Some shit is about to go down

Hannity isn't an idiot. I don't think he would be pumping this up so much if it was nothing. I understand the argument that Kim dotcom is just flexing his nuts, but if Hannity is doing the same, we're on to something.

Bear in mind that Hannity was the guy who managed to secure the Assange interview. Hannity knows whats up.

Other urls found in this thread:

>I don't think he would be pumping this up so much if it was nothing

you mean like he does weekly?

this is viewbait

Hannity is a fucking entertainer you moron he doesnt give a shit about anything other than hyping for views. Youre either a boomer or retarded, in either case its redundant.

Can you provide examples of Hannity engaging in this sort of behavior on his Twitter for most of his news cycles?

The last time he was this hyped up was when he scored a face to face interview with Julian Assange - a man that, at the time, most people on the internet thought might have been dead.

I wish humanity would stop.

Quite possible. Maddow did this with trumps so called tax returns which were a huge nothing burger. I hope he's got the documents

If you people had any since of decency whatsoever you'd put yourself in the family shoes. Every time another person researches this hollow Trumpist conspiracy you are causing deep pain, the family wants peace!!

Just. Please. Stop.


Kim and Hannity both are going to end up having a fatal yoga accident.

Nostradamus wuz here

>Hannity isn't an idiot
stopped reading there

Lol nice try shill

Where can I watch Hannity, anyone on YT streaming?

>Sup Forums prides itself on finding conspiracy theories and shills
>5/15: news comes out that Trump leaks classified info to the Russians
>5/16: Sup Forums joins coordinated effort to drag Seth Rich's corpse out of the ground
>lead media figure involved is Sean Hannity, who talks on the phone with Trump all the time

>Hannity isn't an idiot. I don't think he would be pumping this up so much if it was nothing
Hannity's not an idiot, but everyone else involved in this is

Yeah but that's because maddow is a soulless liberal kike pushing a bullshit narrative that will never have any smoking gun because it's all fake news in the first place. Meanwhile hannity is litterally doing the Lord's will on earth

Justice for Seth and justice for his nation is more important than feelings. His family must feel very bad but i think even them understand it

Think of the parents goyim

The article that WL Tweeted is still up. Is this FOX covering its ass? I know they don't pay much attention to what their affiliates do.

"Most comprehensive report of the developments in DNC staffer Seth Rich's murder investigation today":

So wait until tonight. Oh wait. This thread is an advert.

All this shilling. The democrats must be panicking

Sup Forums has been on the Seth Rich thing since last year dipshit. Even the reddit fags were clued in. That's how out of touch you are.

Time and place (online) to watch, anyone?

>hurr i'm a retard
I know, and it went nowhere. Nothing has changed in this story since last year. It's a coordinated shilling effort because Trump leaked classified info to the Russians.

>All this shilling

Go to your local hole-in-the-wall Indian restaurant, an authentic, locals only kind. Order the butter chicken. Then when you get home and take a shit, get up without wiping and stare into the steaming shit-mound.

>Appeals to empathy
>On Sup Forums

Leafs strike again!

>If you people had any since of decency whatsoever you'd put yourself in the family shoes


Tell me when and where it is then, FFS.

Is it the radio stream or foxnews?

>it's a nowhere shill effort but this russia thing is real gais
Listen faggot the fake russia shit didn't start until near the end of the election when they knew Trump was going to win.

I think here:

Why your point shill?

>hype for views by breaking a story that could very well lead you to losing your job

Hannity isn't an idiot. He's a shrewd businessman who is constantly thinking about market share and his bottom line. What better way to stay relevant with people who will literally shovel him money to talk about whatever bullshit conspiracy theory is fashionable? And you retards all bought it, hook line and sinker.

>nothing has changed




Dont click thats a shill link.

>5/15: news breaks that Trump blew a covert asset by bragging about it to the Russians
>5/16: some dumbfuck reporter starts talking about Seth Rich, reports nothing new, then retracts their entire story
>ever since: Sean Hannity, Trump's good friend who talks to him on the phone all the time, shills the story non-stop
Listen faggot. You're a fucking retard. This has nothing to do with the election. Hannity is MSM who is covering for the president with a bullshit story because he just did one of the most egregiously bad things a president can do.


came here to post this

what changed?

