Am I out of touch Sup Forums?

Am I out of touch Sup Forums?

I've been reading plebbit lately (probably a mistake, I know, but hear me out) and it seems like everyone there is living in a completely different world than me, even though they are in my age group

To the average redditor
>almost everyone has a tattoo, multiple facial piercings, attention whoring hairstyles, etc
>most 20-somethings still live with their parents and are deep in debt
>almost no one works in a job related to their degree (if they have one)
>almost everyone is extremely liberal
>there is heroin epidemic sweeping the nation and everyone has lost friends or loved ones to it

Now I may be slightly older than most of them (I'm 30) but I'm sure as hell not rich or anything. I look at me and my friends, all of whom grew up as middle class kids in a small town, went to public school, etc. and we are living a completely different life, most of them I've known since elementary school, but among us:

>most have 0 tattoos, a couple people have 1 or 2 small ones that are easily covered up by clothing, dress and hairstyles look like responsible adults
>I know ONE person who lived with their parents past 21, about half of us are still living in our own apartments, while the other half own homes, some people have debt but are responsible about paying it off (probably helps that we don't look like freaks when we apply for jobs)
>everyone is working a job related to their degree (probably helps that we majored in business/accounting/compsci/etc and not women's studies)
>most people try to ignore politics for the most part, and just live their lives
>I don't know anyone who has even tried heroin

Am I living in a bubble of magically successful people, or does reddit just attract a bunch of degenerate fuckups who think they are normal?

Other urls found in this thread:

I used to be a plebbit up until three days ago.. now this is my new home. the place is full of shills and bots. most the stuff there is fake as fuck. and you get blocked or removed for saying anything. so fuck the place

Oh, almost forgot to add. All of my friends are either single or in a heterosexual monogamous relationship. My readings on reddit would lead me to believe that about half of people are in open relationships, and the other half are gay/trannies/etc

Basically the younger generation grew up being infused with internet dopamine while didn't really have the dopamine rush.

>until three days ago
Maybe you should lurk moar faggot

>about half of people are in open relationships, and the other half are gay/trannies/etc
well on Sup Forums about half of people are virgins, and the other half are gay/trannies/etc

You're a filthy civnat from r/t_d. Admit it.

I fucking hate that place so much I browsed it until a few months ago but I stopped entirely, even for checking updates on e-sports and shit. That shit is just a fucking cesspool of ultra liberalism and these people are so fucking gay and they're such hipsters and potheads and pro everything I mean they just refuse to discriminate against the most obscure beliefs and actions because it obviously goes against their ultra communist belief system of accepting every single soul as being precious or some faggotty bullshit and others put said it well but that place is literally an echo chamber where people transmit the same thoughts from all angles of the echo chamber and the messages just get perfectly reciprocated amonst their gay piers because guess what the reciprocation of 1/1 is still 1/1 and these peole are also such fucking trendies and fashionable and they believe in some sort of fake spiritualism and have some fake belief as if following the mass into pop-culture is actually worth something but in reality these people are totally materialistic but they are too dumbfounded by their laziness to even wipe their fucking fake glasses a little bit clean to even realise how empty and trendy and non-unique and boring and stupid of a person they really are. They are also just a bunch of fake intellectuals who act like they know what they're talking about, and albeit I admit there are some that have the cohersive power to construct high quality arguments but thats just because they have the langauge skills to manipulate the other 99% of redditors who can't even string words on a full sentence but it doesn't even matter because in the end of the day like I said that palce is still just a huge echo chamber and reddit is the ultimate example of the illusion of choice, and we all know that story and people believe they are well informed and smart because you can see 900 news story covering the same shit. GAY.

that place is gay man. too queer for me and its

I have 3 friends, me and 2 of them are conservative, Christians, have finished university and have pretty decent jobs. The other one is a more of a liberal, has dropped out of college 3 times and mostly do shitty jobs as a security guard (We are still friends with him because we've known each-other for over 15 years).

They live in a fantasy world because they are isolated from reality.

Sup Forums isn't much different.

People need to get out of their cities and visit the outdoors once in awhile.

