If radical Islam is such a serious problem, why aren't there multiple terrorist attacks a day? 1 guy can pretty much easily kill 20 in a crowded place, why isn't ISIS capable of organizing more terrorist attacks? There's like 1 a month tops in the western world, so why can't ISIS muster more?
If radical Islam is such a serious problem, why aren't there multiple terrorist attacks a day...
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there are, mate
Wow thats a legit question you got there,burguer
typical burger
terrorism is not about neither quantity nor quality, it's about making people feel uncertainty about their future. Look at Israel, they get attacked every day and they're used to it, their life goes on normally.
taking a wee poo as we speak tbf
Their goal isn't to kill all day.
Their goal is to make people afraid to go outside, to live normal lives.
Hence the name terrorists. Their currency is fear, and the market is open for it right now.
over the past 30 days, there have been about 5 and a half attacks per day
But people aren't afraid to go outside
If there was like an attack every few days in a major city then they would be
Yeah in shit holes, literally no one cares if 1000 afghanis got wrekt
How bad would things have to get before you would consider it a 'serious problem'?
What is it now, a minor inconveniance?
They do in Iraq, there's a car bomb that goes off weekly in Baghdad.
Reason we don't have more is because they arrest a lot of these groups before they can pull off a happening, and the war in Syria was sort of a honey trap hive where all the jihadis flocked to instead of blowing up their home countries.
But now they got kicked out of the middle east and are all returning home, prepare for more happenings
There is one every 9 days....
But not even 20 minutes ago...
>why aren't there multiple terrorist attacks a day?
Way to move the goalposts, faggot.
Do you even remember a time when you could goto the movies or a concert and your biggest fear was maybe getting to drunk or getting in a accident on the way there? Now every big even is a potential target and sure 90% of the time nothing will happen but that lingering fear when you get when you see someone with a large bag or a bit creepy looking and suddenly you are thinking what if he goes boom or pulls out an AK. Thats the way the world is now and its a sad state. pre 9/11 things just all around felt better there wasn't a group of people who would behead you simply because of your nationality or what they believe and if they existed they did in a far off land and couldn't realistically get to you. But now a day's everyone is a target Men, Women, and children it doesn't matter its a sad state the world has gotten to.
People have short memories. Scratch that... The people that live in the WEST have short memories.
Not always kebab countries.
A bomb just went off at a Thailand hospital this morning skynews.com.au
> Terrorism is the only concern in regards to islamic immigration.
Because the War on Terror TM is a Jewish hoax by evil, tyrannical Jews trying to consolidate their power domestically and abroad.
Did I ever fucking imply that you Scandinavian faggot fuck
I meant to say it's a Jewish scam.
It's because isis is a strategic Jewish tool. You're right. If they actually wanted to kill people, we'd see a lot more.
Because honestly, it wouldn't be that hard for someone to do it. If that were their mission in life.
That was a gas leak
You're starting to ask too many questions user.
I think it takes time to make people ready to die for the cause. It's probably easier to gather some mudshit friends, a few guns and an escape plan than to actually blow yourself up.
You only hear about those terrorist attacks actually succeeding. Most get prevented during the planning stage.
Look up tampa double homocide.
MI5 have stopped at least seven terror plots in the last year, they always said that some would get through. They will be on a major flap now though because he obviously was the tip of a cell, however retarded that cell might have been.
There literally are you super autist.
>we only have like 1 terrorist attack per month it's not that bad guys
there are more attempts, most in US, it's just US security is so good
Because our intelligence and preperation is beast. They are still humans too. Humans with souls destined for the worst demention but still
>yes Jahib
>you sure about this 72 virgin thing