So What Time Is It?

This isn't the time for Islamophobia – and it isn't the time to criticise Britain's foreign policy, either

There is a middle ground that canand mustbe trodden in our response to acts of cowardly evil such as this

>A strange polarisation also tends to set in with breathtaking speed in the aftermath of tragedies such as this. On the one hand, there are those who take to their keyboards to send their “thoughts and prayers” to the victims’ families; as news began to break last night, some of them looked to Tommy Robinson, Katie Hopkins and various US alt-right sympathisers for sharable sound bites in the “I told you so” vein.

>Conversely, there are the ever-virtuous social justice warriors, many of whom warn (not unreasonably) of mass blocking/muting of anyone espousing “Islamophobia”. A cursory glance down the profiles of some such users confirms a total lack of expression of sorrow for the entirely innocent victims of attacks such as the one that befell the thousands of mostly young people attending the Ariana Grande concert last night.

>The truth is we should by now have learned to presume nothing in such circumstances. When reports began to emerge of a car ploughing into pedestrians in New York’s Times Square last week, Facebook and Twitter imploded with anticipatory declarations of anti-Muslim sentiment.

Other urls found in this thread:

>This isn't the time for Islamophobia – and it isn't the time to criticise Britain's foreign policy, either


The solution:

1. Be nicer to immigrants

2. Give immigrants more money and teachers

3. More muslim stars in all the movies and cartoons, wait muslims don't watch cartoons. Uhmm

4. Brainwash them harder. Wait they keep blowing up our brainwashers. Uhmm

5. Uhmm

Maybe just stop being so degenerate, West?

It's the time to show solidarity with Muslims, who are the real victims of terrorist attacks

I'm sure these wise sages will let us know when it's finally the right time to have this conversation.

In the meantime, #carryon :^)

Its time to buy a gun

Maybe, its time to start controlling immigration policies?

Another word for the middle ground is no man's land.


"Traitors and bridges are alike: they go to the other side."

>It's cowardly to violently sacrifice yourself for your faith and destroy what you consider degenerate decay

I hate sandniggers, but suicide bombers aren't cowards. They are fucking scum. But they are also brave.

Which is better, this..

or this


>So what time is it?
Probably 5 o'Bong.

You guys are disgusting. APOLOGIZE.


The terrorists that committed the atrocity does not follow a religion. They only follow the evil in their hearts.

As a Muslim, I am devastated that I see people online that harass and target Muslims and blame them for the recent attack

what gets me is that they accuse people who are angry enough to see through the conditioning and recognize it's always a muslim who blows up groups of our kids at concerts and want something done about it, as hateful for having the ability to see that an unpopular solution is the only solution to preventing this.

The people who write these articles have no solution apart from 'blame the right wing reaction', love and tolerance!


That's "racist"

its time to act like nothings wrong with this

islam is fine

just go about your day ahahaha ride the tube ahahaha just drink some tea hahaah it'll all blow over if you have a pint at the Winchester hahah

Stfu sandnigger

Yes they do and you know that the Quran says that it isn't up to you to say who is and isn't a muslim.

Fuck you and your takfiri bullshit. Are you Sunni? If you are then you're lying and if you aren't then you will no that someone committing a sin doesn't mean they aren't Muslim and it isn't for you to decide.

This one. Plus digits of truth so you know wat to do.


>The terrorists that committed the atrocity does not follow a religion
How convenient. All muslims are complicit since they remain silent and do not condemn the attacks.

It's the time to

>Keep calm
>Carry O N

This never would have happened if Trump had started WW3 in April.

Cmon you cuck, Trump! Just do it already! END OUR SUFFERING


>why are people associating terrorism with the people committing terrorism

It's time to put Union Jack filters on Facebook and pray for God to fix society.


looking for suggestion for a mildly offensive screen name, gonna play a tournament on an eurosite in a few minutes. gonna be lot of brits there

Fucking Muslims and Liberals. They care more about a religion than they do about dead people.

