Drumpfkins will defend this.
#resist #notmypresident
Drumpfkins will defend this.
#resist #notmypresident
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Sup Forums BTFO
I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.
All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't
think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty
obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those codes
>Trump asked DNI, NSA to deny evidence of Russia collusion
Because there is no fucking evidence you retards.
There is literally nothing wrong with having Russia as an ally
Sorry faggot, terrorism is the subject now, not fake news.
yea remember a LONG (march) time ago...they were saying to trump asked them to come out and talk about the evidence and they didnt...
Archive.is or Wayback for media, hooktube.com for youtube.
Hope he gets impeached!
Hey look over there Brennan is testifying about this right now.
There is no evidence. The DNI and NSA shouldn't need to be told to say that in public. They should be shouting from the rooftops.
Not gonna lie, former Baskin-Robbins employee here. This is fucking hilarious watching Trump try to select from 31 flavors. But in all seriousness we can't let this guy get two scoops.
Rogers and Coats wouldn't tell false info to the American public so T R U M P F A G S are mad
oh no that sucks
You're right, fund terrorism some more.
>I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him.
Try listening to right wing radio when Obama was in office
they lost their shit every day, over nothing
I remember when they lost their shit because Michelle said school children should eat healthier
Oh wow I wonder whom the source is
>The White House does not confirm or deny unsubstantiated claims based on illegal leaks from anonymous individuals
Okay so more of the same. Call me when someone is willing to put their name next to some of these leaks. Because from what I've seen even when pressed on the issue people like Feinstein and Clapper will say under oath that they haven't seen anything.
>you keep telling me there's no evidence so can you tell the media that publicly so we can all move on?
>he wore a tan suit, impeach!
>Muh Hannity, Beck and Savage nation broadcasts are the same as having EVERY MAJOR NEWS NETWORK AND NEWSPAPER AGAINST YOU
Neck yourself, please, for the betterment of humanity
I mean guys what's the big deal, he just fired the director of the FBI for looking into his Russian collusion during the campaign
i mean that's not even news why talk about it, stupid liberal media
>deny evidence
what evidence
Fox was against Obama
Beck and Hannity and Obrian were on fox for hours every day
Fox news is by far the biggest news network in the USA, by far
>hashtags on Sup Forums
>replying to your own post
Is this your first day working for ShareBlue? Saged.
At least obongo was doing illegal shit like bombing US citizens without due process and selling guns to cartels
Birth Certificate was pushed by Hillary's campaign in 2008. Also majority of Birthers were laughed off most talk radio shows.
And that's just entertainment radio, not full fledge, 100% round the clock assaults.
Look, I know Lil Nig Prez got shit thrown at him when he rightly deserved it, but it's no where near the level of Trump, in the mainstream world.
(checks flag)
No poprocks and redbull for you today....
>No evidence of collusion
>Official reports all have no evidence
>People attacking Trump, when pressed, all admit there is no evidence. Feinstein for instance
Oh no asking people to confirm what is true is treasonous! Let's continue is media circus for years and get nothing done goy! My lawyers will make all the shekels!
I really don't give a shit.
You have a brain.... you should probably get off of Sup Forums
>Things said about Obama were real and verfied
>Michael Obama's school lunch program was a disaster
>Things said about Trump are anonymous source fake
>I won't release my birth certificate for years even though we could put the issue to rest immediately, and when I did it had digital fingerprints of forgery
Not sure what kind of false equivalence bullshit youre trying to get at, kiddo
It's okay when it isn't blasted on the fucking major news networks all the time, drowning out actual news with lies and propaganda, you stupid fucking false equivalency piece of cock sucking shit faggot.
>current and former US officials confirmed
No names. No sources. Every time.
>Also majority of Birthers were laughed off most talk radio shows.
Archive.is or Wayback for media, hooktube.com for youtube.
They are children , and only the fires of the crucible can turn them into men....
Just a matter of time.
Lock and load World.... Patriots are coming
>Look, I know Lil Nig Prez got shit thrown at him when he rightly deserved it, but it's no where near the level of Trump, in the mainstream world.
Yeah I remember when Obama was talking about grabbing girls by the pussy and firing anyone who looked into his Russian ties.....
>B-but muh Russia!!!!!
No evidence of this "Russian collusion" conspiracy theory will ever be found lmao, you shills are retards
>>Michael Obama's school lunch program was a disaster
lol no it wasn't why would you even say that
need our kids to have more fries and soda with lunch? fat little fucks
>It's okay when it isn't blasted on the fucking major news networks all the time
Fox news is by far the biggest news network in the USA
>Posting Snopes as a credible source
>Posting CNN as a credible source
And just like that all remaining credibility you have vanished like a fart in the wind
Fox has a plurality of news viewers, not a majority. And it's still one channel, not comparable to the open bias and anti Trump collusion present in nearly every news organization in America
Kek cnn btfo
I dont doubt trump said "listen you faggots know theres no evidence, will none of you back me? You shitheads"
John F. Kennedy literally grabbed Marylin Monroe by the pussy in the oval office. Where's your outrage? You're a true cuck or a friendless loser if you think it is "wrong" to speak like that
Keep telling yourself that, turbofaggot
That motherfucker is a Saudi spy and is as guilty as any of the Onigger criminals.
