Due to the recent events in Manchester, and the hateful backlash that Muslim communities all across the world will experience, I would like to remind you that not all Muslims are radicalized.
Islam is a religion of peace, love, and tolerance. There are dissidents just like in any other group of people. The actions of these few trouble makers must not define the group in its entirety. Anyone who kills is not a real Muslim. Here is some verses from our holy book to prove that.
Quran (5:32): if anyone killed a person not in retaliation of murder, or to spread mischief in the land - it would be as if he killed all mankind...
Jami at-Tirmidhi 2510: "...You will not enter Paradise until you believe, and you will not believe until you love each other... spread the peace among each other"
Jami at-Tirmidhi 1854: "O Mankind, spread peace and feed people..."
Isis members and other radicalized muslims are not real followers of Islam, they do not represent us. They are simply hateful people who do not know how to act properly. Do not be mad at Muslims, be mad at the people who committed this heinous act.
They can go be non-radical muslims back in the middle east.
Gabriel Baker
You should stop posting and go kill yourself
Luis Phillips
Josiah Gonzalez
yeah... its not like 33% of Muslims approve of this, and celebrate when it happens.
go be savages back in whatever country they came from.
Asher Wright
Nobody cares.
We don't want a religious minority that gradually presses for us to adopt their entire life system on us. That is THE BIG problem with Islam.
They preach, the bomb, they cut off heads, then they cry about racism or whatever.
Still, their numbers increase and increase until they are forcing Islam on everyone.
I don't want to live as a Muslim. I don't want my culture to be Islamic.
"Kill the unbelievers where you find them. Lie in ambush for them. Yeah, even chop off the tips of their fingers." - Koran.
Yeah, peaceful religion my butthole.
Kevin Lee
"The Verses of abrogation" negate these earlier attempts at bible fan-fiction - they are usually abrogated to verses from "Book 9, Book of the Sword" which IS violent. Perhaps you should should study the difference between pre-Medinan islam, and post-Medinan islam (Medina is the town that gave Mo shelter when he weas a refugee - he repaid thewm by returning team-handed, taking all their women & kids into slavery, and beheading every man except for one). You might sound like less of a faggot cocksucker then.
Brayden Perez
>Not all Pitbulls kill people >We need to adopt thousands of Pitbulls, especially putting them around our chidlren
Jack Wood
>We don't want a minority that gradually presses for us to adopt their entire life system on us.
This is exactly what we did to the natives in Canada, and what you did to the natives in America. How can you be opposed to the islamization of the west, when the west did the exact same thing to the natives 300 years ago?