Can you idiots make up your minds?

What is happening to this community?
>first you hate Jews
>now you love Jews
>but still hate them too?
Makes no fucking sense you guys are retarded. Trump is just another fucking shill for Israel he even has most of Sup Forums drinking this kosher koolaid. If you wanted a Jew to be president so bad you might as well have voted Bernie Sanders.

Other urls found in this thread:

>da joos
You're a nazi larper shill trying to break up support for Trump on Sup Forums. It'll never work though, our unity behind Trump cannot be broken.


>thinks trump was ever not the jews side

It's only the redditors who changed. The previous status quote remains the same.

Don't forget to call out the obvious r/t_d cucks like

The jews are just way too smart for these retards.

Whatever happened to throwing Hillary in jail? What happened to repealing Obamacare? Nothing has changed your Jew loving president is a fucking liar and you just don't want to admit you fucked up by voting for this idiot

Don't worry I wont forget to call out the obvious shills like you everytime I see you.

there are a lot more important things than hillary, he already repealed obamacare retard

no he didn't he just renamed it and gave us a diet version

It's a psyop. It works better when you play both sides

Americans are slaves to the jews. Every american boy has the mark of the jew in his penis since he was an infant.

Just take pic related as example. If any other countries did this to us, we would go apeshit.
But since it's the jews, it's okay.

>falling for the anti-semitism meme
>believing that we unironically hate the jews
>not realizing that Sup Forums is satire
Well hello there, newfag.


Shut up nigger I hate the Jews Unironically

noone here ever liked the jews, the second thing you said is false.

Yup, well known strategy to use edgy children hating our allies to divide and conquer against Trump. Literally nothing wrong with the Saudis as they are defending our interests.


>doesn't know how to spell
Typical Spick

>obvious shills
Get back in the oven, redditor

Ethnic nationalism is good and every ethnicity except mine are faggots. Welcome to Sup Forums

>there is no difference between the globalist jew (which Sup Forums hates) and the zionist jew.

You must be new.

>everyone who disagrees with me is a shill
You're retarded, delusional and a redditor.

Maybe you could actually argue against the point the image makes. Regardless, I don't give two shits where it originated. This is an imageboard, deal with it r/the_cuckold babby.

>thinks Sup Forums is some kind of community
go back >>>/reddit/

No, you must be new. If you think Sup Forums has been anything but indescriminately anti-semetic for the last 5 years at least, you're either new or retarded.

>Sup Forums is one person


You're even using shareblue images. Fuck off back to leftypol or /sg/ or wherever you came from.

The ones okay with Jews now are Lolbertarianian-leaning Trump apologists who don't want to admit he's a Jewish shill.

My fucking god

>muh Shareblue images
Nobody buys that autistic screeching m8. Maybe people would listen to you if you didn't spam it at everyone who disagrees with your thoroughly cucked president.

>>first you hate Jews

Those are just stormfags. I've been here since 2015 and the vast majority of Sup Forums has always supported Based Israel.

the real Sup Forumslacks have been calling Trump a kike-puppet for quiet some time now. you must realize that the GOP's lobby groups invested HUGE in Sup Forums and redit this election cycle and part of their strategy is to frame everything as "CTR is everywhere all at once, with eyes in the back of their head" type bullshit. threads calling out Cuckold Dump get slid with "da joos" and "Sharia Blue" garbage created by paid right-wing lobby groups.

> I've been here since 2015 and the vast majority of Sup Forums has always supported Based Israel.

its a love hare relationship




>da joos
Fuck off nazi larper shill, seriously go to a different site if you don't like Trump supporters.

I only voted for Trump because I hate liberals and it's illegal to kill them. I have no emotional investment in him or his kike house.

I stand with Israel.
Donald Trump stands with Israel.
The alt-right stands with Israel.
Sup Forums stands with Israel.

Anti semites are not welcome here.

>This faggot didn't read The Art of War
New Testament is pic related

I still hate jews. I am dissapointed in trump. We will see what he does though. I still reserve my judgement.

Jews are the final boss of the deepstate he still has to fight the deepstate.

you're the newfag, you fucking retard.

So Hasbara is back to posting here?

You kikes need to get gassed.

Yeah I would expect that from a cucked country like yours how was the ariana concert?


everyone here needs to study the art of the deal or leave Sup Forums trump is literally the best thing thats happened to the world and you faggots toss him aside because of your irrational hatred of the jews

Fucking newfags. Take his advice. You're just as bad as the leftists

>Nazi larper
Where do you think you are?