I was a civic nationalist when I came here but enough redpills turned me right

I have tattoos (octopus sleeve), work in construction, am pretty alt-right, and have done lots of drugs. I think some people on pol are sheltered but they're a vocal minority . and i don't think any of the things you listed make you liberal or conservative.

i can't stand to go on reddit because every fucking comment is just a contest to get the most upvotes though - and it fucking shows.

I was born in 1990 and know literally 3 people like that. Even most of the crazy hair piercings people i knew toned it down for adulthood and owned up to their failures up become successful.

I think there's definitely correlation to how sheltered and spoiled one was and how much they end up like the average plebbitor.

>does reddit just attract a bunch of degenerate fuckups who think they are normal?

As someone who lurks Reddit pretty often, yes.

I grew up on Sup Forums back in the Boxxy days, didn't really give a shit about politics back then, typical liberal teenager in California. Then I got redpilled a few years ago browsing Sup Forums more and more, but I work at a desk all day and Reddit is more SFW, so I'd lurk Reddit, moreso before the election but only in T_D because the rest of reddit is full of insane liberals. T_D was better pre-election, now it's the exact opposite of what they claim to hate, a heavily censored echo chamber.

Reddit people are fucking weird. I imagine them as extremely cringy IRL, the kind of people who reuse a joke until it is absolutely beaten into the ground.

Around Sup Forums and Sup Forums, and other boards too, the jokes move fast. Something is funny for about a week, gets repeated, and then something else takes its place.

At Reddit those fuckers have been using the same "Anne Frankly I did nazi that coming" shitty puns and other lame jokes for at least the 4 or 5 years I've lurked Reddit.

Honestly I think it's because of the stupid upvote/downvote system. People get SO hurt and scared to post anything that goes against the hivemind, "WHY THE DOWNVOTES PEOPLE?!" between the bullshit "karma" ePoints and the namefagging, then factor in hardcore censorship by reddit mods and admins, it just attracts a different type of people.

This Came here to say this Logged in just to upvote this I found this gem... This will be downvoted to hell/buried but... An upvote for you, good sir You are a gentleman and a scholar You magnificent bastard Someone give this man reddit gold Edit: Thanks for the gold, kind stranger! That escalated quickly To the top with you! Lost it at ____ This is why we can't have nice things Faith in humanity restored Whoa / mind = blown Manly tears were shed Cutting onions I know that feel, bro Right in the feels Nailed it You. I like you I regret that I only have one upvote to give Was not disappointed Wait, why do I have you tagged as ___? What did I just read? Da fuq? YOU HAD ONE JOB I can't fap to this For science That's enough internet for me today Would not bang x/10 would (not) Y What is this I don't even? Said no one ever I have the weirdest boner right now /thread My first post Edit: wow I can't believe my top comment is about __ EDIT: Seriously front page? Thanks guys! EDIT: Obligatory front page edit!!! Are you me? Directions unclear - dick stuck in _______ I laughed way harder than I should have It's almost like Reddit is thousands of different people with thousands of different opinions. Get out of here with your logic Plot twist: _____ Step one: be attractive. Step two: don't be unattractive. ____ here: can confirm / can confirm: am ____/ etc

To be fair, I did Nazi that coming. I came here to say this but boy, that escalated quickly so to the top with you! Lost it at 'This is why we can't have nice things' and then my faith in humanity was restored, my mind blown, and manly tears were shed. Well said. As a 'Merican, I can confirm this gem has just won the internet and is doing it right. Just sayin', I know that feel, bro, and while that was a risky click, this post was a 9/10, would read again. I see what you did there and it feels good man. You're doing God's work, son. Yes. I get this reference. I laughed way harder than I should have at your list that seems legit and totally nailed it. You must be a hit at parties. I like you. Doctors hate you! Instructions unclear. Dick caught in you magnificent bastard; you, sir, are so brave, a gentleman and a scholar, and seeing how you are a redditor for 4 years, this checks out, so I'll allow it. I regret that I only have one upvote to give for this cool story, bro. CTRL+F "about tree fiddy" was not disappointed. Wait, why do I have you tagged as "NOPE NOPE NOPE"? Nice try, you monster. What did I just read? Dafuq? I read that as "YOU HAD ONE JOB". I can't fap to this. No true scotsman could see that this relevant XKCD was bad, and you should feel bad. As a black man and as a gay man and as a woman, black people suck, gay people are gross and women are bitches. You must be new to Reddit, so I'll see your cakeday and raise you a karma train. One does not simply rustle my jimmies, not even once, and it's almost as if Reddit is composed of millions of individuals with different opinions and outlooks. This stahp gave me cancer for science, so that's enough internet for me today. OP is a bundle of sticks, 2/10, would not bang, not with that attitude. What is this I don't even know how is this wtf? Circlejerk must be leaking. This will get buried but brace yourselves, some men want to watch the world burn right in the feels.