Your religion is killing people, stop defending it.

>yfw these attacks are allowed to happen so people will ally themselves with Jews because of the common enemy meme to give support to the advancement of Greater Israel

Fucking Independent. STOP NORMALIZING ISLAMIC ATTACKS. It's fucking infuriating.


Ariana Grenade


Plus holy checked double sequential digits

It sounds like that article is arguing that we must do absolutely nothing.

It is becoming clear that the top-down promotion of a hollow ‘togetherness’ in response to terrorism is about cultivating passivity. It is about suppressing strong public feeling. It’s about reducing us to a line of mourners whose only job is to weep for our fellow citizens, not ask why they died, or rage against their dying. The great fear of both officialdom and the media class in the wake of terror attacks is that the volatile masses will turn wild and hateful. This is why every attack is followed by warnings of an ‘Islamophobic backlash’ and heightened policing of speech on Twitter and gatherings in public: because what they fundamentally fear is public passion, our passion. They want us passive, empathetic, upset, not angry, active, questioning. They prefer us as a lonely crowd of dutiful, disconnected mourners rather than a real collective of citizens demanding to know why our fellow citizens died and how we might prevent others from dying. We should stop playing the role they’ve allotted us.

Lets be real. The "dont be islamophobic guys" part is why the article was made, they just tacked on the foreign policy bit to make it less obvious and seem like they are neutral.

Also there is no middle ground. Its either destroy Islam in Europe or give away your country. Simple as that.

Can you nuke Pakistan already?

dont be retarded russia, how would that work??? No the answer is to have a peace vigil, change our facebook picture to a fucking bee and accept the terrorist cock in our mouth. They are only killing children, people over react. statistically its actually safer criticising islam than it is to dangle your cock into a hungry tigers mouth whilst slapping it in the face, so people should try to be more realistic about the threat.

lol thanks. max 12 chars unfortunately

I spit on your ideology.

Buddy Pakistan is a worthless failed state and the only reason it's still standing is because you and the Chinese keep propping it up

At least the Chinese are honest about their support for Pakistan, they're just doing it to fuck with us

You guys are cuckolds who send money and military equipment to Pakistan even after they sheltered bin Laden

>there is a middle ground
>but it always leads you away from any effective solution to these problems our billionaire bosses created especially for you

That article was a nice read. I've seen so many repeats of the same "we mustn't give into fear, we mustn't get angry at muslims" mantra in newspaper editorials, and it's gotten seriously old. The same repetitive shit every time something bad happens. It's nice to read something different for a change. I enjoyed the way the article pointed out how people are being pressured to be apathetic and passive towards things that should be getting righteous anger and a brutal response.

>Stop questioning muslims even if they kill you

>The truth is we should by now have learned to presume nothing in such circumstances.

Well no. The vast majority of the recent terrorist attacks in the western world have been commited by fundamentalist muslims. So if anything, it's only rational to suspect that it was a muslim attack until proven otherwise.

and remember not to be upset or peaceful muslims will become isis members

>now is the time to do nothing at all
>nothing at all
>nothing at all
>nothing at all
>nothing at all

their hatred of "islamophobes" far outstrips their hatred of the suicide bomber

to them, this attack was practically a natural disaster, no different to a landslide. and a tasty opportunity to likebait.

The headline, properly translated, reads:

"This is all going according to plan"

>It's time to fine a middle ground
>by the way the middle ground involves doing nothing and you aren't allowed to bring up Islam and also don't you dare suggest changing immigration policy

Imagine if we took the tolerances aka "get use to it" approach to mass shootings.

Liberals couldn't stop bitching and moaning.

hah, good idea

Quite a good article

Reminds me of something pink floyd said about britons in on of their songs, which I can't remember now.

Seems that way. These same fuckers think sharia law, the LGBT movement and feminism can work along side eachother.

A self hating gay shot up a gay club while yelling snackbar and they rejected the notion that Islam had anything to do with it.

