefit from.
Looks like Emily Rudd.
>bottom fell out of the industrial / manufacturing economy
>Very hard to get steady work in the trades
>Well guess I'll go to college
>x 10 million
>lol guess college has far less prestige
>what you don't have 5 years experience and a PhD sorry kid get fucked you should just pull yourself up by your bootstraps :-)
We are poor.
Shit forgot to attach this.
I dont give a fuck about (((economy))) and you house market mr. chang.
Huh? I am interested in a home and it's the first thing I'm investing into. I don't like spending money if I won't get anything back from it. Renting is pretty much the same as burning entire piles of your own cash.
Why do you post in slide threads?
I could tell before posting that the OP would be "1 Post by this ID"
If you want to enter the housing market the trick is to get a job that doesn't require you to live where everyone else wants to live
Pointing to experiences of people generations ago is just trying to deflect responsibility from your own laziness.
>My current goal is to buy some property for 10k-20k and build my own house.
if you are adventurous and have a solid resolve try Alaska. You can get good land with timber, fish and game for that kind of money. If you are lucky you can also get land where you can farm during the summer.
You can still do this, get married straight out of high school (was very common 30 years ago) and instead of taking out a student loan, take out a home loan instead.
The first country to &bolish central banking will prosper.
>Why are millennials uninterested in owning a home?
Because a shitty home in a declining neighborhood where I live starts at $500,000. Whether I go massively into debt and spend the next 30 years trying to pay it off or just rent some place, I'm always going to be under the thumb of some Jew. And I don't think I'm having kids, so there's no point in worrying about having equity to pass on.
How can workers in Romainia with average pay at 500€ afford shotty commie appartments that start at 40k € and one in a good area is at least 100k€.
The answer is simple you dont,you wait for your parents to die so you can move in.
how tf you gonna pay off a home loan with a job that doesn't require a college degree ??
But dude, WEED....
Do you even have inheritance taxes in Romania ?
That's the cruelest of all taxes desu
Don't forget that taxes are incredibly high in most areas you'd want to live in.
>The first country to &bolish central banking will prosper.
No. It will be accused of supporting terrorism or possessing WMD and bombed into the fucking stone age like Libya and Iraq respectively.
It's true though if the story is true. I assume his grandma ran off and the money and stocks were gone afterwards. What the hell do you expect them to thino?
Because they want to escape responsibility and when living on rent, they can easily migrate to another place to get a fresh start with new social circle. If you settle down, you can't be a whore.
You never truly own a home that you have to a pay property tax to keep
>homeowners association are always dickheads
>maintenance is a bitch
>bills suck, so does the loan
>most homeowners are massive assholes thata will look for shit wrong with your house all the time
>nobody cares about your house, it's an anti climatic event to own one
>you are isolated in a home
the whole thing sucks, i want to live in a tent and fish
I'm more interested in owning women first
It's quite fitting that millennials aren't buying property. It shows that our society is so fucked up, that the generations that will be required to carry the burden of the welfare state cannot even get into the property market to anchor themselves and form the new pillars of society, yet 'refugees' are given everything so the government doesn't appear 'racist'.
sounds comfy desu
Depends on where you live. I, unfortunately, live in commifornia, with a housing market for a single room home at least $250k.
Even with a six figure salary and a second income, I won't be able to afford housing which I would consider liveable. I refuse to live in nigger or spic infested neighborhoods with two young daughters and a wife, so my options are limited to basically Orange County (where I work) or the Inland Empire, which is about 90 mins. away from work with traffic so fuck that.
Why not move to a new state then?
I'd like to see jobs become remote where you can work from home. A lot of people would move to fly over states like Idaho or Montana and purchase affordable homes with their income.
>The Burger faggot who stalks HOTS girl and keeps asking why millennials aren't interested in buying homes.
Just fuck off faggot. None of us can afford to buy homes thanks to the baby boomer investor class.
