Italians are based now are the turn of the other europeans

Italians are based now are the turn of the other europeans

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Self bump faggots

they want founds.
Knowing my fellow citizens, this is a scam

Absolutely based

are there really italians that look like this?

Of coarse you do, you're Italian.

It's not.


berlusconi did nothing wrong

We know who we need back...

If you fuckfaces let cinque stelle win i shall be disappointed in you

don't worry we will let the pd win

PD (dem) almost 30%
M5S almost 30%
center-right wing almost 30% (12% of them are more near to PD than "right")

That's even worse. Remove Salvini and get a proper right wing in place

Why don't you like Salvini?

La Meloni.
Mi sta' bene anche lei, ma preferisco Salvini

What's wrong with Salvini?

we like salvini, he is a living meme. Salvini's memes are the best memes

m8... Salvini just won the primaries of his party with 80% of the vote, nobody is removing him

Meloni -> 5%

do you even tombini di ghisa brah?

as a leader for the center-right she can be a good candidate, pleasing both Berlusca and Salvini followers

>italian memes


Salvini is not presentable. Besides, you cannot call your party lega nord and expect the nation to rally behind you. Ideology is fine, but in politics you need sophism as well

how funny it's the same way i react when we talk about italian politcs


everything italian is cringeworthy except for the food. just nuke this country into oblivion tbqh

I like Italy

>t. neapolitan

Also this

>Nuke terronia into oblivion


the figa is also good, berlusconi surely enjoyed it he liked mubarak's niece

You guys need him back

And this too


Not forgetting this one, either

Fai un piacere, vai a fare in culo tu e quella manica di ciucciacazzi


That was Martin Shultz, good memories

use english you spaghetti nigger


I agree, Lega Nord is a bad legacy, but Salvini as a leader is OK. He talk the language of the people. Change the party not the leader.

Holy fuck this guy is amazing

Ma è generazione identitaria, son nazionalisti no? L'inglese non s'usa

fa chel casso ca te voi

If I were the Italian prime minister, I'd have him as the Minister of Banter.

Just imagine the possibilities.

*If I was

Fuckin autocorrector [cit.]

Grazie, è una settimana che sto rottinculo rompe le palle a chieder soldi come i barboni per un "partito" nato in francia - noto paese di pederasti - che è costituito principalmente da bestie coi calzini bassi


Is that the same guy? Does he want a job in the American presidential cabinet by any chance?

>Change the party, not the leader
>Salvini is OK, talks the language of the people

Terrone spotted.
Salvini is a batshit idiot except for the migrant policy.

>15% meme flat tax (200 billion deficit in a year)
>Muh tax credit money
>Give me back lira and repeat the 1980s scheme who inflated the debt
>Gibs for literal retards

Well done user

They need money to take boats and sheeeit to broke balls to the ngo.

that fake, it's an actor

>Minister of Banter
Every country should have one tbqfh

>Muh me tard me don't understand economy, muh me faggot

Always archive known clickbait sources. If site, dump on; if youtube video, rewrite domain in link to

seh sicuro, "ci rompono le palle al sistema loro", un branco di pedali con borsetta

This was a convenient choice not too long ago

I don't literally care about deficit or any other bullshit, I want niggers out first, then we can speak about economy.

You know: sort your priorities

Then salvini is your best bet at getting even more peaceful refugees, you know, him being a failed commie and all that

Who should I support then? Tafano?

who was the original artist because I want a full sized frame of this photo.

>Niggers are the priority
>Salvini gets in charge
>Lira is once more established
>Currency depreciates
>Economy goes down the drain
>Italy defaults on debt
>"We don't have niggers at least, right guys?"
>Said fashy faggot now lives in a mud hut with his inbred family


Guys, please.

If you talk like this either you don't know what your talking about or you're an idiot, so pick one.

Lega Nord existence is entirely based on the presence of immigrants and terroni, so that's how they justify decades of basically doing nothing but complaining and making slogans against said categories.

They did nothing to change the situation even when they were ruling this shithole as a part of Berlusconi's governments, they just collected their biggest-in-Europe monthly salary while securing their seats in our parliament.

They're as corrupted and rotten as your average PD, Forza Italia (etc.) politician.

Movimento 5 Stelle is not perfect and has its problems because it's a movement filled with different people with dramatically different views apart from being deluded about our country's situation and general corruption that has to be purged.

First you want to let them win so they can (hopefully) clean our piece of shit public institutions and then, once everything is clean and set we can proceed with the second step by leaving M5S and forming our parties with our ideals in a safe and clean environment.

>t. M5S member

I'm rooting for a socialist dictatorship.

Meloni, at least she's almost coherent, too bad she's a woman and that side will never take her seriously

>supporting american plants
>year of our lord 2017

Muh Salvini Muh Economia Muh

a voi

E spargetelo in giro.

>Socialist dictatorship

I would have you gassed, you goddamn statalist. Do you know why every single "socialist dictatorship" has failed? Because heavily regulated markets DO NOT WORK.
I damn the current italian education system for not providing economics class to everyone, regardless of the school specialization.

> having control of your own currency is a bad thing

You have no understanding of economics, good goy.

I have no problem with Meloni being the leader of the right and no problem she's a woman.
But she has no chance to win, so Salvini is a better choice.

Hell, I would even more pleased to support Casapound if they had any chance.

>t. I don't know everything about economics but reading a 40 pages leaflets with enormous speculations makes me competent.

ayyy lmao

Grazie, ma prima di spargerlo, lo vo' a leggere.

You don't know Italy and you don't know what happened with our currency before Ciampi (aka former governor of the italian central bank stepped in).
Current monetary policy is ridiculous, but stepping out of euro at this point is literally begging the markets to bleed our country out.

