Realtalk, no trolling. Let's look at Muslim traits:
>women behave properly
>zero tolerance for faggots and degeneracy
>openly hates jews
>literal monarchies
>violent revolutionaries
Does this sound like any Sup Forumsacks you know?
Realtalk, no trolling. Let's look at Muslim traits:
>women behave properly
>zero tolerance for faggots and degeneracy
>openly hates jews
>literal monarchies
>violent revolutionaries
Does this sound like any Sup Forumsacks you know?
Other urls found in this thread:
It's not my culture. That's the main reason why.
>zero tolerance for faggots and degeneracy
They hate the west and their freedoms, fucking retard.
>Eat bacon
>Get stoned
They want to dominate our culture and replace it with theirs, your idiot. They do not tolerate our way of doing things, nor do they want us to have our own way. They want to take everything from us, you're a total cuck for even suggesting this.
Ask yourself if you think this is a good idea when all muslim countries are terrible shitholes.
That is merely because they aren't white. Imagine what white nationalists could do with a doctrine like Islam.
Islam is opposed to free market capitalism and personal liberty.
classic Texas