You thought we were done after getting Confederate memorials erased? That was just the easy beginning! You're next, racist statues honoring white mans' conquests in Texas during the Texas Revolution and Mexican-American wars.
Texas Antifa to rally against statue of Sam Houston on June 10
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Lel they'll go after Washington and Jefferson etc eventually. Cucks!
Sam Houston was chased out of Texas for opposing the civil war? sooo... . . wait... solely 4 being white? dafuk is that
Won't happen.
He was a gross slave owner.
>commiefornia refugees all over want these monuments gone
Didn't Houston oppose the confederacy?
I'll be there. Taking off work now
He opposed Texas seceding, yes. Antifa isn't saying anything about him being tied to the Confederacy though, just that he was a "slave owner," which is a convenient attack considering many of our Founding Fathers.
However, Mexicans don't seem to cry like babies over Houston and others the way niggers do Confederate historical figures.
Why can't they ever have rallies in north Texas...
they already went after Jefferson a while back.
Kind of cringy, but this is the only real counter protest group I know of so far. I guess we could try to get Gavin or someone to talk about it to.
Houstonanon here. We just elected a black mayor that might be easily swayed by the cries of "muh racism"
The fucking city is named after Sam Houston, are we supposed to change that too? What about Sam Houston State University?
Remember the Alamo!
Remember Goliad!
>are we supposed to change that too? What about Sam Houston State University?
YES. You guys need to realize that this isnt going to fucking end until Washington monument is torn down. The thing about them is that they are very patient. All they need is an inch at a time.
Houston voters also voted to repeal that pro-tranny HERO law, so they're not entirely cucked.
So they want more and more of these statues removed, but who do they want to put up in place of them?
Or wait, are they just so devoid of important black historical figures from these time periods that they can't think of anyone, and so the sole objective is "GET RID OF THIS EVIL BAD WHITE MAN, HURR DURR"?
yes, he favored texas remaining in the union, and he had a good list of reasons for why the US was beneficial to texas. if you read it, you'll see that none of them remain true today.
>Sam Houston was the President of the Republic of Texas, in the 10 years it was an independent country between 1836 and 1846.
that just black "NAH NIGGA DAT SHITS GAAYY AS FUCK!' stuff though. Still doesnt rule out taking down fucking white males
Fucking idiots don't realize Sam Houston saved us from the fascist dictator known as Santa Anna. They want to tear down a statue of a man that saved us from authoritarian government.
Didn't you know? They ARE in favor of authoritarian government, they just don't like authoritarian governments that don't do what THEY want (i.e. force their agendas down everyone's throats and jail people who refuse to comply).
I would like to remind you guys that the communists have a knack for destroying culture via reeducation, attacking religion, traditional gender roles, erasing history, and most importantly, replacing folk heroes with statues of party leaders
>texans all over want this removed
Texasfags is this true?
>that time the mexicans invited foreigners onto their land and expected them to assimilate
Texas is truly fucked. This statue paying homage to African Americans (why?) is even on our state capitol grounds.
There will be no whites left here in 2 generations, and the ones who stick around won't give a fuck about Texas history or any of the founders.
I live in Houston area but moving to Idaho soon
Texas has a solid lead in the race for "coolest state".
This. It probably wouldnt be a bad idea to put together a booklet or something about how great Sam Houston was to hand out to curious bystanders
You try removing this from Texas and you're going to have a bad time.
I for one would love to see what happens to all the antifa'gs when trying to tear down Texan folk heroes.
A little late to be bitching, getting rid of a statue won't change the name of the fucking city
I'm reading up on it now, like how they literally brought 300 families over there to colonize the place and they succeeded, so cool. I guess some Texans today are descended from those men and women.
>AA statue on state capital grounds
I have been all over the TX state capital during the PokemonGo craze and have never once seen this statue. It's not prominently displayed. There's a huge confederate memorial right at the entrance gate tho
I'm a direct descendant of Erastus "Deaf" Smith.. he destroyed the bridge that was a route of escape for the Mexicans at the battle of San Jacinto, but niggers have rewritten it so the black guy that helped was given all the credit.
I'll bet $60000000000 you texas fags won't do shit to stop it. Screencap this post because I know for a fact you homos have no balls
What does owning slaves have to do with fascism?
It was the spanish that invited the whites, and they did it because mestizos could not survive in texas
The city should be renamed into Marxville in honor of a true fighter against oppression.
It's fairly new
You didn't know about the republic of Texas?
Malcom X and Andrea Dworkin and Karl Marx to replace them
will you be renaming the fourth largest city in the country as well?
>spanish imperial colonialism - Good
>American diplomacy followed by Mexican dictatorship - bad
Look out for La Raza
Most texans don't give much of a shit about the civil war, but the texas revolution is absurdly glorified. Sam Houston is our Washington, it would never fly
Their plan is simple. Get rid of southern history so that in the future, the red states will eventually become blue. Someone needs to put an end to this.
I was joking with my friend that in a few years, there will be nothing but a million Rosa Parks and MLK statues in America.
as we like to say
ya'll come ahead on
MFW Antifa is practically non-existent in Virginia, I'll never get to crack commie skulls
I live in Texas and I will confirm this. We aren't going to do shit. The statue will go, Houston will probably get a name change soon, and Hispanics will be the majority in 5 years, maybe less. Blacks rape our women daily and nobody has the courage to do anything. The white population of Texas has a mean age of 65. The next 10 years are going to result in a total demographic shift the likes of which have never been seen before. Texas is literally going blue faster than any other state before, and when we do go blue the democrats are going to rule Washington unimpeded.