Trump is good for Israel. A strong Israel will make the west stronger.

edgy 14 year olds hate our allies and love hating on jews, most of Sup Forums realize that trump is playing the long game and has everything figured out

in short: TRUST TRUMP!!!!

>Sup Forums is one person with one ideology

Trump betrayed the people the day he won the nomination and everyday since then he has gotten a little worse.

You need to stop your delusional defense of the kike sympathizer and chronic liar.

I bet you don't even know how many people he hired from the CFR to his staff.

so do the Koch bros. pay better than CTR? how many shekels do you get for garbage posts like these?

>A strong Israel will make the west stronger.
We've reached autism levels that shouldn't even be possible. I'm almost done with Sup Forums Sup Forums. It's been infested with r/the_donald

>A strong Israel will make the west stronger

Lol you retards actually believe this shit

No wonder most of you don't care about the USS liberty and how those on board refuse that it was unintentional

>Trump betrayed
yeah okay shill, still bitter over hillary losing?

If you are a white nationalist then you hate the jews and all their actions to subvert and cripple our race.

If you are a nigger, a jew, /leftypol/, shareblue, from the_donald. Then you love the jews and believe in civic nationalism.

The former are the real board members, whos opinions will not change on this goal. The ladder are new members who think they can change anyone, how wrong they are.

YES, dumb GOY! You must always trust TRUMP.

Are you going to address the criticisms people have of Trump or not? People here aren't retarded, shitposting about shills in response to everything is not going to get you far.

>He thinks the president makes policy
>He doesnt even bother looking at who Trump hires and from what organizations they hail from
People like you are the reason Sup Forums is shit, blindly following without an iota of thought.

Can you name the four CFR hires he made within three hours of getting the nomination?

Can you name the 76% of his total staff hires to open positions in the DoD, State dept and White house staff?

If you cannot you are a failure who cannot think for himself.

>The president makes policy

>Are you going to address the criticisms people have of Trump or not?
they never do. see how they ignored this

I have yet to see any valid criticisms
>muh CFR
fuck off

>nazi larper shill
I hate nazis, socialism is for faggots, Sir Hitler was a terrible military leader but he was 100% correct about the jewish subversion of his nation, no shill breh.

They're our only ally in the middle East you dumbass

Have you ever thought, for maybe a second. That the people who voted for Trump are legitimate Capitalist who don't mind hiring from organizations?

I swear your leftist retards think making money is a god damn sin.

You don't wake-up as president and control the global order, you have to play the game like everyone else.

No white nationalist believes trump is going to stand-up for the white race, however he was stepping stone to making our message more palpable and as white males voted overwhelmingly for Trump. You'll see us making quite the advances in the future.

How about him failing to fulfill most of the promises he made in the 100-Day pledge?

How about him selling weapons to the number one terrorist sponsor state?

How about him doing a complete flip flop on Islam?

How about him not being able to find the leakers for months now?

That's not everything. Not even remotely.

How a

He was talking about intelligent people. Of course low IQ stormfront retards like you hate the Jews.


>The CFR and Trilateral Commission are your friends goyim
Ignorance is bliss.
>I do not even have the slightest inkling what the CFR is nor what their stated goals are in regards to shifting US public opinion to be more in favor of globalism

If you retards can read I highly suggest "The Shadows of Power: The Council on Foreign Relations and the American Decline"

>Using Shareblue macros
>totally not a shill

Fuck off faggot

>Of course low IQ stormfront retards like you hate the Jews.

>How about him failing to fulfill most of the promises he made in the 100-Day pledge?
He fulfilled all of his 100 day promises
>How about him selling weapons to the number one terrorist sponsor state?
That was Obama selling to Iran, not Trump dipshit.
>How about him doing a complete flip flop on Islam?
He never did a flipflop on Islam.
>How about him not being able to find the leakers for months now?
How is this his fault?

Sup Forums says Trump is an Israeli shill. Liberals and the msm say he's Hitler. Which one is it?

It's almost like the truth is nuanced and not as black-and-white as we make it.

>being a paid right-wing shill
>fighting the strawman left-wing shills
how you like that Koch bros dick in your boipucci faggot

> t. The_Donald superuser.
He's obviously a Zionist shill at this point.