There was no news in the Seth Rich story until the day after news broke that Trump gave classified info to the Russians inside the Oval Office.

>he just did one of the most egregiously bad things a president can do.
His job? Presidents are supposed to do stuff, I know you're only old enough to remember the last guy but trust me this is normal.

KEK get bent LEAF their kid died like a fucking year ago and now they are suddenly so upset because people want to know the truth of his very strange death? ROLL FOR RICH

I just finished reading through tonights transcript and there was nothing substantial in it. I wouldn't even bother wasting your time watching it. This big fat nothingburger just made me very sleepy

you forgot to add HURR RUSSIA

Call me when something actually happens. It's been like this every fucking day without any significant updates.

Just cryptic bullshit.

Who gives a shit about hannity? Fuck you're a dense faggot. You're delusional. You should hear how crazy you people sound. Sup Forums is supposed to be cray cray yet here you are the commie with your batshit insane conspiracy theories.

>He did the most egregious thing a president can do

>1 post by this ID
the president's job is not to blow covert assets by bragging about them

Hannity is going to lose his job over some bunk conspiracy theory lmao.

Kimdotcom is misleading this poor gullible man off a cliff hahaha

>I don't think he would be pumping this up so much if it was nothing.

Yes he would. He's trying to get ratings you godamn moron.

have an updoot, you the real mvp

What, between sharing intelligence selectively and blurting out a source that burned a spy in ISIL like a five year old with ADHD?

Yeah there's a difference, Trump's a fucking retard.

This guy trolling so hard. You guys seriously believe this?

>inb4 muh shill
Why the hell do think Dotcom is reliable source of information?

I like you Ausies, so I'll let this slide.

>look ma, i posted it again

According to who? (((Sources)))?

Go hide in you house, Mohammed. Speaking mean on the internet is liable to get you in trouble.

Yeah, just browse through the list of YouTube live streams, there are usually at least a couple of Fox News live streams running.

Silence shill. Hannity is about to turn DC on its head. I know because I trust Fox News!

>Who gives a shit about hannity?
>posted in a hype thread about hannity's secret kim dotcom info that's never going to come out because it's bullshit
Alright faggot. You're seriously a fucking retard if you don't realize that Hannity threatened to quit weeks ago because of Ailes/O'Reilly being pushed out and now is bullshitting for his best friend, the president.

>telling people where they can drop bombs is the same thing as helping them figure out the identity of an undercover agent
We never even shared intel with Russia anyway so I don't get what your point is

>Hannity isn't an idiot.

Stop reading here.



Reminder that the Washington Post got $600M from the CIA

Yes, the only decent thing to do is whistle past this graveyard like nothing happened.

Fuck off.





Inb4 reddit faggot

what does he mean by "tonight"

You sound exactly like them blue tick cunts swarming twitter atm

Trump watches hannity. Hopefully he watches tonight.

> Trump Says yes I shared information
> Trump says in public that he 'never said it was Israel so I didn't give that away'
> No sources needed, Trump is literally too stupid not to blurt out exactly what he's doing every second of the day

Man would tell you the Nuclear codes if he was trying to impress you. His inferiority complex is hilarious.

Calm the fuck down Ahmad

What you stupid plebs don't want to admit is that Kim was bait in a big psyop.

They seeded a story with potential.
Baited you guys.
Created a nail in the coffin bait (Kim) and then drove the final hammer with him :
> Bullshit request for disclosure that will never been honored
So now the story and anyone associated with it go down.

I actually have respect for Fox killing this shit the moment that fat fuck didn't deliver. Unlike other news agencies who continue to carry on with bullshit fake news, Fox actually had the integrity to kill this shit dead based on this fat fuck lying and not delivering like he said.

Given this, no one is going to respect or even give a person the time of day in the future unless they deliver actual evidence. This is the way it should be. Put up or stfu !!!

What kind of parent doesn't want as much help investigating their sons murder as they can get?

