You are only allowed to post in this thread if your country doesn't have a terrorist attack for the past 10 years AND...

You are only allowed to post in this thread if your country doesn't have a terrorist attack for the past 10 years AND has no major natural disaster.

Oh wait only Singaporeans can post. Rest of the world BTFO!

Other urls found in this thread: is a fucking shithole

ekhm hi

When you said "country" though it also implies that you must be a real country.


That's just your meme perception and not facts. Don't you have a bridge to jump?

we can post too, our terrorism is irrelevant and our natural 'disasters' are fun and harmless

>You are only allowed to post in this thread if your country doesn't have a terrorist attack for the past 10 years AND has no major natural disaster.

I guess it's just you and us lad!!

Singapore is literally just Dubai with no unique tourism appeal and with Chinks instead of Sandniggers. Your country is a meme.

>your country is a meme
>this coming from Worst Korea