Retards here cant fathom that there are good jews and bad jews. Israel are our allies and good jews, sure there are some bad jews like Soros but Trump is fulfilling his promises and its beautiful to watch. I'm SO proud of my country right now.

Does anyone know how to blanket-filter anyone using IMG_XXXX filenames? I feel like I'll never need to take phoneposter's opinions on anything ever again at this point and would rather never hear from them.

Also fuck OP you purposeful shitposter.

>Trump is just another fucking shill for Israel
Yes. And unfortunately Hillary would have been even worse. Our choices were bad and worse, we chose bad, now we have to keep working.

The reason the Zionists can control the world as easily as they do is *we keep not fighting back*. We foolishly believe we can elect the right person to save us. There is no person who can save us from *what needs to change in ourselves*.

We're like a morbidly obese person who's just been told to lose weight or die, and we're out looking to hire a person to go to the gym in our place. The only person who can do the work is *us*. The only people who can run our society are *us*.

While the MSM do their "bad cop good cop" routine with Trump and Kushner in preparation for making Kushner the first Israeli President, we need to speak to other human beings and expose the Zionists' plan. That way as the plan unfolds (legendary "Jared Kushner" being fluffed by the MSM in order to make him President in 2024 or earlier) the public instead of seeing Kushner as a messiah will see Kushner as the undeniable proof of Zionist control of US and global government.

There are some decent phoneposters though, like portubro in /ptg/, I'd never want to miss out on his posts.

>Israel are our allies and good jews
I didnt know you Hasbara shills still posted here.

Isnt there an oven you can get lost in?

paid shill


Honestly nigger, which do you think is more likely:

A) Sup Forums has a single collective opinion which is self-contradictory and insane because it holds all points of view simultaneously


B) you are reading posts made by different people with different opinions and pretending that they are all the same person

>There are people in the world that when forced into a choice between two bad choices justify it to themselves by saying "well it isnt as bad as x"
In what reality do you say "the lesser of two evils choice will get me to a better end point than the initial starting point."

How fucking retarded are you?

I'm just so tired of it all, it's not even that they're subversive it's just that they're everywhere constantly shitting up the place and evading the hammer. I just want them all to leave, even if there are some good ones. I've phoneposted before, but am I wrong when I say just about anytime you see someone posting a IMG_xxx file, it's a shitpost? I'm sure portubro is a good m8, I'm just at the final-solution point since the board is covered in wall-to-wall shitposts.

Cry "shill" some more redditor scum

I'm sure people will start taking you seriously if you spam it enough

Strange way to spell "parasitic leech"

>Obamacare repeal
>China labeled currency manipulator
>NATO fair share
>Sanctuary Cities
>Term limit amendment
>Federal employment freeze
>NAFTA withdrawal

Etc etc
>Obama [...] Iran
I see. Makes Trump selling to SA all okay then.

>no flipflop
False. Compare pre-election speeches to one in SA

>not his fault
Maybe. Doesn't make him suck less though.

>using a proxy
>being this invested in a foreign presidency
no matter which you pick you're still an embarrassment.

>selling to SA all okay then
Yes, they're our ally.

You need to read the art of the deal if you want to understand the strategy. He's done everything he promised and more. Trump voters are so happy with our president and we're getting exactly what we wanted.

dont forget about how he left Saudi Arabia off of the travel-ban and is currently negotiating a deal to sell them even more US-made firearms. how is Trump a nationalist again? i fail to see it. all i see is more of the same bullshit we've always had.

>Israel are our allies and good jews
The Zionists care no more for you or for us than the chicken or cow that went into the last sandwich you ate.

>Sup Forums is one person


>shareblue made those images even though i can't prove it wahhh

>Yes, they're our ally.
>worlds number one exporter of Whabbism, the strange religion of choice of terrorists
You kike shills need to wander into a gas chamber post haste.

hey you forgot to add, but the emails to your answer to everything.

>Classic shareblue strategy is to call trump supporters shills
fuck off

your posts are so obviously shill posts its not even funny. what a pencil-dicked little faggot you must be to sit around posting on a mongolian drawing chatroom for literal pennies. you Koch bros. funded faggots should take lessons from McDonalds on how to shill Sup Forums with subtlety because you are as amateur as it gets.

ok fuck off im done with trying to talk sense into you faggots, when you're ready to get red pilled come on over to /ptg/


>when you're ready to get red pilled come on over to /ptg/

Address the points.


What the fuck is /ptg/