I literally can't even you guys


Other urls found in this thread:


and to think he used to be such a cunt


Listen up, and listen well.

Europe is a lost cause. It is time to give up on them. They obviously have a death wish and want to take in Islamic aggression. They will fall eventually. SO it is time to focus on America, the last bastion of freedom. We cannot and will not allow the U.S. to become Europe 2.0.

Europe is over. Islam has won there. The U.S. must focus on efforts domestically to defend against the caliphate.

>has science gone too far?


Thank god, i'll have to move abroad soon

You are weak or a shill. European blood is still flowing in the veins of our brothers, ain't a DAMN THING CHANGED

yeah, Piers is the one who made a disgusting comment.

Without even opening the article I guarantee you they're using twitter comments as a basis for the "slammed" comment.

You are either a moron or in denial. Europe is most definitely lost.

>Piers starts speaking against terrorism
>women immediately shut it down


'I don't think anger is the right emotion'

Bloody women. It's certainly the right fucking emotion.

are you a dwarf?

Don't make me read that, what did he say?



He said we have to fight Islam and muslims, and people are saying he is being racist.

Thanks for your shitty input

>that nose

oy vey

He asked Should Muslims do more to combat terrorism.

She goes on to say it was just a lone wolf nothing to do with Islam.

When you die to a Muslim I will have no sympathy.

as opposed to usa?


Europe must be saved. Maybe not the people, but most of the architecture. I support gassing London, Berlin, and Paris, and many other cities, and then death squads to clean up

Literally the most spineless worm I've ever seen in any form of media is speaking out
fuck i hate this timeline


But his is right.

He's wrong as fuck, they're losers like Trump said and Islam shouldn't be blamed for what a few retards do. Fuck Piers Morgan.

Isn't Grande insane and had demon tapes or something?


I have been agreeing with a lot of what he has been saying lately.
Can't stand that gormless cunt Susanna though.


So just another liberal?


>56% white
>interracial breeding ground and ground zero for all sorts of modern leftist shit
>huur we iz great n sheeeit
God, 90% of American posters have the IQ of a peanut

Yeah, that's your prophet, shitskin.

50% of americans think the president should always be a black homosexual and the other half think Jesus was an American

>kike puppet-state responsible for everything wrong with the west today
>bastion of freedom with world's highest prison population
Are you burgers just shitposting a lot today or are you all really this stupid? Holy shit.

I've never liked that cunt, but he does not waiver on his Hardline and I respect a man with conviction
Also all Chelsea fans should hang

Filthy dumb yank scum.

Americans on Sup Forums are celebrating today like this puts the twin towers back upright. most of them are losers, shown by their apathy to evil.

I'm not a muslim but I don't need to be an edgy 12 year old to feel good about myself. There are a billion muslims if they were bad you'd be dead. Blaming an entire religion over what a few losers did is immature.


i'd like to agree with you, but when you consider that guns are extremely regulated in most Euro countries and that most of the metrosexual cuck trends started there I lose sympathy. you eurocucks are always putting us down and speaking of your superiority but now that you've voted away all of your guns and feminized all of your little boys with man-purses and skinny, frail bodies you don't have any real arguments, do you?

LOL well played, I was ready to be mad at him like I was about his reaction to sandy hook, but turns out this time he is /ourguy/!

0.02 shekels

when 50 million are in europe we all will be dead.

Europe isn't a lost cause, they have just always been slow to recognize aggression or war.
just look at the beginnings of WW1 and WW2 and how surprised they were.

when the signs were clear as day.

they will fight back eventually but it will be too late and Russia and the USA will have to swoop in and save their DUMBASSES A THIRD FUCKING TIME. GOD DAMMIT EUROPE QUIT BEING RETARDED.

England entered WWII years before the US

You should do the world a favor and just cede your Mud States to Mexico, at least they're Catholics, and leave Russia and China to clean up your mess.