When you see it, they'll KILL IT WITH FIRE! I really sympathize with pedophiles, but that has nothing to do with atheism. Lawyer up, delete facebook, hit the gym, and SHUT UP AND TAKE MY MONEY, said no one ever, so you wouldn't download a strawman. Damn onions, you scary like a BOSS. whoosh. Since rule #1 is 'be attractive', I'll just leave this here: This is my [f]irst post, be gentle. I have the weirdest boner right now. OP will surely deliver, unless he's a cop, in which case he'll just shoot your dog.

No its nothing crazy most of those fuck heads seem to be social outcast, the ones who are stupid enough to upload their image on that site

I decided to make the switch a few hours ago, and so far I'm not regretting it. I like 4-Chan because I'm able to make edgy jokes here kek

It really depends on the circles you grew up in and how you were raised. I know people just like the ones described in the first scenario but they aren't people I actually hang out with, just people I still see around the way occasionally.

As for me and my circle we're a mix. Most of my friends have a tattoo or two, while me and another friend have 20+. Most of us don't have much debt, and most work in the field we studied with an exception or two as well. All but one of us moved away from home. I moved out at 18 and rented til 25 when I officially started a career and bought a house the same year. Others own condos or rent (a couple from friends who own places). Politically the close friends I see more often are conservative but I will say the majority of everyone I actually know is liberal (I throw subtle red pills once in a while). And as for the heroin thing one of my friends brother and sister in law are junkies. Had I never met him I wouldn't have ever known anyone otherwise. Law of averages though I guess I was bound to run into someone. And it's good too because now I work in LE so the experience helped me.

So yea I don't doubt a lot are in that first scenario. Especially with how the newer generations just sort of accept they should live that way. In fact my friends discuss this sometimes and wonder why people would be in that mindset. My biggest part of it all is the living with the parents. That's a whole discussion on its own but personally I can't see how someone can possibly do it past the age of 21-22.

Why is living with your parents a bad thing? I save $1000 a month that would have went to rent out a dorm.

I'm glad I'm not white, I feel bad for you guys cause your parents kick you out when your 18, then you throw them into retirement homes at 60 and wait till they die so you can collect their shit.

False dichotomy. I know plenty of tattoo'd lesbian weirdos who have stable jobs. I know lame white guys with no skills or passion (or tattoos) who live at home with their moms. I know hard working white men who are addicted to opiates. I know people who make money doing art, and who make money at whatever computery corporate thing they do. There are people with any combination of possible variables.

>there is heroin epidemic sweeping the nation and everyone has lost friends or loved ones to it
That's the friends and family's fault, they didn't love the person enough. People who get adequate love, affection, and attention from friends and family don't OD on heroin, that's just all there is to it.

I remember listening to radio, some sob story from this woman who was pushing some bill, basically son killed her husband who was a politician, so they wanted to make it easier for parents to lock up their kids in the looney bin even if they are adults. She did this whole act about how they were the perfect parents yada yada and spent all this money caring for their son, but you could see right through the bullshit if you have any insight.

I'll tell you the truth of it: Those parents fucked that kid up. Politicians and lawyers and judges and what not almost always fuck their kids up. Because the father transmits to the child the social law, and when that father is also a representative of the law, like a judge, he embodies the law for the child as he transmits it. So if the father is in any way hypocritical or tyrannical the child develops a perverted conception of the law and social relations.