I think these liberals are the real problem with society. How could they be so blatantly backwards on so many subjects?

Always kill a traitor before an outside enemy.

These "liberals" (really just globalist useful idiots) need to fucking die


It's kind of amazing how the left calls everyone a nazi but are in fact the ones acting like fucking brownshirts.

"Always accuse your adversary of what you yourself are doing." -Saul Alinsky

Slimey kikes have made this into an art form really.

I'm convenced that The Independent is a CIA/MI6 psyop.

Seen too many of their BS articles sponsored on facebook and at the top of r/politics for it to just be a coincidence.

I'm going to assume this is fake.

hope all 3 of them get killed in the next one

dont stop to bomb their countrys and dont forget to take more of thhe refugees goy

It's time to convert kuffar. This is our continent now.

Shaun "Russians hacked my Melanin" King - taking home 3 gold medals in Oppresision Olympics for virtue signaling, mental gymnastics & race-baiting

I really wish someone would delete his social media. He's fucking cancer.


>I'm convenced that The Independent is a CIA/MI6 psyop.


>trump going to the vatican



The middle ground sounds a lot like the leftist multicult that caused these murders.

>This isn't the time for Islamophobia – and it isn't the time to criticise Britain's foreign policy, either
Who are they to tell me what it is and isn't time for? Screw them.

Since terror attacks are part of daily life then i suppose everyday will not be the time to criticise Britain's policy.
Machiavelli would be proud, truly a scheme only the most insightful minds could see through why is anyone falling for this ?
I personally think nobody is, everyone knows but we collectively need to go back to the middle ages to remember how bad it sucks. See there is always hope if you look far enough over the horizon.

Checked and bowed down before

>So What Time Is It?
time to stop asking questions and accept the new status quo you bigoted shitlord!

>killing females, kids or doing an hero is not allowed in Islam
Really reassuring, this way I can die in peace , knowing the terrorist who killed me won't go to hell because I'm a fucking white male

"There's nothing that can be done, get used to it"

Imagine if someone in the US said this after 9/11.

This isn't going to end well, the globalist are creating a culture clash in the west. Just wait till it gets even more out of hand and someone puts their foot down and decides we're going to do something about it.

This how genocide happens folks.

Once again.

You can almost taste it in the air, things are going to get savage very soon.

>We can't possibly know the Muslim's motives. such a mystery

comedic rule of three
as reflected in your digits too

this is why macro images always sucked dick.

it's time for you to shut up and die you stupid goy racist transphobe sexist homophobe islamaphobe nazi scumbag

Just wait till one of these fuckers gets ahold of a nuke and levels a city.

Tolerance will become a foreign concept that very day.

women were a mistake

Time? We all know what time it is.

>what time is it?
Time to convert to Islam or be killed kufar

This "middle ground", what does it actually consist of? Or are they being smug centrists for the sake of feeling superior?

This is why liberals are so out of touch with reality, they're only deceiving themselves and have too much faith in humanity.

People will behave like animals under the right conditions.

Just look at the antifa and BLM riots, the left tolerates it because they think it's being done in good faith.

>muslims organize rape gangs that prey on schoolchildren
>"We must tolerate their beautiful culture and understand their sexual emergencies."
>muslim knife attacks on the street
>"This was because we're too racist and need to reexamine how we treat Muslims."
>muslim rams a truck through a throng of people
>"It's not his fault, we're too xenophobic and islamophobic."
>muslim durka durka explodes in a concert
>"This is WHITE PEOPLE'S PROBLEM; we have to just get used to this being part of our everyday life."
>muslims behead all infidels, behead queen and install ISIS and Saudi-backed european caliphate
>"ALOHA ACKBAR to you too, my good fellow mooslim."

Such an article talking about cowardice is rich. How cowardly do you have to be not to be islamophobic ? Those people cannot ignore the truth. They see it every day. They do not speak against it out of cowardice : they want to avoid any sort of conflict with shitskin communities.

