It's every Muslim. Except for the ones practicing "cultural Islam," it's every one of them.
Argue me this Sup Forums, why shouldn't I disassociate with every Muslim to keep myself safe?
It's every Muslim. Except for the ones practicing "cultural Islam," it's every one of them.
Argue me this Sup Forums, why shouldn't I disassociate with every Muslim to keep myself safe?
Why must it be this way? Why can't they just stay home? Why? BECUASE THEY HATE US! They seek to burn EVERYTHING we have built.
They will not be happy until even great Rome is ash.
Everything the west has worked for will burn if they win.
This isn't even about Whites either Asians and blacks who don't kneel to that darn rock Mecca their homes will be burnt.
We must stop this before we are filled with hate and violence.
Fuck Muhammed and fuck Muslims
Why a stunning argument. Your logic is infallible and backed up with concrete sources and logic.
Regardless of Mohammed or Jesus existence, the faith and teachings still exist.
Brilliant synopsis of the issue at hand. We'll just curse at them until they see the error of their ways.
That's from the sjw playbook right? Why use logic when you can shout at someone?
Jesus did not preach tolerance, thats what the larpers and liberals want you to believe. Jesus preached mercy and mercy =/= tolerance.
By reading picrelated Islam seems better. Did you forget that youre on Sup Forums, OP?
Not true. Jesus preached love even when we disagree.
Luke 10:30 - 37
John 8:7
Matthew 7:5
There is no reconciliation and no possibility for co-existence. They must be culled lest they cull us all first. It is a solemn and holy duty that we cleanse humanity of this genetic and ideological filth.