Europe is fucked
Europe is fucked
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c'mon, sweeties. We need high energy mollycoodle
If you ask me they should respond by kicking out all the Muslims.
Did someone say more refugees??
Here, here.
Yeah, because if something like this happened in America the response would be """totally""" different. Just face it, people would do fucking nothing, nobody gives a fucking shit anymore, people will gladly take more of this shit.
Remember goy #notallmuslims
Also let them do what they want it's the only way to beat them
Execute final solution, our country is so fucking cucked that It won't make any difference!
We have a bunch of faggot celebrities playing their little violin, yet when it comes to doing anything they remain quiet and tolerantly weak.
The Independent is propaganda.
Liberals are more of a downfall to Europe than "immigrants".
They're the ones that are allowing everything to happen en masse... their whole "kill them with kindness" tactic is so fucking horribly wrong.
west , west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west, west.
It's like saying USA it's fucked because of Califonia is fucked.
its not that no one gives a shit, its that the loudest people also happen to be the ones controlling the media.
without control of the media there is nothing anyone can do about it
"Islam" literally means "Submission". It is working exactly as intended and the only way to stop it is to confront it head-on with no mercy
I agree since, after all, the economy needs people to go out and spend their money on nonsensical consumer shit and recreational sports and entertainment. That's why we're such pussies, our economy is fueled by shopaholic mother's.
>West Europe is fucked
FTFY, I'm enjoying my 0,1% muslim population
That would be like treating the symptoms instead of the disease.
>would happily put a fucking Jerry in charge if he did that.
viel gluch bruder
The west falls, so does the east.
Diversity is the most important aspect of life to western Europeans
They'd rather die than live in a country without Muslims.
>They'd rather die than live in a country without Muslims.
They are doing exactly that.
>without your tyrants who will tell you to get fucked in the ass?
>carry on as before!
>Tour cancelled
Really makes me ponder
The victims' families can't carry on exactly as before, that's just a self absorbed leftist hijack of the 'stiff upper lip' idea
This is like some fag using a giant dildo, prolapsing his anus and just tells himself to carry on
They need to start handing out white feathers
It's a banal platitude they say to pat themselves on the back for being tolerant.
I don't think many are, by their standards. But they need to block out the "prejudice" somehow. And this is the way.
"Insanity: doing the same thing over and over again and expecting different results."
- Albert Einstein
Well, turns out it was a bad idea to attack us in WW II I guess...
and more power to em
Because that is working so well...
Stop trying to "save them" & don't "save them". They are lost & are getting progressively more radical & insane. (Don't waste your time/energy/life on these people, they want you dead).
As there insanity increases, so does the likely hood of them turning on eachother.(Can be exploited)
Left groups/networks working with Islamic groups(Already happening) & even doing terrorism against The West(Will be happening soon) are going to be common going forward. Start researching/looking into all Left group Networks, you will find quite the connection webs.
The Left with PC Culture/Feminism, etc has taken over The West, making it crumble. Anyone against them & there ideology is the enemy. The Left has declared War on The West a long while ago, more people need to wake up about it.
There will be a "breaking point" involving The Left which would require them to be destroyed, and due to how The Left acted/acts, its very likely in the next 20-30 years we will see Leaders who will specifically go after them.
It's hard to fight a Foreign Force(ISIS/Islam) if you have a Traitor Force(The Left) inside your Tribe(The West) working with the Foreign Force to destroy your Tribe from the inside out.
And yet blacks are still worse. I'd rather have eighty million backwards Muslims than forty million low IQ monkeys anyday.
>finally completed my goal became totally self sufficient
>get to watch from the woods as this disgusting (((society))) rips itself apart
Have fun, Western Europe. This is the future you chose.
>when the little future hoes are violently snapped out of their kike trance as reality comes crashing in
That is just stupid to say, but If they kicked all the muslims with minor charges, like robbery, most of this terrorist would be gone long ago.
>something bad keeps happening
>lol just let it be, don't do anything about it
>bad things keep happening
it's ok tho. i just don't want to be called a racist.
Britbongs need to keep that stuff upper lip...
...firmly pressed against Ahmeds goat fucking cock.
You love that greasy brown dick, don't you britbongs? Yeah you do.
someone post the zionbook flag filter smuggie
HA! We lived trough COMUNISM, and the worse kind at that in my country. Starvation, mass propaganda, scary secret police .
We lived trough lots of russians soldiers having free pass to do anything to anyone .
We survived.
West never experienced that, they were protected from all of this and now they don't know what the fk to do.
So what the fuck do we do?
Get armed, get fit, get self sufficient.
No, that was Vaas that said that
Oh my..... what a fucking nice ass
Best part is.