>And just like that all remaining credibility you have vanished like a fart in the wind
>CNN has a video of trump spouting birther shit and documented quotes
must have never happened!
>muh unhealthy school lunches
Moochelle's lunch program was the epitome of a solution looking for a problem.
Yeah and Alexander Hamilton shot a guy
what's your fucking point
Yeah there are no issues with obesity and unhealthy eating in the USA
that dumb ape nigger first lady made it up!
All write it again. If it was legit, why not release it for years?
You....I like
Sorry, I didn't realize you were completely illiterate. Carry on, you inbred cretin.
All write it again, he was not legally bound to, why won't Trump release his taxes?
holy shit it's illegal to ask to deny something that isnt true
also it's probably fake news anyway
I'm sure this is just as true as all the other news stories CNN has published accusing Trump of various things that ended up being nothing.
>hash tags
Listen your worthless faggot I'll give you advice. No one says drumpf, no one. Spelling his name wrong is retarded, it doesn't upset a single person but it DOES give away that you're a shill. And no one here uses hashtags. Fucking kys.
There is no evidence of russian collusion though
nobody cares you autist, I'm more mad at Trump for sucking saudi dick than at you retarded russian fanfictions
>says sources with ties to the psychic that has deep understanding of the facts involved in the thinking of a person with knowledge of the case
Weird how one of the only qualifying criteria for being president is being a naturally born citizen of the United States, and asking for proof of that is considered a conspiracy theory.
But you're right, asking for proof of being a natural born citizen is completely on par with anonymous source fake news, right?
If that's all you have then I'm afraid I have better things to do.
The DNC murdered Seth Rich. Dems endorse pedophilia and Islamic terror.
>Linking CNN as source
>I am a massive faggot
Thats enough for a normal kid. Its not the state's responsibility if you have a fat ass kid.
Archive.is or Wayback for media, hooktube.com for youtube.
Yeah but the number of people watching fox isnt larger than all the other liberal networks combined, plus all the newspaper publications and YouTube channels against him as well.
Yeah its fine but with Michelle was trying to accomplish its a complete abismal failure.
lmaoing at your life for believing this.
This.I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.
All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't
think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty
obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those co&8;**des
but muh 2 scooooops
I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.
All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't
think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty
obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those codes
Line breaks make it too obvious. Pls fix
>its a shills ignore the link that btfo's their trash episode
>sources cited in article
>>Anonymous sources with deep knowledge of the OP says OP is a fag.
Welp, must be true.
People are retards.
I may have said this in another thread before,but I'll be honest, I was on board the Impeach Trump train with getting Trump impeached, but yesterday I changed my mind.
All these media pieces they're running on him just feel more vicious than genuine. I'm still skeptical of him, but I don't
think he deserves to be impeached anymore. I've never seen someone so viciously attacked like him. It's pretty
obvious elites don't want him. I'm still a dem at heart but, I fully support Trump now. We can't let the deep state get
their hands on those codes
don't you have something better to do than post on here, Jared?
I don't even understand what they want anymore. Let's say Trump does get impeached and embarrassed nationally. Then what? Pence takes over and I'm willing to bet he's going to hold a grudge over this petty bullshit. So what's next? Impeach Pence too? Then impeach the next guy in line, then the next? Or do they really think that if this Russia shit is true (it isn't) that Hillary will become president somehow?
What do they want out of this? Or do they just want to sit around and bitch?
>that flag
Your fucking Ukrainian, of course he isn't your president. Your president is Vladimir Putin.
Yeah being attacked by alt-news is the same thing as being attacked by the MSM
Just use archive.is user
Better than having Russia up your rear, true.
There's nothing wrong about asking them to tell the public there's no evidence when there is no evidence. It baffles me that CNN is making such a big deal out of this. I was watching for 15 minutes trying to figure out what the hell they were talking about or what that headline meant. It's literally nothing.
>what the hell they were talking about or what that headline meant
2 scoops
Are you aware of any evidence?
>plebbit spacing
I-is this a troll? I don't even know if I can tell apart shills, trolls, or shitposters anymore. Are we at the event horizon of our demise guys?
What did he place his hand on when he was being sworn in? Protip: it wasn't a bible.
>sources with knowledge of the situation told CNN.
what did you expect them to do to an orange clown that has videos of him doing things like bragging about grabbing married women by the pussy?
literally no one respects this fool. he is a bad comedy act and i'm loving watching him fumble through this presidency
like this one
b bu muh narrative youtu.be