God bless you based Latin Rite Catholic/Orthodox Brothers's

Novus Ordo and Protestants need not apply :3

Glory to the father, son and holy spirit, now forever unto ages of ages amen

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catholics are idol worshipping frauds.

Our Father, who art in Heaven, hallowed by his name.
Thy kingdom come, Thy will be done, on earth as it art in Heaven
Give us this day our daily bread, and forgive us our trespasses as we forgive those who trespass against us.

Lead us not in to temptation, but deliver us from evil.

Cucktholics are nigger foot kissers.

We believe in on God: the Father, the Almighty, the Maker of Heaven and Earth, of all thing Seen and Unseen.

Catholicism is a luciferian fraud of Christianity, take this redpill with you and sage the thread.

We believe in Jesus Christ, the only Son of God, eternally begotten from the Father. God from God, Light from Light, True God from True God, begotten, not made, one in being with the Father.

Through Him all things were made. For us men and our salvation, he came down from Heaven.

God the fedoras were quick this time, funny how there has been a huge anti-christian push on Sup Forums this last few weeks, even stronger than before, maybe it's the newfags or another psyop, who knows at this point...

Well, don't despair brother, we are one in Christ our lord and saviour.

I'm Christian you ninny.

>rejects the church that Christ himself founded
>"I'm still Christian, though"

Im non denominational gtfo.

We are not told to believe in Mary, trust her, nor pray to her. The Lord Jesus said, "Ye believe in God, believe also in me" (John 14:1) but He never said, "believe also in my mother." If it were necessary, why didn’t He say so? He taught the disciples to pray in that wonderful way, saying, "Our Father, which art in heaven, hallowed be thy name" but have you noticed that He never taught them to pray to Mary? Christ said that whatever we ask the Father in His name, will be given us (John 15:16; 16:23). We can go directly to the Father through the Son, and Mary is never presented as a mediatrix or intercessor. No one in the New Testament ever prayed to her. The true Mary cannot hear our prayers nor answer them. She would have to be omniscient, omnipresent, and omnipotent to do that, and she is not, for she is not God. Anyone who prays to her is guilty of false religion and idolatry.

The Mary of the Bible has already told us who she is. I invite you to look up and read each of the Scriptures, and see for yourself what the truth is in the Bible. The angel Gabriel has spoken. The Holy Apostles have spoken. The Lord Jesus has spoken, and this should be enough. He said, "I and my Father are one" (John 10:30), but never mentioned Mary in this way. Nothing can be added to contradict or modify what the Scriptures say. But if in spite of this anyone continues venerating and practicing devotion to the legendary or mystical Mary that certain churches promote, then such a person shows that he is not a true believer. He is a pagan devotee of a goddess who uses the name of Mary to turn people away from God the Father and the Lord Jesus Christ.

Friend, if you have venerated or prayed to Mary, I think you can see from the Scriptures such behavior is not pleasing to God. Perhaps you did it sincerely, but in ignorance. Nevertheless, now that you know the truth, you should confess it as sin, repent, and put all your faith in the Lord Jesus Christ alone, for He alone can save you.

Christ didn't create roman catholicism, and the seat of the church is in Antioch. not in rome. the catholic church is the apostate church, the false prophet, and the UN is the beast. Catholicism has pagan origins, symbols, and rituals, and push a talmudic culture. and when rome made the state religion catholicism in 380 AD it was Satans way of marrying the church to him for it became part of a political system of power hungry people seeking to control, dominate, and establish Lucifer's new world order. you shill for the whore of babylon, the beast with 10 horns, the anti christ, apostate church

Revelations 2:2

>anime Sup Forums christians

Truly the most disgusting virtue signallers

I'm a Christian, but these threads are always embarrassing to read.

Reminder that the church is gay.

you know, I don't particularly care for Martin Luther either, he attacked personal study of the bible that didn't include the church. and there are more men than him that laid the ground work for the reformation. I wish to see more protestants take the gnostic pill.

It doesn't take much for the anti-christian shills to come out.

Ave Maria

About 33000 other prophets to be exact, one for every denomination

>DFW no non-schismatic latin masses available

>there's a stronger bond between the orthodox and the latin rite than between the latin rite and the novus ordo
you don't understand.

none of those other people claim to be prophets, none of them claim to be infallible, and none of them claim to be "the true church of christ" just A church of Christ, and none of them wrote a gospel and claimed it to be divinely inspired. the denomination doens't matter when they give the same teachings. the true church is one that follows the bible to the letter, and not one that pushes a talmudic belief system above the scripture itself. the fact approximately 0% of catholics display spiritual gifts like speaking in tongues means they are the apostate church.

repent idolater.

Why haven't you listened to any settings of the mass from the Renaissance today Sup Forums?

Glad I'm not alone in this belief. Also, thanks for your original post, learned something new today

An individuals abilities in both life and death are determined by God. If He so wills a soul to be privy to prayers they will. The Protestant hatred of Our Lady is unfounded regardless, she always wills for souls to turn to her Son, and it has been the reoccurring duty of her life, I her visiting John and Elizabeth, I presenting her Son to Simeon, and again in her message to the people at Cana. In heaven this role is no different.

God bless you, Brother

>the Greek word for a Latin speaking man's numerology adds up to 666.

really activates my almonds.