>guys we need to stop turning 8 year olds into mush for absolutely no reason

>JESUS fuck CHRIST on a FUCKING STICK are you SERIOUSLLKLLLLLKY saying that right now? i literally can even fucking believe you jsut implied kids shouldnt be dead right now. I mean didn't you see all those people helping each other in the rubble? Love has prevailed, not hate. Bombs are fucking great and if you say anything otherwise you're being a fucking racist piece of shit cunt

somebody should murder/rape the children of one of these women, present her with the corpse and be like "don't be mad. don't do anything about it. you cant let this stop you. dont be a fucking racist, just forget about it and move on"

>Jesus was an American

No, all the people named Jesus are Mexicans

>sending your diverse army to remove diversity

lmao you're just as terribad yankman.

t. (((Cultural Marxist)))/Redditor

Include his alleged comments in OP if you want people to discuss them and archive those fucking links.

terrorism is just a chance for right wing windbags to virtue signal how much they hate anything that seems different or foreign.

You are earning too many shekels

>if they were bad you'd be dead

t. shariacuck

>be a complete cunt
>goes to america
>gets redpilled
>comes back and drops thruthbombs

cheers burgers


>Muh Moderate Muslims

Fuck off.

Sure is funny how all of these attacks are carried out by Muslims, yet have nothing to do with Islam.

He realized there was more money in having conservative viewpoints. Leftist media is completely saturated. Supply and demand nigga.

The US is a big place. Step outside the leftist hellhole containment zones.

Not actively in Europe's main land tho. They mostly focused on defending its shores and air space.

Oh yes, and its colonies in Africa...

>the first time Sup Forums makes sense.

""I woke up this morning and couldn't believe it. But we have to think of all the wonderful things people did last night. The way that people were coming out to help one another was amazing. Love has to come through, not hate. We have to remember all the good things people are doing and not concentrate on the hate."

Like mopping up the blood of children

Yea gotta love that, fucking amazing.

>i don't think anger is the right emotion
says it all doesn't it. they shouldn't be in positions of power.

Do me a favor and do a little digging into what a vast majority of those billion would be ok with happening.

>le ebin 52% meme xDD
Fuck off, faggot... At least we're attempting to do something about all of this bullshit, while you faggots just take it up the ass without question. Enjoy your submission to Allah, you shitmouthed anglo traitor

lad has really taken a 180
i think seeing how quickly the left will devour any of its own who display even just one dissenting opinion made him re-evaluate his political stance

This. It's worthless for us to waste anymore energy on trying to redpill Europe. We lost that front of the meme war with the French election. Our only hope is the US. This is where we must focus all our efforts.

America was doomed from the start
le nation of immigrants XD

>le 56% face

tick tock, tick tock, usa. whites will be a minority there way before the eu.

No countries in Europe have the democratic power to fight cultural Marxism, which is responsible for the rapefugee crisis. America however can.

haha, that you think this graph represents the strength of america's non balkanized future is telling.

>You'll have to excuse me ladies
>I couldn't quite hear you over the percussive boom on the tape just then

>le trump XDDD trolled lol based blacks based legal migrans

European whites are far weaker than American whites.


Thanks for ruining your homeland






he mad desu senpai

Morgan's "awakening" (deprogramming) is painfully slow to watch. Yet it's better than nothing.

what is america doing about its immigration problem?

>political stance
lol, the weasel has zero moral compass. is far more likely.

just to prove the most right wing person in uk would be a soft leftist in the us

If you have a non-obvious point, try making it.

>had demon tapes

how dare he incite hate. inciting hate is much worse than bombing people.

>comments are disabled

they think their man-purses and man-capris make up for their lack of ability to own guns or speak freely.

>yurop is lost
>le 52%
JIDF divide and conquer shills please go.

the hypocrisy is what really gets me because if it directly effected them in any way negative, temper tantrums would be the one and only single thing on their minds whereas for piers morgan anger is only one of many emotions he's utilizing to appropriately respond to injustice

women don't understand what a position of power even is

Come to Polk County, FL. They have one of the most based sheriffs in the country. And he doesn't take shit from SJW's or illegal immigrants.

Wasn't that Brittany Murphy?