>If you people had any since of decency whatsoever you'd put yourself in the family shoes

I did and more than anything I would want Justice for Seth

it's going to be literally nothing.

>I mean for fuck sake Tyrone fucks my wife but that doesn't stop me from liking black people. Prep a fucking bull.
I pointed out your faggotry. You're in the same thread you fucking douche canoe. Fuck hannity. Who cares. Fox can burn. Hannity can go fucking neck himself I don't care. Stop whining like a little bitch about russia.

^THIS. Finally, someone states why Hannity is important.

Hannity is a propagandist. He literally just takes his marching orders from the GOP. So it's no wonder that Hannity and the White House have the same talking points.


is it that or this?

no, Hannity's a motherfucking patriot

and he really stepped up in 2015/2016/2017

or this

>oh no trump told the russians something really sensitive
>better tell the whole msm all the classified details

You realize it was leaked that he told them anything, right?

Wait, was he supposed to toss all his internet on a torrent and share it with the world? Bro's gonna testify.

Ailes, O'Reilly, Shine are all gone, is Hannity next? Fox can't afford to keep talking about Seth Rich, otherwise they'll get sued hard by his family, and they're already dealing with the dozens of lawsuits from female employees that were harassed.

Ok I'm in the families shoes. Thank you Mr. Hannity for getting so much attention on my son's unsolved murder.

The police say it was a failed robbery attempt but my gut says it's more than that. I mean, niggers always come go that reward money. Someone would know somdthing on the streets about this one.

>I don't care if the only reason I'm talking about this story is because I got manipulated by Sean Hannity covering for his friend, the president
When did I ever bitch about Russia? I complained about people shilling bullshit stories to cover for our idiot president doing idiot things then pretending it's some Sup Forums thing. People were shilling it here on Sup Forums too, no one gives a fuck. Anyone who believes this shit is a hopeless moron.

Trump talks to Hannity on the phone. Hannity is pushing this bullshit for Trump.

>pic related is what I wished I looked like while prepping for the race war
I hate that fat fuck larper. He doesn't deserve the name "Kim."

>1 post by this ID
Hannity threatened to quit weeks ago, he's doing this intentionally so that whatever morons believe your shilling will throw money at him after he leaves

Remember how the pedestal emails were dragged out so that the Alphabets had to have a new happening every day to cover the leaks. Thats whats happening now.


based limey knows the tactics......

if this was an autocorrect, top kek

I don't think fbianon has ever said anything of substance. Nothing that wasn't already public knowledge. They're just a good larper. Codefag is not a good larper but is also a larper.

But let's play along and suppose what fbianon said here and elsewhere is true. That would mean the DNC did not kill Seth Rich. According to fbianon they didn't even catch him or know about it.. it was the feds who caught and monitored him and then let another party know. These senators caught wind of it and he winds up dead. If at true of course. But the feds never intended for this, they just wanted him to get outed for political treason.

This actually fits the part of Wheeler's story about the D.C. cops claiming the feds were involved and had the laptop. He wanted to know why the feds were involved in a local murder investigation. They said the D.C. cops had the laptop and have also repeatedly told the media they're not involved with Seth Rich's murder case. Because they're technically not. They were investigating him for his leaks, not his murder. If fbianon is legit. Of course somebody else might have just figured it out from contextual clues.

You think your post on this Mongolian fishflinging board is going to stop me? Let me give you a concise answer. No, you insufferable fuckwad. Never stopping until panda has his vengeance and the DNC is exposed for the criminal ring that it is. KEK

>Enjoying the show

Yeah. That's the right one.
I'm retarded. I'll just go hang myself now.

Meant for this Goddamn. I need to eat something.


Kim Dotcom did not deliver. Weak.

Anyone want to help me aggregate info we got? comps I made are too big for 4chans upload system.
I pretty much made first infographic.


>Hannity isn't an idiot.
Objection, your honor!

Assuming facts not in evidence.

sh strikes me as genuine and straight shooter--he was the only one pre election to question why there was literally no coverage by the msm about the missing emails

if he has an interview with Kim then it's already recorded and complete ---he wouldn't say something this extravagant if he didn't have hard evidence in his possession