Liberals gone Crazy!!

No shame whatsoever!

You can't make this shit up.

*hand rubbing in the background*
Srsly though, western normies suck at recognizing eastern religions and ethnicities (and vice versa)

Jimmies status: NUCLEAR RUSTLING

deus vult when?

DEADLY denim.

What did he mean by this?

It wasn't due to their ignorance of sikhs though, it was deliberately done to favor the muslims.

I bet those nice sikh cab drivers fucking loved being labeled as Muslim so it could fit the media narrative.

lamo stupid brown skinned cunt

if a reporter ask you any question the only safe thing toi say is: no comment, contact my representative for further information.

The tweet has been since deleted after it was busted wide open.

Holy Shit, they have no shame. They will do anything to try to make Muslims look good. Those dirty rotten liars.
Based Sikh's need to make noise about this and make the media hear how Cosmo lied.

>tweet no longer available
top kek

You need to chill the fuck out with the shitposting here. The cab driver is a virtual non-issue here. The journalist is intentionally spreading misinformation to suit her narrative. Thats a real issue. Can we get proof of this secured?


For some reason the way twitter-liberals are treating this attack is making me especially ready to retake the Holy Land.

Everyone already knows what they've done. Look at the guy's twitter.

>busted wide open
>every normie on twitter still believes it

There are still a lot of missing kids.....

Soon brother.

Same thing when a bomb goes off in Turkey, or Afghanistan. It's Moose-limbs who have who have to clean up after other Moose-limbs.

Liberals absolutely fucking sicken me to my core.

I'm so Sikh of this bs.

lel, seriously?


i feel a bit sorry for the taxi lad , but it kindof serves him right for jumping on the bandwagon. kids died and hes using it for free backslaps. sortof pathetic.

I don't even think this was subversion so much as her own ignorance. She probably thinks Sikhs are a type of Muslim.

Liberalism is a mental disease.

Maybe if you hug a Deathclaw it won't rip you too shreds.

And yes I said too to trigger.

how delusional can leftist communists get? Now they're imagining some sort of muslim utopian society where everything is run by good muslims fighting the bad ones.

>It's ok that you explode guys, we got free taxi rides woo!

I agree Tony.

that is fucking amazing
i didn't know you can learn to troll from cosmo

Watcha doin' Rabbi?

Either those are kike bots, or the jewish programming is 100x worse than I'd thought.