Nothing will change. People will just put flag filters on their avatars and then wait for the next attack and repeat

>Nothing will change. People will just put flag filters on their avatars and then wait for the next attack and repeat.

Alright Sup Forums. What would one do if they actually wanted to change things? The leftists and the Jews control everything, so how can we even do anything?

It's not like we can just take up arms and start marching down the streets. I mean, we could, but what would that accomplish?

Are we supposed to write really angry letters to our senators? lol.

Other urls found in this thread:

Shut the fuck up you live in a country where you are have a right to wear a handgun and kill people with it.

it literally starts with killing the guilty. you march on your local court and publicly execute the judge if he has shown consideration towards enemies of the state. after that, you and a bigger crowd march on your states parliamentary HQ.

Assuming most states have done this, you march on washington.


we keep spreading the seth rich story.

I'm trying to help the bongs, ding dong. And I suppose the hypothetical future US, when we start being hit with terrorist attacks like this too.

first things first you keep them the fuck out.

Deal with your traitorous kike politicians

this is the ONLY way

>how can we even do anything?

you have to convince people of your position before anything happens.

Can we trick BLM into getting angry that people are talking about Manchester and not them?


I've always wanted an excuse to kill those who would incite mob rule.

Invest more into education/public schooling.

The smarter you are, the less likely you will grow up to be a religious nut/blow yourself up.

Ever heard
"old and bitter men send the young and dumb into war?"
we should operate on the same principle.

Our Memes and our Propaganda should explicitly target children and teenagers so we can secure a new generation for our own means.

We will win anyway in the end, either by police being full of subhumans and woman who can't solve actual crimes or police is full of redpilled people who don't have the drive to find out who cut off some muslim kids nose and ears in broad daylight.

Unfortunately it has been proven that the smarter you are, the more liberal you are. This is because jews have literally infiltrated the american education system and turned it into a political power tool. you can research this yourself.

enlist in the ffl and blow sandniggers

we don't need smart people, we need people who believe into our memes.

especially young people are easy to influence and some will resort to anti muslim crime if they believe hard enough into memes.

First thing is getting organized. 1 guy can't do shit, but 1000 can.

Thinking takes balls, most smart people don't have the necessary balls to admit uncomfortable truths, thus they become liberal.

The problem here is we no longer have the ability to do that. In areas where whites understand multi culturalism is a problem, whites are the minority. We can't march anywhere, we'd be shot by the police while simultaneously chanting blue lives matter

We're finished.

>google FFL
>physical requirements: you must be able to bite stronger than 40% of people

what the fuck is this shit?

>Alright Sup Forums. What would one do if they actually wanted to change things? The leftists and the Jews control everything, so how can we even do anything?

You can get rid of that shitty attitude for a start.

Why would I want to blow sandniggers?

U gay nigga?

If you're going to add a flag filter do it right , like Trump

Well am I wrong?

If only that was legal.
Someone is going to throw the hate speech card or whatever on the table and everyone gets jailed.

You know how they say that it is a virtue to be dangerous, to hold power, but not use it?
People don't have that anymore. People are passive, agreeable.
Those who aren't, should just give up on that virtue for the sake of everyone else. Be dangerous, make the politicians and such fear for their lives. Its the only way. Be more dangerous than any muslim could be, not to the people, but to the parasites that are in charge. They are not even human at this point.

There was a time when a king had to be careful of what they did so as to not anger his people. He would only get a knife between his ribs or an angry mob knocking down the doors of his castle.
Now the kings can sit all comfy, pockets full of money without a fear from the public. That is wrong. People making important decisions should feel like that they are on the edge of a cliff at all times. Otherwise they will never think right. To make such decisions is a burden, but its a burden that the person carries due to their willingness to do the greater good. There should be no pride, no joy, no honor and no money to be gained from such jobs.
The entire world is so assbackwards that its sickening.

im with u vella

Yes and no. Leftists do control all of the major institutions, but that doesn't mean victory is impossible, only difficult. History has proven that a small group of passionate and motivated individuals can change history, they do not require the majority of the population to be on their side, all they require is their own strength of conviction.

Look around you on this board, what is one of the most common illnesses that is beginning to manifest itself in the people here? Demoralisation, the "black" pill. This is intentional. Sup Forums may be filled with autists but they are PASSIONATE about their beliefs, and would fight tooth and nail for them given the chance. How then do you prevent these potentially politically dangerous individuals from doing anything? You make them think they have absolutely no chance to change anything, that the game is rigged, that they've already lost.

It's all bullshit. The war isn't over until it's over, because this isn't a war of nations or people, it's a war of ideas, and the only way to kill ideas is to stop people believing in them. Not until the last person stops believing in something does it ever truly die.

We must post up our memes at college campuses, it is a 20 year conflict we are going to have to win. We must influence college students with the names of terrorist attacks, people killed, we must have symbolism for the movement, we must have a message that resonates with the base instinct of anger/rage against the "other". Good old school propaganda will win over the platitudinous remarks made by liberals. We must call out the left for protecting Islam and crack down on any Saudi funded Mosque. This is what causes terrorism, also our leader is a massive cuck for bowing to them

In ancient Finnish legends we had rock formations where elderly people were supposedly dropped to their deaths when they were no more useful to society. Nowadays it's the young people who are robbed of their future by the elderly and their pension scams which involve mass-migration.

>make Islam unwelcome
>make fifth column leftists who want Shariah unwelcome

There are lots of ways you can make someone feel unwelcome without even breaking laws.

Find yourself some sweet boipucci before the return of the black sun

Something like

"It is time for men to rise up and protect their families, protect their nation, for their Senators are too weak to do so"

A picture of a Muslim bombing layered over little kids as the background image. We need this picture with the symbol of our movement, we need something that evokes an emotional response but not a Swastika since that isn't something the public likes. We must start normalizing the alt-right ideology and it starts with a cohesive, grassroots, effort. If people need funding, I'm more than happy to organize a fundraising campaign


>not a Swastika
Try a peace sign. Reclaim the word "peace" since it's been misappropriated by fucking Islam of all things.

You need to market yourself as what people already agree with. It confuses their worldview and reorients it.

Trust me, I'm homo and use concern-trolling all the time to get people to rethink Islam and Africans.

>use concern-trolling all the time to get people to rethink Islam and Africans.

I just mock it and liberal SWPL types laugh along. Just link anti-racism with anti-drug or something double plus ungood

change your own mindset, there is always a way to fix things but the change has to come from within first. the elite is telling you the lie that they are stronger than you and that you could not end their reign but that's all it is, it's a lie. you have free will and if enough people demand it, it can all change.

The first step comes from will and hope. From those comes action.