Ask a National Guard recruit anything!

13B MOS reporting in. Leave for basic training soon.

>Leave for basic training soon.

So what makes you interesting? This is literally just an AMA with a random guy.


You'd be interesting to ask questons to if you'd actually been through it.

Right now you're just a guy who will join the National Guard.

Why the fuck do DEPers always think they're hot shit? Chances are guy like this who make threads or talk it up don't make it past basic.

>not even in yet
>Not even regular army
You aren't worth asking questions, you have nothing really to contribute, guy. Go to sleep.

Wildland Firefighter here, AMA

Work out of helis in northern Ontario. We're based out of Kenora.

You should see how it is when people graduate basic and start AIT. AITfags think they are the real shit when they go off post after work.

If you were told to detain/kill fellow americans in mass... would you?

You're such a low piece of shit I don't even know what to call you, calling you a boot is a compliment at this point you cock sucking faggot. I hope your DS skullfucks you. Have fun.

HAHAAHAHA. 13B biggest bunch of fucking idiots in the army. Enjoy hating life

We thought we were the shit In el paso,
I guess you are right

In 1 to 10, how brainwahsed you feel right now?


Former 13F, currently 131A here. You chose the wrong MOS.

Enjoy your fucked hearing and teeth.

Indirect fire is for pussies

Why did you enlist?
I plan on enlisting in the national guard to get myself some experience for law enforcement.

If you want to be a civilian cop dont become an MP they dont like hiring them

lasagna is based.

Is Scott the biggest dick in Canada?

This. Until you have your CIB / CMB / CAB shut your fucking mouth.

I just came from fort sill .. and 13B is not the way to go.. this shit sucks man

they added a hash brown one that blows the rest completely out of the water

Towed? Ha! Gay! KYS faggit!

That literally looks like vomit.

35f reporting ship literally tomorrow wish me luck boys

Pretty much this

I have no idea why pic related is sideways but thanks sgt major regardless

Not op but you still do drill shit atleast in missouri and learn the basics
Read above also nasty girls do the same basic as regular army

Yes its an mre

well no shit its an MRE youre not supposed to look at it

Was a red leg myself
You going to Ft Sill?

Is that pretzels?


Was anyone in delta 131 in fort sill >_>

I'm going to be a 13F. Tell me everything you know.

you saturate the pretzels in the included hot sauce then add it the main course for better texture taste and speed of dining

I was C 1/22 back in the day (2006)

I get that you're excited but save this crap for when you finish your training. Then you can give advice to people who are getting ready to go in.

I was going to join the National Guard as an officer, but I changed my mind because the recruiter was a piece of shit who tried to sugarcoat everything instead of being honest. In addition, I'd deduced that civilian work experience is paramount to military experience, especially considering that I will be paid double.

The National Guard is enticing because of the education credit though.

Do these MREs come with vitamins cooked into the food or do they supply a multi vitamin separately?

Tfw federal AND state money

Let me guess you're going to Fort.Sill for AIT been there done that kid. On other thoughts ask ME anything you want to know

if you eat an equal portion of every piece of the included MRE you will have the nurtitional and caloric needs for the day greatly exceeded

*snicker* Not even a fucking boot yet.. Come back after you've at least seen a real FOB.

True story, one of our Paladins ran over those huge turtles down there

There are gluten-free MREs?

Wtf is the national guard and how ia it different from army reservesits?

Basically each MRE takes 60 minutes off your life

My favorite was the beef stew

When are you gonna start shooting hippies in Berkeley again? They're getting out of hand and are practically holding the city hostage.

Also, do y'all still use the M16A2?

That looks delicious. Do burgers still get a Tabasco sauce in some MREs?

no, if you have a gluten allergy you cant join
national guard is state based

HAve fun with your shitty AIT in Sill. Im a 14T and trust me, you picked a shit time to join, weather wise. Hope you took an airborne contract too cunt.

