Sup Forums is filled with hate

She's fucking right, Sup Forums. Stop being filled with so much fucking hate.

Other urls found in this thread:

>implying that's bad

>i am sad for everyone
>i am sad for children
>i am sad for the people
>i am sad for the families
>i am sad for the muslims
>i am sad for you

honestly...i just....
just literally cant understand this....
ive been here for almost a month now and how do you people do it?
always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women
is it satire?
or are you "people" literally this ignorant and jaded....
and people will be like oh youll be one of us
ill be seeing you intolerant bastards dead

>ill be seeing you intolerant bastards dead
Yes, because you failed to listen.

shut the fuck up, norp faggot. Nobody cares what you think.

and my butthole is filled with a buttplug
don't tell me what i need to be filled with

she's right Sup Forums now repeat after me: Eşhedu en la ilahe illallah ve eşhedü enne Muhammeden âbduhu ve Resuluhu

RAMZPAUL discusses the silliness and futility of evading reality.

>stop being filled with anger and passion for your country when nobody else is
Really turns on the croutons

It's not hate to acknowledge a legitimate threat instead of ignoring it.


Is this the speech you give to a Mosque after they blow up several families every month?

We're not the ones killing people for disagreeing with us or tearing down the war memorials of our enemies.

Fuck yourself you brainfucked Islamic animal

Is this bait?
Asking for a friend

>people will be like oh youll be one of us
>ive been here for almost a month now

she's discussing it as we speak

ask her what we should do about this problem

>hate will not beat hate
Tell me again how love beats them when they kill you all. I'll be waiting in the afterlife for your explanation.

>they trying to kill qts

Bearded guy in the background seems to know what's coming.



>ill be seeing you intolerant bastards dead
How very tolerant of your. Get you're head out of your ass terror apologist. Their blood is on the hands of you and your ilk. I hope someday you realize that and the guilt crushes you. Your sins of omission bear full responsibility for this mess and I literally hope you hang for them. And this isn't hate as you'd like to classify it. It is exactly because I love our achievements and people that I want them protected so stop trying to twist it.

>I am
>I am
>I am
everything is about her
she didn't pray for any of the dead children
she doesn't care about the consequences
she cares only about herself

fucking selfabsorbed liberals, i don't understand why they live

I call an animal, a species, an individual corrupt, when it loses its instincts, when it chooses, when it prefers, what is injurious to it. A history of the "higher feelings," the "ideals of humanity" -- and it is possible that I'll have to write it -- would almost explain why man is so degenerate. Life itself appears to me as an instinct for growth, for survival, for the accumulation of forces, for power: whenever the will to power fails there is disaster. My contention is that all the highest values of humanity have been emptied of this will -- that the values of decadence, of nihilism, now prevail under the holiest names.

also known as "looking towards the right in the same direction that everyone else is looking" you fucking mong

Fuck you, I enjoy my hate. You liberals took everything from me that's why I had to move to this shithole nigger infested country. You will NOT take my hate from me.

>DOOM hoodie

You're the type of user that would botch an attempt to kill yourself so I won't ask. Nature will find a way.


Also fuck off, newfag.

Hate is newspeak for "thought crime".


You're right hate isn't necessary.

I don't hate rats when I kill them. I kill them for love of myself and family.

You don't have to hate islamist to recognize and handle the problem.

Where the fuck are you balls, OP? When are you going to stand up to these barbarians?
How many deaths of men, women and CHILDREN does it take to get your head out of your ass?

>I don't hate rats when I kill them. I kill them for love of myself and family.
This. I can only describe it by comparing it to how I imagine a mother feels for her child. She would kill to protect it with no requirement of hatred on her part.

If you were a mother, would you not feel hatred towards someone who wishes to harm your child?

>how do you people do it?
>always being racist, anti-semitic, islamophobic, and hating women
>ill be seeing you intolerant bastards dead

You're a cunt for not questioning your religion.

Hate will not beat hate. But we're not fighting hate we're fighting war criminals. Hate doesn't beat them either. Write your local politician demanding nothing less than full on Arial assault. Let them know about your vision of a glass theme park that spans all the landmass east of the Atlantic. God Bless

Person who wrote that is a traitor that deserves worse than the terrorist. They are facilitating what is going in.

>kill this person or your child dies
You kill said person without even hating them because it's how you keep your kid alive. So no, not necessarily.

fuck you i want to hate these sub human i will.
Pls...die...first... fat burger

208 million is a minority ? That is 2/3 the entire population of America

Hate does beat hate, but you have to follow through with action, like Rome finally did to Carthage.

lurk more post less new fag

Sup Forums is definitely (((their))) site
they want war of all vs all


Anyone who can watch what's going on and not feel any hate has had their instincts programmed out of them and is completely fucking useless.


>Westboro Baptist Church
These two don't relate due to the fact that WBC isn't blowing up buildings every weekend. They picket funerals and shit.

>peaceful protesters attempting to make their country pretty
>attempt at hostile religious takeover spanning multiple continents

Feminist here. They have their heart in the right place. Non whites are a threat to our existence.

This entire thing on the meaning of hate like hate is some big bad boogie man. Hate is a fucking human emotion. You don't hate shit just to hate it there is a fucking reason behind it. When you go to war you hate your enemies that want to destroy your way of life. You don't just hate your enemies for no fucking reason unless you are a mentally unstable fuckhead.

Actually a lot of what the WBC says is more true to Christianity than what other Christians would like to admit. The difference is they don't go out stoning homosexuals like ISIS. If anything people that believe their religion is accepting of degenerate behavior are the ones that are incorrect and have everything all wrong.

>A multinational terror organisation with thousands of members that carries out daily attacks in the middle east and numerous attacks in the west are comparable to, like, 50 guys from Kansas that say some crazy shit sometimes.

Wew lad

>hate will not beat hate
>except for white nationalism! fuck those guys! let's attack them!

This feels like old pasta, or maybe bait posters have lost their touch.

the worst part about it is if this was a christian-motivated thing, the same cunt would be up and arms about the barbaric christians and their oppressive belief system


>hate will not beat hate
I disagree, if someone charges me with a knife I'm pretty sure shooting him in the head will grant me victory.

The thing is the Westboro Baptist Church doesn't kill people. Sure, they're annoying, but that's all. I'm pretty sure that they're just a family who have found a way to make money getting assaulted.

If 13% of the gen pop thought rape was okay there would be uproar.
wtf im off to go rape now

Nah, that's how you lose.

>ill be seeing you intolerant bastards dead

Yup, we're the bad guys, you got us.

wtf fuck drumpf and fuck white people now

not an argument

Muslims want to take over Europe. People like YOU let them in and take money from citizens to give to these people. A very tiny minority of them are actually war refugees from Syria. They are not refugees, they are invaders and you are terrorizing your own people by supporting this.

Then you cry about hate for Muslims, give me a fucking break