Be atheist

>be atheist
>doesn't believe in God because of science
>believe in dark matter, dark energy, the multiverse, abiogenesis, and other mysterious invisible processes that we have never observed that are capable of bending the laws of nature, that we know must exist because if they didn't the big bang and evolution would be impossible

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Being an atheist makes less since than it ever has before. At least be a deist for goodness sakes, they at least had the brains to know that there had to be some God out there, and this was before we even knew that the universe had a beginning.

>be creationist
>doesn't believe in science because of God
>believe in turning women into pillars of salt, talking snakes, whales large enough to contain a man without killing him, and other "miracles" that we have never observed that are capable of bending the laws of nature, that we know must exist because if they didn't morality of man and our place in the universe would be questionable

>be a deist
deism is worse than atheism.

Thats a lot of assumptions and strawmen you've got there friendo

>talks about the laws of nature
>is religious
tee hee hee

Plus those other things come from discovery, theory, diligence, dedication, you know, all of the great things about reason and having a brain and being a human. They don't demand we "believe" in them, dumbass, instead they demand we continue asking questions and continue learning. I love it when Christians try and justify their own bullshit beliefs by literally trying to make science as bullshit as religion.
AHheeee heheheheeee

A "god" isn't necessary-we have plenty of things to figure out about the human mind, the universe, and our place in it. Stop being such a weak-minded idiot and grow up.

No, it is objectively not.

OP makes a legit point and you.... don't.

>we have plenty of things to figure out about the human mind, the universe, and our place in it
And yet you shut your mind out to the possibility of God. How sad.

>be atheist
>doesn't believe in God
Has nothing to do with science
Beliefs are irrational.
Theists can't successfully argue against atheism on any level. As a result they craft hysterical strawmen arguments about science, because they're so shockingly deluded, they imagine they can win arguments against science.
Hilarity ensues.