Yes they will change that in time to. just like they did here.
Spent tens of millions changing the names of cities and streets here.
i'd buy a ticket
spotted a fake Texan.. probably lives in DFW area
real Texans spell it y'all. were half right
The mestizos are not natives, they are the bastard children of conquerors.
>Antifa finally doing shit just a two hour drive away from me
If this goes down in Texas of all places than I have no hope left
Ah I see, they had that entire area fenced off during last summer
>checks flag
They must have done that so damn much
Im sure they'll do it. They changed historic Durango St in San Antonio to that fucking spic Chavez for no reason and the people protested it, especially everyone who lived/owned a business there. It's basically Mexico there now.
not everyone studies burger history
Antifags can't be that dumb to pull that shit down there, can they? I mean, I hope they are. If they thought Berkeley was an asskicking...
are they retarded?
You see, if Texans were the ones who wanted it removed, and not just the spoiled liberal buffoons moving in from California and Seattle because it's too expensive there, it would have been removed through the proper channels years ago. But they don't, because Texans are proud and their fight back then was worthy of pride.
You, on the other hand, think you are being righteous and have Texan interests in mind. You dont. You are a tool and Texas does not want you.
when is this? ill go defend from antifa scum NW side here
It would be funny is the state used it's ownership of the land as grounds to shoot the fuckers.
June 10. Theres a counter protest here
I wonder what would happen if a group of people pretended to be antifa and held up "Antifa for Trump" and other pro Trump signs
It's right there in the OP's image, user.
>June 10, 2017; 11:00 AM to 1:00 PM; Hermann Park at 6001 Fannin St, Houston, TX
I am one, descendant of John Parker. My family still has the original deed that was our land grant.
He cut off the escape for both armies, but the arrogant spics failed to realize they had just walked into a trap. I remember my grandmother telling me the story about him when I was a boy. Niggers can't rewrite what is passed down from generation to generation.
Bet you won't show faggot
in france a muslim billionaire(algerian, revoked fench citizenship,)uses his money for his agenda (lateky burkini in cannes beach while "Le Festival De Cannes" happens)? no rich /pol guy to secure history????
If they replace they'll prob pick some non controversial abstract art made by a non binary lesbian black Muslim paraplegic dragon kin artist so no one can bitch about it
Sam Houston was an extreme badass. He told the dummies at the Alamo to get the fuck out of there because it was indefensible, but they didn't listen because they were stupid drunk Tennesseeans.
Then after the Alamo defenders were all slaughtered, his own soldiers begged him to attack Santa Ana's vastly superior force immediately as revenge. He told them to stfu and do as they were told. He marched and maneuvered around for weeks, waiting for the right moment to strike. He was nearly mutinied by his own men for his perceived cowardice.
Then one afternoon, he finally caught Santa Ana's army having a siesta (literally) and attacked in full force, totally annihilating them and winning Texas' independence. If Houston listened to public opinion, he probably would have gotten killed. But he didn't give a fuck what anybody else thought and made his own decisions, and it paid off.
Houston is to be renamed New Tenochtilan, and a stone pyramid will be constructed so the not-so-gross practice of human sacrifices to the Aztec blood gods can be revived
Now your getting it. Disseminate the proper ganda in the proper place. The only advantage they have is exorbitant funding and a propaganda mill that would make bolsheviks red with envy
Houston is an amusing target.
He is the "racist white man" who took a chunk out of Mexico, but he was also extremely disappointed in Texas' succession during the Civil War and he was very pro-Union.
Where should I stream the shiteshow?
Nah m8 just planned it with my friend
I think that is a fake antifa account, trying to get fags to protest sam houston's statue, which would be extremely unpopular and likely result in mucho grande ass-kickings
I've noticed a lot of hispanic names in the counter protest group on normiebook. Can texas fags confirm if they like sam Houston to?
How is owning black slaves wrong though?
It prevents them from shooting each other up.
It prevents them from raping whites.
It prevents them from robbing stores.
It prevents them from killing our comrades/police officers.
It prevents them from chimpping out.
I only see benefits of holding blacks as slaves, maybe our elders are wrong about seeing blacks as equals.
Mexicans served in his fucking army... so I'd say I believe it.
One of the men high in his chain of command was Mexican.
They were Texans.
>However, Mexicans don't seem to cry like babies
Confirmed for never living in the Southwest
let 'em start with this one on I-45
If I could be anywhere near Houston I would get down there just so i could drive through them like eliot rodger.
a true American Hero
Also, antifa is being really arrogant about this. They are saying nothing but pussy redneck retards will show up. If you DO end up in a physical confrontation with them, be sure to beat the ever living shit out of them and get it recorded.
Still the best thing to do is let the police arrest them and watch them cry and them playing revolutionary becomes very real and they have to call daddy to bail them out of jail
they have around 200 people on their page
Gather up a group of people with ARs around the statue and just stand there and if they try to fuck with you shoot them and claim it was self defense
>antifa in texas
enjoy getting shot
Texas has stand your ground laws if I recall correctly
How is that wrong you fucking retard? IF they fought against the Spanish during the Texas revolution they were true Texans. Better than your carpetbagging faggot ass whose family probably moved into Texas in the past 2 generations.
Texas has multiple actaul fascist bills/ammendments going through right now that allow medical professionals to use religion to make medical decisions, and that allow business owners to fuck with gay people.
That shit is real fascism and people using the imagery of anti-fascism are worried about a fucking lump of bronze or whatever the hell that thing is made of.
Fucking jackoffs.
Death to theocracy, death to fascism. Kill one and you kill the other.