Islam is not to blame for everything that happens in the West

The West itself is responsible for that.

There are two problems: mass immigration and terrorism.

There would be no Mass Immigration, if the West would stop encouraging it and destabilizing regions. No Muslim institution creates or supports it.

There would be no terrorism if the West would stop intervening in the Muslim areas.

Muslim filth (for it is indeed the worst people of their societies) on the European streets is merely the consequence. The cause is in Europe itself.

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Sharia Blue is that you?

Found the Chechen

Sweet let's just let them gas, murder, subjugate, oppress, and rape each other then fucko

I hope you get reborn as a sexual emergency boy in Afghanistan

>I hope you get reborn as a sexual emergency boy in Afghanistan

You do realize that Afganistan is occupied by American military for, like, 20 years now? Much good it did to everyone, right.

How about Iraq? American invasion surely showed then not to gas, murder, subjugate, oppress, and rape each other, didn't it?


Yeah i guess Afghanistan was a thriving center of liberal thought before that. Bad Americans!

Read a history book. These countries have been in a constant state of warring tribalism for centuries. Try blame that shit on America faggot

>Afghanistan 1970
Ausfags are truly the worst inbred retards in history of mankind

I'm not blaming anything on anyone.

I point out how to stop terrorism and refugee crisis, and without any harm to anything else.

>Yeah i guess Afghanistan was a thriving center of liberal thought before that. Bad Americans!

So, is it all worth it? 9/11, ISIS, trillion dollars military budget, losses... for all the benefits of intervention... What are those benefits, by the way? Who benefits in America or muslim world from it, save Military contractors and radicals?

>These countries have been in a constant state of warring tribalism for centuries.
which is exactly why america and west should stay out of them, instead of trying to play world policeman while exploiting their resources