So you're A OK with the Eucharist, the intercession of Saints, and an ordained priesthood, as long as it's Eastern Orthodox? Cause, you know, they actually use Greek.

Alberto Riveria??? You mean Jack Chicks Bitch? Get fucked

Hurr durr lets play our drums and get our motivational preachers to teach us prosperity gospel!!! Surely we just arent trying to be edgy!!!

Yeah no

Yes thank you. Allah(pbuh) sent Jesus as one of the prophets so that the world can be saved. The only way to salvation is through Allah(pbuh). Inshallah, brother.

God doesn't real.

Sven you dont get an opinion unfortunately so be quiet please

Why do you believe your 'fathers' are Christian other than that they say they are? Thus, why do you believe them at all? That you do, seeing their word as divine, makes you much more likely to be evil than the Protestants.

God bless based Serb :'3

lol spic religion

enjoy your south americans

Enjoying the freemason pope catholcucks?

It's Satan. This must be one of his wicked tricks. Let's pray some more.

Chair of St Peter ftw
Bless you orthobros
protetics btfo

Oh look is it that time again?

Why do you reject the body of christ?

Your religion was founded by a sex pest king and a sex pest priest for the purposes of fucking. My religion was founded by jesus.

Protestantism reaps what it sows

St Ignatius of antioch the disciple and successor of john the evangelist and st paul both concur that a church requires a bishop ordained through apostolic succession to be a church. Protestantism does not have that thus they do not have churches

Orthodoxy is the last true christian church.

The Catholic church has been a homosexual kike haven since the 50's

The beast is the Vatican, the anti-christ is the Papacy as a position, and the Image is long haired Jesus in red and white robes. REV is already come.
This series will rock your world

Catholic and Orthodox are pagan chirstcuck hybrids and it's a good thing. protestants are pure kikes.

i thought georiga was /based/? Is that not the case anymore? Fedoras selling well in Tbilisi?

probably an Azerbaijani

What's not /based/ about me? you want to fight me, cunt?

Call me that, one more time and i'll smash your fat face in. I'm of pure Colchian heritage.

>Take note of those who hold heterodox opinions on the grace of Jesus Christ which has come to us, and see how contrary their opinions are to the mind of God ... They abstain from the Eucharist and from prayer because they do not confess that the Eucharist is the flesh of our Savior Jesus Christ, flesh which suffered for our sins and which that Father, in his goodness, raised up again. They who deny the gift of God are perishing in their disputes. — Letter to the Smyrnaeans 6:2–7:1
>2000 years later

I try to go to Latin mass when I can, too bad my job often forces me to go to the modern mass. At least the priest keeps it clan and does not try to "make it unique".
btw, I'm not English, I am an immigrant (I promise I will leave in the future)

>Anything other than Orthodox

Pick one Giorgi

>Colchian heritage.
>Not Orthodox

Yeah, trade in that flag for a green one.

I can't take Orthdocucks seriously anymore because they say egalitarian cuck shit all the time, even here. it triggered the shit out of me and I became an agnostic.

Brother come back :') Dont let Satan influence you and let the muslims win

Tell me that when christian Colchians can make shit like pic related.

Question here from a non-catholic here interested in Trad Christianity:
What is the problem with the New Mass/Novus Ordo? Why is the Latin Rite better?

Was the Mass the only thing that Vatican 2 changed?

the real issues are the positioning of the priest during the rite and of the altar towards the assembly of the faithful, the oversimplification of the liturgy and the lost of the value of the Latin prayers.

Vatican 2 changed many little things mostly: it was a mean to do good for the common layperson's understanding, but it bacckfired greatly. The road to Hell is paved with good intentions, as they used to say...

Why is it bad if the priest faces the congregation instead of the altar?

How has using vernacular languages backfired?

The purpose of the prayers is to thank God and praise glory to Him...we used to do that whilst all looking at the altar, where the transubstantiated body of the living God resides for our salvation. Instead when we face one another we focus on the priest as a person instead of having him as "persona Christi".

And about the vernacular language, while I don't say it is a bad thing per se, the Latin language is a lot better to convey sacredness and it has been proved that demons ad evil spirits are repelled by it way more, and since the mass is also a way o protect ourselves throughout the week, it makes sense Latin has a greater value even for us when it comes to the rewards we can get from partaking in the Lord's supper.

Not him (my personal preference is for the old rites to be translated like what SS Cyril and Methodius did with the Roman and Byzantine rites for the Moravian missions), but the timing for the introduction of the vernacular languages (the 60's) was very bad:
1. The various Latin plainchant traditions (e.g. Gregorian chant) virtually died out outside of early-music performers and the few traditionalist monasteries which remained. At the same time, the vernacular languages were introduced without the creation or fostering of indigenous Latin chant-derived ones (unlike what the Slavs did with the Byzantine rite). Thus the de facto replacement musical repertoire is fully in tune with the zeitgeist (aka 60's sappy Kumbaya and similar). Also the old plainchant repertoire is overwhelmingly Scriptural (from the Psalms, primarily); all this was lost.
2. A dynamic-equivalence translation paradigm was the "in" thing with those in Rome who were in charge with supervising and approving translation efforts at that time, which led to superficial and unfaithful reinterpretations of what the original Latin texts said. English translations was the main victim of this, but with the language having such a global cachet (I know at least one set of translations which were in a large part translated from it, not from Latin) the effect of the poorly-translated books was disproportionate.