Faggot StormNiggers of Sup Forums will blame genetics when Salman Abedi was born of Libyan migrants.
Libya, the same place which use to be the richest country in Africa before it was bombed to hell and back by you brain dead sheeple and your (((politicians))). And you wonder why Europe is getting invaded??
Srsly, fuck dumb white people.
Sebastian Stewart
>will blame genetics
Because it's true. Arabs are a subhuman, inferior people. Their behaviour reflects that.
John Peterson
Muslim =/= genetics. Gr8 b8.
Jace Howard
Fucking SAGED.
How does Sup Forums not realize who's fault this all is?
I swear... White niggers are the worse niggers.
Adrian Smith
If they are inferior then how come they are taking over Europe AGAIN?
Juan Morales
Because they breed like mosquitoes.
Carson Wright
Kikes, bread, and circuses.
Justin Barnes
They're inbred. Pic related shows cousin marriage rates. You're talking an average IQ drop of 15 points and a greater likelihood of antisocial behavior when your parents are 1st cousins. They've been doing this for centuries. Their gene pool is fucked.