Other urls found in this thread:

>that flag


1st for religion of piece

If happening I'm going to destroy Aylesbury mosque, today, with a bunch of hard cunts

>no source
Op is a fag

M8, I will fly up and start it with you.

CHECK Reuters

Ill join you I live in Aylesbury xD

>Seth Rich who?
>DNC leaks was by a US citizen who supported Bernie Sanders?
>Kim Dotcom what?


Fake news

Meet Me fleet Street midnight brother

>a bunch of hard cunts

Microwave your jizz encrusted fleshlights before bringing them along sweetie

eh, plebs get all panicked after an attack, wait until concrete proof before getting too excited.

> with a bunch of hard cunts
Are you gonna stroke the mosque corners down?

> slightly damage mosque
> all media attention about poor muslims and evil nazi whites
> 10 million more pakis flood the UK as a reparation

Do it.

yea i agree its probably fucking nothing just providing source for OP (aka fag)

Go get em son.

Yeah right, you fucking inbred coward.

I would be surprised if you got out your room

Roll for this

If we could actually get a crowd of hundreds from /pol to meet up at a mosque in masks and burn it to the ground we could literally make history and possibly spark a modern crusade with just a single event. Now is our chance! Brits you have to act. Even if you don't live in the city travel their and avenge your dead girls

Isn't today something like the 20th anniversary of the IRA Arndale bombing?

What ever happened to that separate bomb they found last night? I went to bed right as they were talking about blowing it up.

Are they thinking there's a second guy out there that planted it or was it done by the guy who blew himself up?

I will reach pas the 4mb at this rate

do et


>this will never happen

Autocorrect is a bitch

underrated post and FPBP.

They found a box in a food court. But honestly it's the fall of civilization. If everything is going to get crowds of people fleeing, like some random object we surely are fucked.

Merkel, wtf

Dont do it

All it does is help the MSM turn attention towards "evil white racists".

Now I'm just annoyed, stop posting this shit, i frankly couldn't give 2 fucks about it

It's probably just a balloon, we should all get some sleep.

Whoa, the new French flag


Like clockwork


My name is Jean-Claude Juncker and I unironically support these attacks on the UK.

They tried to destroy my empire with their self-perseverance and their talk of sovereignty, if only they accepted diversity and our benevolent rule from Brussels.

>On my way to university
>driving through the city center
>see a kindergarten field trip
>all of the kids are white
>look at the streets white couples walking together
>not a single subhuman in sight
>church bells ringing to mark that its 12:00
>older white couples in parks or on thier way to work
>go inside my university
>all white
>beautiful slavic girls everywhere
>go to a SJW type lecture
>everyone is laughing at the lecturer
>feel bad for the guy
>but he brought it on himself
I just wanted to say that all of us 99% white countries should appreciate what we have, it's beautiful. I feel unity and peace in my country, my home. No fears of terrorism, just the feeling of being surrounded by brothers and sisters.
Why do they want to destroy this?
Thier is no need for importing these beasts, we are fine. Sure we may not have amazing health/social services like the west. But we have peace and unity.

Anything to protect the cabal

Do it

who goes to the mall at noon on a tuesday. they probably deserved it baka

He's the coward? Not the muslims bombing children? Go kys you fucking moron.

>accepting diversity
Yeah fuck of this is the kind of shit that the Eu has caused

That's why you'd leave david stars behind..

Do it anyway


I don't trust the Rothschild news network sorry

Never let them trick you, Przemyslaw.
You are all gonna make it bro

Is the mosque there particularly troublesome?

>>all of the kids are white
>>not a single subhuman in sight
>>older white couples in parks or on thier way to work
>>go inside my university
>>all white



>wait until concrete proof
well security camera footage being missing is concrete proof that it was intelligence community behind it

seismic readings are concrete proof that there was a seismic disturbance

did either of those occur?

It's a hoax. Google 'crisis actors' and learn about their ways. The news is as crooked as in the former USSR. They fake stuff all the time.

The 7/7 bombers went to that mosque so yeah its pretty bad

I'm saying coward because he's obviously not going to do it.
I would like it to happen, but he will not do it. Because he's a fucking retard like you

maybe the British police can help!
they are already at the mosque

if digiits, do it

Are we being confounded fight now?

>Pressure on the Seth Rich case due to diligent work
>Manchester Bombing which advocates alt right nationalistic ideals
>We react and the world reacts in anger
>Seth Rich is forgotten

Retard like me? How'd you figure that? I never said I'd do jack shit.

