Hey brits and gremans and franks

Hey brits and gremans and franks

Why arent you doing anything to pervent it?

If those kind of attacks happen in croatia or serbia or other balkan nations we would have golden dawns all over balkan, migrants in greece are living in fear like they schould in every other country in Europe

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If you had piece of our history you would be hounting them down right now, but you never contributed anything to deffend europe from them

only thing you did is waited for germany that supported us in some kind of way to get week so you can attack and destroy it, you reap what you sow

Check out this

they are cucks my slav bro

croats really are bro tier

no they are aryans and shiet
it will take some time

Britain, German and France were all very powerful nations in the past and became very wealthy; we have fallen greatly due to our decadence and have become domesticated, pampered faggots pretty much.
There is a direct correlation between quality of life and how cucked your country is.

So fucking close to numbers

Gotta stop those Habsburg threatening to take over France.

nope thats just a meme