Just listening to the mother's tone it was clear that they didn't really love their son, they just did what they felt they were socially obliged to. She mentioned that her husband had to withdraw from a campaign to take care of the son at one point; I guarantee you they openly or passive-aggressively were shit to him because of that even as they 'dutifully' cared for him, and I promise you the son felt that bullshit. And she mentioned they spent tons of money on doctors for him and shit, and I promise you the son felt that too: They spent the money because they felt they were obliged to, but they resented him for having to spend all that money on him. "We're only doing this for you because you're our son. Fuck you."

>living in a completely different world than me
They are, kid. They were brainwashed and you weren't. The cabal controls all legacy media and most social media. People who only read or view those media have no idea what's happening to them.

Avoid exposing yourself to the programmers. Yes it would be nice to be informed but the cabal declared war on you 2.5 years ago and they've been fighting no holds barred since then. You have to avoid their programming channels or you _will_ become one of the brainwashed cultists.

>I'm 30

Why the fuck are you still here?

>half of us are still living in our own apartments,
so thats why you're fucked
all that money lost to the landlord jew

>reddit just attract a bunch of degenerate fuckups who think they are normal

Anyone with half a brain knows it is this.

Reddit is a massive fucking cancer on the world, that I think even Sup Forums underestimates.

It is basically THE bastion of the old multiculturalist media on the internet. It is their beachhead. Their attempt at survival in a world where information flows much more freely than in the old paradigm, where they had near complete control.

It is designed to propagate and enforce conformity amongst young minds. The bullshit voting system and corresponding self-censorship, the narrow range of acceptable opinions, tyrrany of the dumbass, mediocre majority. The SJW mods and hilariously obvious vote-rigging.

It is owned and controlled by (((legacy media))).

Bring down reddit, and it's fucking clones (voat, despite being occupied by a bunch of people much like the chans, ultimately has the same problem of voting and mod control over acceptable opinions).

These voting sites need to fucking go. Democracy is not the way forward, and thought should not be subject to the tastes and whims of the mediocre.

You got to understand, Reddit is a sight for the mentally challenged. The cancer to society. Also known as liberals, progressives, SJWs, snowflakes, fags, morons, etc..

Best to just let them drown in their own stupidity till the next civil war comes and we purge them.

I'm 19 and just got a summer job while on break from college. Everyone there is early 20s maybe up to mid 20s. Its given me a really weird perspective on millennials.
First, in college, at least mine, mostly everyone was very wealthy. So it was wealthy liberals and democrats.
Here, people have these jobs full time, in their 20s, living together with many roommates. Everyone has piercings, or tattoos, and extremely liberal points of views. They're all into reddit pop culture stuff also.
Girls have lots of tattoos, piercings, and bold makeup.
Recreational drug use is so common, I was surprised really. I expected their to be some stoners, but it was really more like people just loved doing drugs. Kind of like another hippie movement, doing lsd and smoking weed, and having very socialist ideologies.
Idk, they're chill people and fun to talk to but I feel like people outside of college who aren't in trades are the kinds of people/hipsters/liberals you see on reddit.

Is this a bot that went haywire? This is fucking creepy.

Where is "here"? San Francisco? Portland?

>Reddit is a sight for the mentally challenged
>is a sight for the mentally
>a sight for the

It's a sight for the visually challenged too.

No I was just pasting the "le typical redditor" copypasta.

Literally 90% of the comments on reddit can be condensed into those couple paragraphs. Like a compression algorithm I guess. All of Reddit is really only like 10MB once you just combine everyone's retarded unfunny worn out jokes into a page.


Fuck reddit b0ss. Here I dont need an account and can call other anons niggerfaggot cunts without getting banned. Theres also so many fun threads on the chans like the dbz ones where everyone calls each other spics and pedros for bringing up power levels in db super.

Plebbit is such an unbelievable shit hole. What gets me is how all those users don't realize how fucking stupid they are. Such is life. The majority of people on the planet shouldn't even be alive. Saying that would probably get you banned on reddit because rich people need their slaves.



Nah, you're not out of touch, I'm 26 and in the latter group, although I used to know some people who did heroin back when I worked a blue collar job. Mostly apolitical with moderately conservative leanings (I mostly come here for the memes and happenings)

They can't defend jack shit to they go after a typing mistake. 'site' instead of 'sight'.

At least we now know who the Reddit users are. lol..

because it's bait retardboy.