Go away, you big nosed bourgish drunk

Do it.

Fucking do it.

Go fucking hard.

Can I come hang out Poland? I'll clean your toilets.

Fuck off shill

Sorry, meant confused on a mobile

wait why would the police be at a mosque for no reason at all but to sit on the floor and do what? what purpose does the British police force get from doing this? why is it even necessary? they should be out policing

carefull this faggot will report you to the police ..a lot of goodie two shoes here today!


To submit. That's the real, true answer. It's purely an act of submission.

I remember when Ireland was like this. Never give it up.

You should have listened....

>go for a jog a couple months ago
>see buch of kids at side of path
>"Allahu Akhbar..!"
>rotten tree trunk crashes onto the path 20 meters ahead
>run past it, look to my right
>see a handful of roachlets

I wish I was joking

Yes but it's too early to see if the distraction worked. Things are getting pretty deep with the Seth Rich stuff.

Allah is vindictive af

Literally this would happen.

Muslim here, with a message for you Islamophobic people.

The West created this mess

It was you who divided up the land.

It was you who put in the puppet governments.

It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

It was you who allowed the Jews to exterminate and enslave the Palestinians.

It was you who played geopolitical games with Iraq and Iran during their war.

It was you who gave Saddam chemical weapons.

It was you who caused the Ayatollah to come into power in Iran.

It was you who created the Mujaheddin, Osama Bin Laden, and Al Qaeda.

It was you who killed 1 million children with your economic sanctions on Iraq.

It was you who, with your gluttonous oil consumption, gave power to Saudi Arabia and turned a blind eye to their funding of Wahhabi extremism.

It was you who abused the Arab world so much that they felt they had to attack your soil on 9/11.

It was you who started an endless massacre across all of Afghanistan in retaliation against a small group that lived there.

It was you who invaded Iraq unprovoked, destroyed it's infrastructure, massacred it's people, and left it in shambles in your wake.

It was you who covertly ignited civil wars in Libya and Syria because it suited your geopolitical interests, only to let the bloodbaths stagnate when your goals failed.

It was you who not only caused ISIS to exist, but allowed them to grow like a cancer unchecked.

It was you who destroyed the lives of millions of Arabs and forced them to leave their homeland.

You are the cause of all of this. Still you go ahead and blame us for all these tragic incidents. I'm not easily triggered but shit like this makes me really mad.

because you and your allies betrayed us not once but twice. your allies let us get conquered by adolf in 39, because slavs are disposable and fighting for their independence as you promised you would. then after the war ended, you again disregarded the disposable poles and thrown us to the bear, which killed our country for 50 years.

i am happy the west now suffers a slow , suffocating death by a thousand cuts due to being demographically replaced.

>inb4 flag
im on holiday visiting family. yes yes wash my dishes, clean toilets pawel etc etc. too bad when i get home i get to experience a country which is ethnically and culturally united, and most of all peaceful.

Based Poland. Never change.

The west is responsible for muslamics bombing the west.. Hmmm

>It was you who built the oil wells on Muslim holy lands.

kek, we also made Mecca a Disney land for Muslims.

> and fighting for their independence as you promised you would in a treaty would waste superior anglo men *


Stop LARPing outside of weekends, fag.

You need to learn a bit more about what Saudi Arabia gets up to

>have huge unused swaths of land
>build MUH DIK tower instead


Blame it all on the West, nothing new here.
Let me give you a quick red pill : Islam is the problem, then the sand niggers.

The people and countries would be fine without the religion. At the very least they wouldn't be at constant war.

What a way to celebrate St. Elliot Roger's Day.

You expect the sandniggers to actually develop their shitty deserts?

You're right, it was us. I believe it is time to stop toying with you. We had our fun, and it was an interesting social experiment. Now it is time to put the subject down and end your misery. Now the REAL fun begins.

No regrets, no remorse, no mercy.


You could just expand the already developed areas at the edges for fractions of the price. A km tall tower is a retarded idea.

Manchester girl

I don't mind religions and faiths as long as they are peaceful. Islam is a conquering religion with an ultimate goal to make everyone muslim.

Much like Judaism that wants to make everyone their Goyim.

If anyone expects people to wake up or do something you're wrong. The West is doomed, get a piece of land in Japan or something.

Get em lad

Thats not the flag of Antarctica.

In all fairness, they are trying to make Desalination viable.


Meant "that religion". Agree with your post.

It's ironic how a deeply supremacist religion constantly cowers behind "racism".

Police OP against a possible suspect

Was just thinking about Eliot Rodgers.