It's time to remove kebab!

Forced assimilation has a great track record, and was practiced by the United States against Native American groups.
Forced assimilation of Native American groups was the following: Their culture was outlawed, and all of their children were forced to go to Western schools that strictly punished their old culture. Said children were not allowed to live with their parents until they were out of school, and lived at the school or in pretty-much orphanages. The result was that they came back completely different, with little to absolutely no knowledge of their old culture, often having been forced to take up American names, and having a completely American/European mindset, education, customs, and culture.
FFS do the same with mudslimes, unless you go full 1488 you can't eradicate terrorism otherwise.
2 November Red Lion Bar bombing - 3 Protestant civilians killed and dozens injured by an IRA bomb attack on a Protestant Bar in Ormeau Road, Belfast.
4 December McGurk's Bar bombing - 15 civilians were killed and 17 injured by a Ulster Volunteer Force (UVF) bomb attack on a Catholic bar in Belfast.[2]

22 February Aldershot bombing - seven people were killed by an Official IRA bomb at Aldershot Barracks in England. It was thought to be in retaliation for Bloody Sunday. Six of those killed were female ancillary workers and the seventh was a Roman Catholic military chaplain.[3]
4 March - a bomb exploded without warning in the Abercorn restaurant on Castle Lane in Belfast. Two were killed and 130 injured.
23 March - the Provisional Irish Republican Army detonated two large car bombs in Main Street, Bangor, County Down.[4]
14 April - the Provisional IRA detonated 24 bombs in towns and cities across Northern Ireland. There was also 14 shootouts between the IRA and security forces.
21 July - Bloody Friday - within the space of 75 minutes, the Provisional IRA detonated 22 bombs in Belfast. Nine people were killed (including two British soldiers and one Ulster Defence Association member) while 130 were injured.[5]
31 July Claudy bombing - nine civilians were killed by a car bomb in Claudy, County Londonderry. No group has since claimed responsibility, although the Provisional IRA is the main suspect.[6]
1 December - two civilians were killed and 127 injured by two Ulster loyalist car bombs in Dublin, Republic of Ireland (see 1972 and 1973 Dublin bombings).

21 November Birmingham pub bombings - 21 civilians were killed by IRA bombs at pubs in Birmingham, England.[15]
22 December The Provisional IRA announced a Christmas ceasefire. Prior to the ceasefire, they carried out a bomb attack on the home of former Prime Minister Edward Heath. Heath was not in the building at the time and no one was injured.[16]
16 March Mildred Harrison (26), a Protestant, was the first RUC woman to be murdered on duty, killed by an explosion from a UVF bomb while on foot patrol passing Ormeau Arms Bar, High Street, Bangor, County Down.[17]
17 July Four British soldiers were killed by a Provisional IRA bomb near Forkhill, County Armagh. The attack was the first major breach of the February truce.
5 September Two killed and 63 injured when a bomb was detonated in the lobby of London's Hilton Hotel.[18]
13 January two civilians and two bombers killed in M and I Gallagher, North Street Arcade
15 May Five Catholic civilians were killed and many injured by two Ulster Volunteer Force bomb attacks in Belfast and Charlemont, County Armagh.
21 July Christopher Ewart Biggs, the British Ambassador to Ireland, and his secretary Judith Cook, were assassinated by a bomb planted in Mr. Biggs’ car in Dublin.[19]
17 February La Mon restaurant bombing - 12 civilians were killed and 30 injured by a Provisional IRA incendiary bomb at the La Mon Restaurant near Belfast.
21 September The Provisional IRA detonated bombs at the RAF airfield near Eglinton, County Londonderry. The terminal building, two aircraft hangars and four planes were destroyed.
14–19 November The Provisional IRA detonated over 50 bombs in towns across Northern Ireland, injuring 37 people. Belfast, Derry, Armagh, Castlederg, Cookstown and Enniskillen were hardest hit. Inn on the Park Dungannon Hotel just after Christmas 1978