They try and blame foreigners for the housing crisis but these faggots own multiple houses.
more like can't afford a home
thanks, boomers
I feel you. I live in the bay area. A lot of the tech companies used to let people work from home and traffic was better. As the market got more expensive the faggot excecs went "well why are we paying all this money for these offices no one uses? No more telecommuting!!!"
Fucking criminal
same reason why cars cost 10x more than 30 years ago. were all slaves to the banks.
Mainly family and my job.
Though we are looking at expanding to Texas. If that happens I'm going to put in for the Branch Manager position. Family already said they'd move if we moved.
>don't worry about house prices being set for two incomes, goy girl.
>if you're not hot enough to get a guy making six figures you just need to get some more tattoos.
>any guy that needs your income to pay a mortgage is a loser
>so take that money you make and spend it on going to europe to get dicked down in ways your friends and family will never be able to judge you for
It's not Rudd, it's Soe.
>They try and blame foreigners for the housing crisis but these faggots own multiple houses.
Are you serious? Real Estate agents hire Feng Shui experts and post signs in Chinese now!
Because the baby boomers have pretty much saddled all future generations with massive debt and horrible political ideologies maybe?
Just a thought.
That's nice. I would love to move but my wife wants to stay here. The nature is great but fuck I hate these people.
are you white?
if you are white leave that shithole state. I used to live in CA, moved to Alaska. All the weak faggotry and backstabbing doesn't happen here. Guns are cheap and plentiful. Land is plentiful. If you WORK you will make far more than you need to survive. I lived in L.A. btw - I fucking hated it. But it is too cold for niggers and spicks in Alaska, while white people thrive.
Why would anyone want to become enslaved by debts/interest? Especially considering they already have a home.
Why the fuck would I even want to? I pay rent which is far less than a mortgage with maintenance and taxes. The savings go into investments that pay me. I am not responsible for maintenance or beautification. I have no fear of being robbed. My assets are not all tied up in one non-liquid investment that historically has terrible returns. I am free to move as I please. A housing crash will do nothing but benefit me. Rent is controlled and I am never worried about my housing costs skyrocketing. I am not "house rich but cash poor" which is code for "poor" because that's what you are when you have no money left over after paying your living expenses. I don't give the slightest fuck about property taxes, water bills, or fees for trash collectors. Hell, I don't even have to take out or separate the trash.
I have some family in Nebraska and went to school in Texas. I want to get the fuck out of here so fucking bad you have no idea. The weather is great and all but it doesn't make up for the shitty people, overcrowd everything (streets, freeways, sidewalks, you fucking name it), the ridiculous taxes and stupidly unattainable cost of living. Fuck this state. I honestly hope it sinks into the sea (so long as I'm away when it happens).
Family Values have been erased.
>Why are millennials less interested in going into debt to the Joos
>oy vey the (((economy)))
home prices are ridiculously inflated right now and millennial are smart enough to not buy into that kikery
Homes are being used as capital investments.
Theoretically, you could build a home for under $25,000.
The problem is that if a home was $25,000, it'd bring down the valuation of homes in (at least) a 5-mile radius.
Now boomers don't want a devaluation of an asset they've invested years of time and money into.
So our society prefers to sacrifice our children to Moloch instead of giving them affordable housing that promotes sane societies.
I can't wait until genetic engineering hits and more intelligent children deface the entire legacy of post-WWII democracies.
>My current goal is to buy some property for 10k-20k and build my own house.
Good I guess, but good luck none the less... but the time, energy, labor and money to build a home by hand, would probably just come close to just saving up for a pre-built house to begin with.
No idea where you are finding land that cheap, what quality and location and amount, but it sounds like a small property though.
>$200,000 for something that will cost me $2,000/month to maintain for the rest of my life.
>$2,000/month to maintain for the rest of my life.
What? Unless you're living in a rotting former house that has half collapsed in on itself or in a very old historic house, idk wtf you are talking about.
>Fuck boomers. Their assisted living homes and anti-psychotic induced brain damage are their just deserts.
Just stop, and get yourself in order.
