I hate sanctimonious veterans...

I hate sanctimonious veterans. I see them at McDonalds all the time wearing their fucking combat fatigues like they think they're in fuckin Kabul... bud you're in Canada... do you want me to buy you breakfast LOL... all those welfare queens deserve is a bullet to the head

>do you want me to buy you breakfast
maybe you should, they protected your life. it's not that much of a strain on you to show some respect.

>countries have american big chains all over them and they take it like the cucks they are

military action in the middle east has demonstrably endangered more lives in the west

>they protected your life

unless OP is one of the ruling elites or businesses who made money off their sacrifices, he doesnt really owe any of them anything

You are daring to say WHAT??????

my sights may one day be on you, may god have mercy on you buddey.

You guys are terrible Americans, have some respect for the men who laid down their lives for your freedom.

kys muslim chink faggot

Shouldnt you be eating dinner with your parents downstairs? im sure their calling your name

Always the fucking leaf


>hurr durrrr if you don't support muh troops you're a MUSLIM

lol, neocons aren't welcome here.

Ever went to Kabul buddy?

Not chow time in Alberta yet.


I know right.

Like I get why I should respect the vets who died on vimy ridge, you know, actual important wars and shit.

But why should I give a fuck about some dumb ass who went to fucking Kandahar and tripped off an IED because he was being a retard?

the military is mostly just a glorified welfare program.

I'm not a good goy who dies to help secure the flow of heroin out if Afghanistan, lol.

Did you ever consider that maybe they are just on their way to work, or on a lunch break?


And they come back with a chip on their shoulder.

Ever wonder why those insufferable cunts walk around in fatigues everywhere?

Because they expect free shit from you. I've already given my fair share in taxes, dickhead.

No dude they always pull this gimmick to get sympathy and free stuff from people. Huge egomaniac. Then bootlickers ask to shake their hands or buy them a coffee... LOL

Troops inherently protect a country.
even if a commie faggot like you lived in a commune the collective would lynch your ass for shitting on those who protect said collective...respect for a nations troops is global. .

day of the rake when

>No dude they always pull this gimmick to get sympathy and free stuff from people.

What makes you so certain?

Oh yeah we really needed to bomb 1.5 million Iraqi citizens and spy on the entire globe for my freedom

Fuck off kike

they went to fight for queen and country like good little slaves . glad I wise and decided not to join up .

well they're doing a piss poor job at it because our freedoms kept shrinking since 9/11

I'm an ancap, nice projection though. I didn't know bullshit military actions in fucking AFGHANISTAN protect me... lol...

It's obvious. Trust me. Dumb fucks join the military, dumb vacuous cunts.

You're the reason I think conscription should be a thing.

You stupid faggot that 1.5 million was caused mostly by sunnis killing each other.

oh which btw yes removing saddam caused this but what does that say when two kinds of muslims kill each other more then the Americans.

>It's obvious. Trust me. Dumb fucks join the military, dumb vacuous cunts.

I've only spoken to a dozen or so Canadian military, but in the US I don't know a single soldier/veteran who doesn't find that kind of stuff cringey and unacceptable. The only people I've ever seen do it are pretending to be military.

If I had to bet I'd put money on them just stopping to get food on their way to work and you are just sperging out because you hate the military (not that you are necessarily wrong).

exactly army tools are useful idiots to be used by the controllers

weren't for volunteers you ass would be conscripted either way..

I don't know about leaf land, but here in the states there are certain days of the week where military personnel are obligated to wear their uniforms when they are off duty. I see them around town quite a bit, in the store and whatnot. They all seem like they would rather be wearing something else because they stand out so much.
Also see a bunch of foreign soldiers too. Saw a bunch of Norwegian pilots last month. They are very friendly, but do not like the hot and humid weather here.

true never seen any of my siblings in the miltary flaunt it ..usually the stolen valor types.

>I don't know about leaf land, but here in the states there are certain days of the week where military personnel are obligated to wear their uniforms when they are off duty.

I can't think of a situation where this would be true. In fact it's almost universally banned to wear your uniform off-duty.

I don't know about the army but in the navy a lot of the times we have to wear our dress uniform when in town on shore leave

Many people join the military for the benefits as well. it is nice to get a check every few weeks after you retire. Tricare and so on. It isn't that they had pride in their nation, they saw a good deal and took it. Now they have a steady job and retirement.