>area 9,984,670 km2
>pop 35,151,728
>area 301,338 km2
>pop 60,674,003
Fuck off non country, you have no idea of what kind of hell it was here when they were free to print more money whenever they felt like it

>begging the markets to bleed our country out.

What's the difference from the current situation?
We need a drastic change, and we will suffer, there is no choice.

our last good politician..

Leggi con calma

E' un libretto che spiega l'abc. Se vuoi approfondisci in un secondo momento i temi, leggi e poi decidi.

The main difference is that the only thing left to sell to some foreigner is our mothers and we don't have the remote possibility of living off of banks like the cancerous island

vi chiedete perche gli italiani su Sup Forums sono quasi tutti del nord?

comunque Meloni non scherziamo, Salvini non scherziamo.

penso che la cosa migliore che possa capitare all'italia è una nuova vittoria di Berlusconi. fondamentalmente siamo una gerontocrazia e chi meglio del Berlusca per unire gli animi irrequieti dei matusa italiani?

i giovani non contano un cazzo in Italia, fateci caso nessuno si rivolge a loro perche tutti sanno che o si astengono o votano M5S.

in più giovani = poveri.

Lo sberla non può vincere dassolo, vedi il partito fottianimali recentemente fondato e il suo rinnovato amore per testa quadra. Sulla cosa dei giovani aggiungici che di giovani non ce n'è molti

Sono di Roma.
Nonostante ciò voterò lega o chi per essa (alle prossime comunali, se c'è, voterò Riscossa Italia, che non è legata alla Lega).

Spiega l' ABC secondo Salvini.
"Svalutare la moneta porta vantaggi per l' export italiano che è più conveniente sui mercati esteri"
Presuppone che:

-I prezzi delle materie importate non aumentino
-I prezzi dell' energia non varino
-Che non si ripeta lo stesso schema che si è visto negli anni 80/90 quando gli imprenditori invece d' investire ed aumentare l' efficienza degli impianti (vedi mancanza di competitività oggi).
-Che la dinamica del debito sia a pari livello con l' euro
-Che la dinamica dei tassi sia uguale
-Che gli altri paesi non ci chiudano le porte in faccia e ai loro mercati

Beh cazzo, immagino che sarà proprio così.

Ok let's discard for a moment the whole "socialist" part so I can explain the "dictatorship" part.

Italian people are stupid and as a matter of fact democracy doesn't work here, also because the whole heavily corrupted environment it's clear that our people don't know what is best for them, let's add the fact that most part of our people is growing selfish and not giving a fuck to laws and rules promoting a "who follows rules is stupid and I'm more intelligent because nobody touches me" idea.

To me the best thing to do is completely purge every corrupted shit promoting the message that everyone must follow the law and act as a part of a big collectivity and not as a single person or only in the interest of its family.

We need to enforce social awareness in our people, we need to make them patriotic again and have faith in our institutions, we need a massive rieducation for the better.

Criminals don't commit a crime against other people but against the whole state and collectivity, so according to the crime they perpetuated they could be assigned to forced labors (in order to pay their jail expenses and pay the "debts" with the people they damaged) at best and executed at worst (eg. tax evaders, corrupted shits, etc..).

Other random things I'd do:

>religions will be forbidden everywhere but inside private houses
>churces and vatican state will pay taxes and won't interfere in the public affair anymore
>every single illegal immigrant or non Italian criminal will be sent in its own country of origin after having paid the debt with our justice
>Gipsies will misteriously vanish forever
>Employ massive amount of people to work on public utilities and projects, under our government rather than private companies

And so on...

>I giovani

Se guardi la demografia conviene rivolgersi ai 35-55 enni incazzati e ai pensionati. I giovani sono molti di meno ed elettoralmente contano zero rispetto a questi gruppi.

anche io di roma, daje cazzo

>Currency depreciates
>Economy goes down the drain
You have no idea how economics work, especially since Italy is the second industrial exporter after Germany

si concordo
35-55 e io estenderei il concetto fino a 65 data la peculiarità demografica dell'Italia: abbiamo probabilmente i vecchi più in salute del mondo, i miei genitori quasi 70enni mi impressionano.

ovviamente anche loro, come da copione, hanno 600 volte la mia ricchezza attuale.

Bravo compagno, l'm5s ci salverà.

si, hai ragione. nessuno può vincere da solo e tutti che si illudono. quanto cazzo sono demenziali i nostri politici Dio solo lo sa

Stop those fucking """refugee""" boats, Luigi. Do it for Europa.

Non son demenziali, solo stronzi, sanno benissimo cosa fanno ecco perchè si ricomincia con la sega del proporzionale, così ti trovi un bel governello a tre teste che non combina un cazzo e la colpa ricomincerà a rimbalzare fino a che non s'arriva alla pensione

Socialist countries always have the biggest corruption problems compared to any other system.
The things you're talking about happened on some extent in parts of our history, but generally it didn't work out.
What I can tell you is that a centralized economy does greater damage than a nuclear bomb.

porcoddio come state messi
ancora con le favole

sognate rega, sognate mondi bellissimi in cui tutto è perfetto, e voi magari siete protagonisti.

fuck communism, fuck socialism

hey mammi, I'll let you know a big secret, one of the fastest ship in bringing refugees on our coasts is from Norway, the other one is german, but shh, don't tell anyone
Io ero sarcazzico

literally kys fedora communist nigger, never seen such a concentrated of autism and retardness

belle parole, come sempre.
Ma chi si fida piu' dei politici? E Grillo e' un politico come gli altri, il tuo partito e' estremamente opaco nelle sue decisioni

Sicily is shit-hole anyways.

So, what would be the best system for our country according to you?

I just feel that we need to work on people and justice BEFORE we can think about dramatically changing our country.