>everyone there is living in a completely different world than me

That's a stage before a civil war.


It's classic aussie bait dumbass

do they say "that's throwing the baby out with the bathwater" because I have a friend who reddits, and he says this often. He's also an unapologetic globalist.

I admit I use Plebbit for niggerball, just been watching it since I was a kid and can't kick the habit.

It's fucking awful. Everyone there has the political opinions of an 8 year old, they literally cannot comprehend why right-wingers are the way they are. Say what you want about the right, but we understand why the left likes fantastical ideas like multiculturalism or free shit for everyone - because they sound awesome. But we know they're idealist. They literally cannot fathom why a right-winger wouldn't want to import cheap labor from vastly different cultures en masse.

Don't fucking post for a year please.

leddit actually promotes white supremacy
look at their snoo mascot

>These voting sites need to fucking go
Some voting sites are decent, not everyone wants to endure unrestricted free speech and "LOL KYS" on every topic.

>22 yrs old
>never had a tattoo
>never had a piercing
>never done drugs
>don't smoke
>rarely drink alcohol (maybe one night every few weeks) and it's only a few beers
>still somehow in bad health compared to most people my age

I blame stress and too much internet use.

Nah, you're in a bubble. Are you white, by any chance?

>endure unrestricted free speech

holy shit, different opinions aren't waterboarding you whiny degenerate, it's not "enduring anything"

a fucking leaf, it doesn't get any more meme than this.

>Am I living in a bubble of magically successful people, or does reddit just attract a bunch of degenerate fuckups who think they are normal?
both, life is much harder when you're not living in reality

Hacker news and slashdot are far better than Sup Forums

Quit crying because I have a different opinion than you, hypocrite.

55% of millennials live at home in NJ.

I'm one of them.

A starter apt with one room in an area with a crime rate high enough to assure you of being raped by Tyrone: $800

A starter apt in an area infested with Pajeets living here on H1B visas and having anchor babies: $1200 minimum

The average wage is actually lower than the rest of the nation.

There is no hope until I graduate. My fault for living near a bunch of really good schools.

Go the fuck back to redit and stay there

Australians are indeed great shitposters

>reddit just attract a bunch of degenerate fuckups who think they are normal?
this plus real people on reddit are massively outnumbered by CIA chatbots who are merely reinforcing the brainwashing that you avoid.

How do people get brainwashed? Reinforcement. You have avoided this reinforcement your ENTIRE LIFE.

>Not wanting being friends with someone because of their job

Holy fucking shit you truly are the scum of the earth

>Hacker news

So proto-reddit then?

I've been on Sup Forums since 2005 and Reddit is okay if you search for specific things.

Like say you're a big fan of Frasier. It's easy as fuck to find people talking about Frasier on Reddit.

If you want to talk about actual things though NOOOOOOPE. It's full of liberal scum on the popular boards, normies, roasties, and people making up complete bullshit stories to whore for magic internet points.

Sup Forums is still better because you can disagree without being murdered by Reddit hivemind though.

Still better than Sup Forums

Its the difference between cities and rural areas
Cities are absolute cancer and are breeding grounds for degeneracy and echo chamber liberal ideas.
Never live in a city
and stay away from cities as much as you can.

Reddits reliance on karma and gold is conducive to making liars.

XKCD is bad though, I'll give them that.

Are you me?

go back

>le_dolan refugee
lurk moar fgt

I liked it when Jimmies and rage faces were a Sup Forums thing.

Is it just me, or was reddit way better a year ago?

Now it's massively shilled to death. I have a hard time believing that the average person is so bluepilled.

It was never good, you just didn't realize how shit it was until the election churned up all the muck.

ledditors are too dumb to even know how to operate Sup Forums user interface

Plebbit is good for finding niche interests and interesting stories, that's about it.

Any political discussion is just a one way jerkoff for either side, except T_D is just a bunch of 12 year old faggots thinking that they're cool

This sites getting on being too old for its original users. A 12 year old that fell in love with towercat would be 24-25 now.