I usually cant tell the difference between ancom and ancaps since your both fucking retarded anything associated with anarchy is.

They dont im talking about the function of a military.If you didnt have a military or the US military since, you ass would owned by Russia china...fuck even greenland.

There's just way too many LARPers on Sup Forums

>I see them at McDonalds all the time wearing their fucking combat fatigues like they think they're in fuckin Kabul

So you're triggered by someone who has to wear certain clothes for their job is picking up a coffee on their way to work? Stop being such a sensitive snowflake.

>they think they're in fuckin Kabul... bud you're in Canada
as if there's a difference anymore

It is an odd thing, I agree. My father had to do it, wear his uniform during the day on certain days of the week. I can't remember what they call it, but they still do it apparently. I can't imagine all of the people I see in the super market and pharmacy are all on duty.

Yeah, my father had to do this a lot.

>In fact it's almost universally banned to wear your uniform off-duty.

I know for a fact that this is also true in Canada. You cannot wear fatigues unless you are on duty. The only way OP would see someone wearing fatigues in a coffee shop is if they were on their way to work.

This double standard doesn't make any sense though. The people who joined and end up in situations like vimy ridge joined for the same reasons as the people who trip on IEDs while picking their nose. Neither intended to be in those situations but joined knowing it was a possibility

>that picture

>My father had to do it, wear his uniform during the day on certain days of the week.
I don't know what you mean by this. He didn't have to where his uniform every day of the week?

>I can't remember what they call it, but they still do it apparently.
I can only speak for the army, but I am 99.9999999% certain that is not a thing anywhere for the army.


If those veterans chose to rip your pants down and fuck you in the ass I wouldn't bat an eye you fucking leaf.

Jesus...I can smell your vagina thru the screen

Same here, you also put yourself at risk of a public relations incident if somebody takes an unflattering picture of you for facebook while you're faffing about

Stupid fucking leaf goddamn.
Military doesnt wear that shit off-duty theyre probably getting lunch


Lived near a ChairForce base. It's the same in leafland, but they wear green which is weird considering it's the ChairForce

I still love the fact that faggots like you in my country will be paying for my tax free military retirement for THE REST OF MY LIFE. On top of my 9/11 bill, and what ever job I stack it on. Thank you cuck for paying taxes.


There were days of the week where my father would have to wear his uniform even when he was not working. Said he would get in trouble if he was caught not wearing it. Next time I see a guy or girl in uniform at the store I am going to ask them, just because it is bothering me now.

>Be veteran since '07
>Never wear fatigues ever again

Edgy kids, period.

> neocon

aaaahahahahahaha the soviet rape baby shills identify themselves these days. do me a favor and slap your fat cunt mother for me

Oh I should respect them for doing their job, getting free moneyz, and protecting the bank? Fuck 'em.

You're still better than your parents.

How long ago was this? I can tell you this definitely isn't a thing in the army now.

Wearing your uniform to breakfast lunch or dinner yeah not a big deal. Sometimes we have to go to work and do a guard sentry rotation so we might have to work a weekend or odd hours.

I can safely say no one will be wearing their fatigues if they're not working. They aren't comfortable, they're annoying to wear.

>It's obvious. Trust me.

The only thing obvious is that you came here hoping Sup Forums would affirm your dumb fantasy of military members wearing their uniforms in public in an attempt to garner attention and perhaps get a free meal. Unless you actually heard and saw them begging for money, it's likely they were Reservists on a lunch break. Stop acting like a fucking child over nothing.

>go to the store after work
>still in unifrom because it saves the 30 minutes it would take to drive home, change, and drive back
>some faggot starts yelling at me because he gets triggered by people wearing work uniforms
Cry me a fucking river faggot.

I've only seen that at deployed locations

>it's that edgy "fuck the soldiers" thread
stay mad pussy. think of it this way, the army demands benefits because it has the power to take it from pussies like you, do something about it if you don't like it(you won't)

>Wear cadpat to pick up Timmins before going to work to protect the banker illuminati 420 no-scope elite
>All these years not knowing all the ass-pain I have caused by simply wearing my uniform
>Find 4chimp thread with OP screaming "soldiers get out REEEEEEEEEEEEE! I hope you die of Saudi ass cancer!"