We literally cannot win this war
It's over, like... absolutely over.
They will either out breed us or simply kill us either way we as white males are all fucked.
Bombing them makes no fucking difference as long as political powers stop being race traitors because for every terrorist you're going to bomb in Syria you gonna raise another 5 terrorists seeking revenge. Literally only solution would be nuking every 3rd world country out there while never again sending them any form of help.
But we know it's not going to happen, we are all fucking dead. This is even worse than Rome.
fuck off defeatist shill
Never give up, never surrender!
if thats true then you are next.
I don't know why you're riding this high horse of yours when all you do is bitching on a Taiwanese Child Porn forum while electing another Jewish puppet.
Well if we cant have it.
Vote Tory, end their welfare. Trust me, it goes a loooooooooong way to stop them from breeding like rats.
weak faggot you should be hanged for treason
I for one welcome our new muslim overlords.
>free rape
>loli waifus
>public stonings
Sounds like a good deal to me.
Nice projection.
Im a thousand levels above you, cuck. You cant even fucking see me from your vantage point, peasant. You dont even know what I have exists, let alone that I have it.
Most of the muzzies are living off the well being of Europeans though, if you cut off welfare most of them are unable to support themselves, it wont take many winters for majority of them die if it comes to that
Not to mention most of them are packed in couple cities and in centralized areas so them not having electricity while elsewhere you have is also very feasible
Those only apply for actual native Muslims. Not for white slave cucks.
No wonder they need refugee's to replace their population, they love getting murdered to much.
UK is out of EU now.
>hurhur whites r not allow
Stop being autistic.
>kicking instead of killing
You're going in the right direction, Hans, but you're not quite there.
Stop giving free stuff to them and they will leave.
No more FREE housing, medical, food, education
Immigrants are free to come and become citizens IF they do not live off of the state.
I thought that was sarcasm.
(((they))) want us(whites) genocide Muslims. They just can't come out and say it because they have to lie. All cloak and dagger.
You would love your daughter to get gangraped yes. your mother to be stoned. im sure you would have the time of your life.
Do you really think it's over? Your in a war for the ages and it won't end until you and others give up. Even if it takes thousand years victory can be won.
>fuck the dead and carry on like nothing happened
>Loli Waifu.
Child-Pedo marriage is encouraged by Islam. It's part of Sharia Law. Will EU legalize it?
Don't have a daughter and probably never will at this rate. My mom is already over 60, even if she wore hotpants the muslims wouldn't bother with her.
So yeah I'd have the time of my life actually.
Your ancestors fought a war with France for a thousand years
Have some balls for fuck sake.
>Murica isn't
This... actually might be true...
22 people dying in one foul swoop is bad, but in my city of 400k which is 45% black we had 200 something murders, most of them gang related but about 20 were blacks targeting whites to rob.
And this happens yearly
V3FhnrR3, Autistic isn't a verb, moron.
most muslims who try shit here get shot in the streets
It's a start but I would prefer putting them in our concentration camps that allegedly killed 11 gorillion subhumans.
Christ, how new?
bide your time, dont reveal your power level, do as the other user said and hit the gym, get more educated, have white children.
instant satisfaction is impossible with politics, you have to wait sometimes
the west lived through much more than communism tho, just not in recent decades
Actually that article is some random bullshit
Vlad understood
hello mr 56%
Typical americuck. muh Islam meanwhile you're getting fucked By Tyrone and Jamal and Paco while Goldstein watches.
>Be Jews
>surrounded by Muslims
>lobby the us to go to war and wreck their countries
>lobby europe to take millions and millions and millions of them and move away from you
>make anti Islam propaganda
normal Europeans snap and mass murder Muslims
>propagate against and attack Europeans for being racist murders
>claim they killed 1 million Jews as well during the murders
>Europeans have to apologize and bow down again
>Literally only solution would be nuking every 3rd world country out there.
WTF. Why you wanna nuke me senpai? South America isn't Muslim.
I understand that Argentina & UK have a dispute over Falklands Islands. But Brazil isn't involved.
There are Whites living there too. I have Italian & Portuguese ancestry by the way.
It's not all bad. Blacks are so terrible they forged America's white identity merely by their sheer repulsiveness. They are like our ugly anvil, always polarizing everyone around themselves into a united camp. That said they are far worse than any other race on the planet.
while Goldstein funds them*
Did you mean to say, "Hear, hear"?
>this kills the logic
People forget very easy.
>turk complaining about 200 million whites
While goldstein films them and sells it on for other amerigoys
As cool as that picture is, how he actually impelled his prisoners were though their rectum, their body weight slowly pushing it deeper in. Many took days to actually die. What a glorious sight, if only they were all muslims.