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thats not even a muslim....
That Turban ... that guys clearly a sikh
Once more totally chill Sikh bro's are compared to pedo rapist desert pig people... this triggers me
>I'm so so sorry my cousin's cousin's cousin's murdered your infidel daughter whore. Have a 5$ coupon and stop crying you little infidel bitch
really makes you think
That looks like an indian.
>man in picture is a Sikh
Cosmopolitan doesn't even know the difference between the "people" they claim to defend..
Fuck me how do I sell my soul to the devil to remove mudslimes and filth from my country?
>muslim terror attack
>minutes later random muslims start showing up en masse and taking away thousands of young girls in their cars
i don't want a fucking mass rape on top of a terror attack! STOP SALTING THE WOUND! REEEEEEEEE!
holy fuck, it's the perfect plan for unnoticed child abduction, isn't it?
>mudslimes kill hundreds of people
>next day
>breaking news : Look at this muslim person who did decent thing, religion of peace
This guy was a Sikh? Sikh's don't like muslims. Their religion was founded because of Mudshits murdering people. Cosmo will burn.
good thing Austria hasn't been peace-assaulted yet, our basements would be filled to the brim.
HAHAHAHAHAHA, well meme'd OP.
>highly educated liberals can't tell the difference between muslims and sikh
while wearing a t-shirt with "DEADLY" written on it
this is like saying Nazis are decent wholesome jew-loving people because of that Schindler guy.
I know we're supposed to be white nationalists on here but I knew a bro-tier sihk in school, we talked about how much we hated the muzzies in our class
Isn't that a Sikh?
>One of the common threads running through child sexual exploitation across England has been the prominent role of taxi drivers in being directly linked to children who were abused. This was the case in Rotherham from a very early stage, when residential care home heads met in the nineties to share intelligence about taxis and other cars which picked up girls from outside their units. In the early 2000s some secondary school heads were reporting girls being picked up at lunchtime at the school gates and being taken away to provide oral sex to men in the lunch break.
There's about to be a whole lot more missing or abused white girls. It's not low class cunts now either. They're going to get some nice middle-to-upper class white kafir girls.
This. This picture is Islamophobic and xenophobic tbqh.
>trying to be tolerant
>be racist instead
Lefties are funny
>kidnap children like the kebab you are
>don't worry, the kid was just a casualty of the bombing
sex trafficking ring inbound
Kill me now
its slightly offensive in itself that they feel the need to even make an article on this as if its such an unheard of thing
Satan controls these degenerates, your soul is not yours to sell. Fight under the Cross and Deus Vult brother.
Isn't that a Sikh headdress?
Isn't that picture taken during the daytime, while the attack happened at night?
>great Islamic Nation
Why didn't that cunt die too?
>take the little girls off to their gang rape houses
That's a Sikh, fucking retarded leftists.
I bet that guy must be mad as fuck since Sikhs fucking hate Muslims.
Do these fucking people even know what a Muslim looks like?
I cant believe she said that
fucking bitch i just los all hope
no man, look at the beard. it's obviously a muslim
Fake and gay.
It's good you can't believe it since its fake.
>sikhs come to the rescue to save people from muslim terror
>they get grouped with them as a tool to defend Islam
>free taxi
Hes a sikh
Sup Forums doesn't give a fuck, all they see is that he's tan-skinned.
>1.5 million likes
yes and welcome to damage control
save your breath mate, this country is full of idiots.
>NotAllMen - silence debate on sexual assault
>AllLivesMatter - silence the debate on treatment of black people
>NotAllMuslims - heroic fightback against discrimination! Not silencing debate about muslim problem at all!!!!
fuck this world
The Indians in my class hated the Pakistanis too
I admit it, the thought had crossed my mind.
Did he rape them?
single moms approve of this kind gesture
Sikhs were responsible for the largest airplane based terrorism prior to 911.
A total of 329 people were killed, including 268 Canadian citizens, 27 British citizens and 24 Indian citizens. The incident was the largest mass murder in Canadian history.
Protip: arial font makes it look more genuine.
Literally shaking and crying.
He's a Sikh you fucking moron. Sikhs are really quite honourable people, having met many. They tend to utterly despise Muslims too. At the holiest temple in the Sikh religion there is a museum which is basically dedicated to documenting the their fight against Islam
thanks. lol
>Sikh gains
>Muslim taxi driver
>picture of Sikh taxi driver
Who's the fucking racist here?
holy fuck it's real
>muslim taxi drivers took kids home for free
>picture of a sikh guy who probably hates muslims
Cosmopolitan, I mean, not OP
You seem to be implying all Sikhs are terrorists because of one incident. It's like saying all white people are terrorists because of the Oklahoma bombings.
Potato nigger talking about terrorism...
>Sikhs are really quite honourable people,
Sure thing pajeet.
FFS hes a Sikh.
People are so fucking dense, holy shit. I can't stand this fucking planet any more.
I wouldn't trust this guy as far as he could throw his turban.
This is heart warming!
the next 3 terror attacks I will look the other way.
>Sikhs actually tried to bring about the day of the rake
Absolutely bro-tier
>including 268 Canadian citizens, 27 British citizens and 24 Indian citizens.
Wtf I love Sikhs now
>bombing Canada
You're me making it harder and harder for me to dislike them.
How can he be bro tier if he's just another brown shit in your once british nation
You have no broa except other real canadians
They said they were sorry
I don't appreciate them dumping a bunch of poo in loos and leaves into our territorial water.
edit page source
slav kids are so adorable, we need to block the gene that makes them look like subhumans after 30.
The British will never forget the Sikhs who fought with skill and bravery alongside us. The chavs who attack them are scum and are just as likely to attack Whites.
Tfw Sikh and not bro-tier but hate India instead :(
Fucking moor rapebaby surely you see that it's a fake picture.
>Its brown so it's a muslim
Such's the brain of a leftie faggot
Some bacteria are beneficial so lets stop washing and cleaning
Some cancer is survivable so lets stop treating cancer
99% of mosquitos will never bite you so don't worry about bug spray
Fires eventually burn themselves out so we don't need fire departments.
dumb american here, what religion do Sikhs practice if they aren't muslims?
McVeigh wasn't a terrorist.
He wasn't targeting the public he was targeting the federal government. He was waging war at what he saw was an enemy state.
Wtf I love muslims now! First they blow us up then they help us!
Its like if someone shot me dead and then help my kids with their homework, would definitively forgive them.
>so, some Muslim terrorist fucker kills 20 something people or some shit like that, and then some other Muslims drive their taxi cabs around giving people free rides and shit. Anyway, it's all divine justice. The highs and lows balance. wut...
MFW people try to shoop screenshots from browsers rather than just manipulating the DOM properties and letting the built in CSS do the hard work for you.
Everyone hates india.
That's a Sikh.
Sikh are literally the most based niggers in the world. I'd vote to make them binary whites.
>no proof of this story whatsoever
fake news
That's not a Muslim, that's a Sikh. Sikhs are bro-tier.
Fuck off disinfo shill. Sup Forums has been fine with Sihks forever.
>a great Islamic nation
does she mean the uk?
Literally Sikhism.
Sikhs are the Emus of Canada
>I failed to respect the rich culture of a great islamic nation
>therefore they turned into terrorists
>we all know islam has nothing to do with terror.jpg
wtf I like Sikhs now
Haha, they posted a picture of a Sikh, fucking morons.