>taking out a massive loan that takes you decades to pay off
>50/50 gamble that your house will be worth more when you sell it
You wouldn't take out 400k loans to buy stocks and then not touch them for twenty years,the risk is too high. Fuck buying a house
Mentally ill faggots can't keep steady work
>my options are limited to basically Orange County (where I work) or the Inland Empire
There are parts of the San Fernando Valley that are livable, but they're also super expensive. My mom's small three bedroom house is like $750,000. The neighborhood is still pretty ok, but I notice there are more and more homeless drug addicts on the streets less than a mile away every day now. Funny thing is, most of them are white. Still, I really want to get a high paying job so I can move her some place nicer. I think in 5-10 years we'll have junkies breaking into homes.
Jesus fuck, you must come from a wealthy asf family.
Can't even save extra money. I'm not going to get a loan so that boomers and jews can make money by enslaving me.
Fuck them.
Ha. Fuck no.
Most of my family are poor as fuck dirt farmers from fly-over country. My mom moved out to Commiefornia by herself because of a job offer and bought her house back in 2000 when the price was less than half of what it is now. I'd say that we're upper middle class at best. Her boss is wealthy as fuck though. Dude lives in the same neighborhood as Justin Beiber and his garage has more square footage than her entire house. Guess his race/religion?
>but I notice there are more and more homeless drug addicts on the streets less than a mile away every day now. Funny thing is, most of them are white.
Make homes unaffordable. There are more homeless.
A lot of these people appear to have been homeless since well before houses got expensive. A bunch of low life tweakers and crazy people that were set free to roam the streets when Reagan closed the asylums.
My grandpa is one of the good ones. Gave me a rare opportunity this week. I love the guy.
We'll get through this bros. Wages are going up now thanks to Trump. Get a job this summer, invest in yourself, spend shekels to help our economy on the side. We are ALL going to make it.
>Guess his race/religion?
White jew, wouldn't surprise me.
But at least you are upper middle class, I wouldn't call that poor as fuck dirt farmers, if you only compare yourself to rich fucks like those in Commifornia.
Why the fuck would I pay an additional 16k a year (I'm in NJ) to own a home.
You do realize that the Chinese are buying out homes in Irvine?
Just move to NorCal. It's a far more sane and beautiful environment. Even the whores act sweeter.
20 years of neo liberalism in Australia has wrecked (casualised) the workforce. Work Choices basically removed choices for the employee and eroded all confidence in employment. People cant afford to buy anything now because they are servicing their huge homeloan. Millenials will bounce back and forth between renting and their parents into 30's saving for something - and don't get divorced or your fucked for life. No TAFE qualification is worth shit. Uni degrees not worth much. Apprenticeships ruined. No proper rural NBN outside of cities, so I cant relocate out of this shit tier city I am in and still work. Its all gone to shit. Anyone under 25 is screwed unless their parents can give them everything they need which will, in most cases, screw the parents retirement.
Fucking Liberals.
post more Soe
In the US only the ultra rich end up paying inheritance taxes desu
>sacrifice for muh god the economy
No. Sacrifice yourself, corporate dicksuck.
Because the home I wanted was 85 000$ now it is 350 000$ Fuck that shit
>owning a home
you misspelled denbt slavery to kikes
The only reason I'm even considering getting a home in the next decade or so is that veterans get pretty sweet home loans through the VA (Veteran's Affairs).
If I didn't have that, I'd probably move to Manila and spend the rest of my life fucking filipino girls in my pad.
Not a fan of paying rent on land I """own""".
>Why are millennials uninterested in owning a home?
Property tax and artificially inflated house prices.
tell me how I should afford a home if i earn 3100€ a month, after taxes that is 1800. a month. A house costs about 300.000 and that is no where near a city, if I want t home near the place where I work that would be around 500.000.
Take a loan and pay for the next 30 years?
nope, not gonna happen.
My family has a house at a lake which will be handed to my brother or me when my father is too old to keep care of it.
Just buy once, hand it to your kids.
Make sure they dont sell it to move to the fucking city though. Dont give it to your daughter until you know she doesnt burn the coal.
If you have a son, give it to him since he will have a tougher life than females.
>why are millenials