Hahahahahahahhahaha we actually had to talk about this. What is wrong with America's military
This is real and briefed by the military
Parker Garcia
Jeremiah Rodriguez
whats wrong is they let you in
Brayden Cruz
Fake news
Ian Reyes
How's it fake? We literally just got briefed
Mason Phillips
The whole blue whale thing is legit, but what in the fuck does it have to do with the US military lmao
Nicholas Moore
Cut your nails!
Isaac Cook
How's it legit? I've only ever seen copy pasta bullshit about it
Zachary Foster
Nah it's totally real mate, not joking. You can ask any other rus user about it, they'll confirm. What I don't get is why you guys would care.
James Scott
How is that legit? Are there really so many dumb/mentally unstable teens out there in Russia?
Jordan Garcia
>Wake me up 4.20 AM