>sees flag
gr8 b8 m8

Also yeah
you are in a bubble
small town = better people always
reddit is just filled with city lurkers
the average reddit faggot is the kinda nigga that grew up in seattle or portland or any of the shitty desert California cities and says things like
>the city is my life
because they dont know anything else but the cities and the values that people who live there impose on them

>Didnt have tattoos

I bet you didnt have sex either

Try being 19. My whole generation is fucking retarded.

I think our half of the millennial pie chart came to our own pre-recession. A lot of people don't understand how big of an impact it had on our society. Before the recession, people used to do cool shit. They don't anymore. The recession and the bullshit introduced during and afterwards broke our spirit.

People don't trick out cars and motorcycles like they used to. People don't drive Hummers and Escalades anymore. The clothing and music is more degenerate... Remember the cowboy craze of the mid 2000s? Excessive drinking and off color humor are considered taboo.

I remember when hot girls used to wear simple t-shirts and tight jeans. Now they are walking around in yoga pants and wearing literal blankets and trying to act so fucking serious and socially aware. Most of my friends had either been to Iraq or Afghanistan or both, we're there or had died there.

These kids these days, as much as I hate to be that guy, don't have it. They're a depressed generation. They're uptight dick heads that don't know how to have fun... And are completely unaware of how to do a job properly. There are exceptions of course, but this is the general rule.

That said, a few of my friends have either gotten clean off drugs and are now leading successful lives, have been killed by them or are struggling with substance abuse now... But these guys weren't the majority of my peer group.

you understand that every generation is fucking retarded?
you have just experienced yours more.
people have always been consistently stupid
you are part of the problem too
you cant pretend like you are exempt from the stupid shit young people do, that's the nature of being a young person.

>be 10 years older than everyone else here
>wonder why so many people live with their parents
Well surprise faggot. It's more and more difficult to get a decent job (salary/working hours) than it used to be. For example I don't live with my parents, now study abroad (biochemistry, so no social "science" bullshit), but the job market isn't offering me anything desirable, so I consider going to PhD to have a stable income for 4-5 more years even I don't want it much. The concept of living with your parents is unfortunate, but I cannot just condemn these people.

>go to R*ddit
>see this
wtf i love reddit now?

I stayed home until I was 23 and my career took off. Pretty much every white person I know that wasn't retarded or had shitty parents did. Get over yourself.

Occasionally when the mods fall asleep they let shit like this happen, but once they realize that the downvotes and upvotes are going in the opposite direction of their narrative, that whole comment chain will be shoah'd.

Any of the threads about the Manchester attacks, if they haven't yet, will soon be [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed] [removed]

I was raiding hotels before you were even alive, son.


It's called confirmation bias. You've already convinced yourself that you're so much better than ucky liberals, so you cherry pick a handful of losers and insist that they represent all liberals in a desperate attempt to feel like your superior to someone.


How do I subscribe here? And not be anonymous?

That's because he watches too much NorthernLion.
Who is kinda reddity. Nowhere near his fanbase's level, though.

Hear this guy

Kys lol

Go fuck yourself, asshole, we 30-somethings got fucked too. The recession set us all back ten years. Get over yourself.

I agree wholeheartedly, but as a longtime voat mod, I can testify that it doesn't have anything to do with vote rigging

reddit is like swimming underwater. its sort of fun at first, but you notice its just retarded fish and scum in the water with you. and you can only stay under for so long before you get permanent brain damage.

it attracts the most liberal retards out there, who have no concept of reality. if you stay on there too long, you end up thinking everyone in the world is like them. you want to limit your debate with these morons as much as possible. its why my 'inbox' has like 1000 unread replies, because i dont actually give a fuck what they have to say back to me. i just go and write whatever i want and then move on. these fags make each post like a 3 day debate

yes, also any time those faggots start quoting song lyrics 1-3 words at a time literally triggers me

>ignoring trends and tendencies in large populations in favor of muh anecdotes everyone is equaal bigots!

It's so obvious you have never been on this site before it's hilarious, you are literally R eddit incarnate.

Around 25 is the big generational gap. I fool around with lower 20s girls and they all basically fit the typical plebbit attitude, and go around with a fatalistic idea that helping yourself is pointless (probably why they're fucking me). It's compounded by the fact that it has echo chambers where the weirdos are attracted to, and then leak into the normal areas where they pretend having 5 boyfriends who they all love equally is normal.