Also National Guard is gayyyyyy. Should've picked active

Learn your place boot no one cares about you

National Guard - State (Governor is the Commander in Chief)
Reserves - Federal, attached to main divisions

m4, m4a1, or sometimes m16a4s

Can confirm, I went during the height of summer temps and it was like 110-115 when I left. Heat Cat 5 basically all the time

F feelsbadman

National guard is strictly homeland defense and run by the state government

No u
>cucking yourself out of max options
Why? Just transfer to active if you like it that much

theres tabasco pepper sauce but it isnt real tobasco

You serve the your State and the Federal Gummit. Very much like reserves unless you get a full time Guard position on a base in your state. Which there are plenty...Especially for the Air National Guard.

Ok, I'll try to find a few cases on eBay or something. Thanks.

Kind of expected that. When I was diagnosed with celiac it killed all my hope of joining the reserve or guard. Even if they'd let me in it'd be ridiculous to expect them to provide gluten-free food. I'd be literally passing out from stomach aches once a week.

>Army MOS
>blue top MARINE batteries in their...batteries

during deployments you could go weeks or months eating nothing but mres, so youd be fucked

Lucky, I qual'd on an M16A2 with irons. You faggots probably get Aimpoints and stress cards.
Still remember my rifle serial

Cannon cocking cocksucker! Go pull your boyfriend's lanyard already!

Pretty typical day at the Stumps too- CAX was hot as fuck.

those are boat batteries not semper fi batteries

Also got bit by a brown recluse down there. Fucking hated Sill

when I came in it was m4 with iron sights, now they use ACOGs, and stress cards are a myth going as far back as the mid 90s.

Wow the National Guard, isn't that white high-school dropouts or people that have failed at life do? Why does it have such a bad rep?

Yeah bro. I went in Febuary- April for basic but going to Sill from May - July was hell! And summer time in Korea is horrible. At least Im almost out of this shithole and 30 days of leave for me(:

12B or fuck off

what unit you in sapper chan?

How well will your serve your Saudi and Israeli masters now that King Cheetoh has pledged to take on their tribal war causes?

Will you defeat the Iranian evildoers so that Israel can continue to be a shining beacon of democracy?

Its just a meme all branches hate each other

How does it feel to be the lowest of the MI MOSs'?

>two retards who are fighting for king retard
>too retarded to reclass to 14T

Currently in AIT at Gordon. Can't stay up much later.

Ask away.

Natty Guard is only one weekend a month. You can't really live off of that. I'm from SC. Most guys I know who are in it are well off and do it just for extra money and to get away on the weekend and drink beer on an FTX. There are a good bit of trailer trash but I don't think it can be argued that it attracts failures.

suck on your soju nerd

>practically infantry
At least you're probably white.

Feels good man

Don't they just make powerpoints???
How is 35F even a real MOS

Honestly not really, most do it for school, so they at least are mostly capable of attending college
I've literally met Active Duty people who couldn't read. But I've met plenty of hicks who were Natty Guard

sorry can't hear you over all the time we've been saving the infantry.

Every Friday and Saturday!

I'd actually have a sliver of respect if there weren't like 8 million of you fucking JAFOs

Kill some Dune Coons for me while ya

>two thousand and fucking seven teen
>working for the government
defend my freedom goy

>Was 13B
>Reclassed as 11B
Eat shit you POG fuck

but you guys dont fly a10s or medevacs?


How can 11b even compete?

a small vessel propelled on water by oars, sails, or an engine.
"a fishing boat"
synonyms: vessel, craft, watercraft, ship; literarykeel
"a wooden boat"

Towed or Self-propelled?

25 yr old here. Do you find yourself home more than overseas? This recent manchester event and every single one makes me closer to wanting to join. I want to serve my country and Im unsure if this is the way to do it.
Ive always imagined the National Guard was better for those that want to serve their country without fighting these Jewish wars. How true is that?
I dont want to die for Israel but at the same time I want to help bring an end to ISIS.

How does it feel knowing that your country hasn't won a war since the revolution?

depends on your unit, but youll spend more time here training than you will overseas, a typical cycle is a year out a year in during a high op tempo

They don't. ARMY= Ain't Ready to be a Marine Yet.

Have fun using a gun maybe once a year and maybe fucking shooting off one or two rounds during AT. Also have fun not being able to hear faggot.

How does it feel knowing your country lost to emus?


Real men make the correct choice from the get go.

for a department of the navy you guys cant acronymize for shit

>this whole post and flag