
what does /pol think of this? Are they stealing our meme magic?

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Shit we should help them then laugh at them for the sake of cringe.

Some of their memes are, dare I say, not awful?

Do they mean neoliberals as in Reaganomics or neoliberals as in social justice?


Is /r/neoliberal legit or is it just another Shareblue sub?


It's a legit attempt to create centrist memes. I think it was started by some George Mason University econ graduate students

The first one--a broad combination of free markets, welfare safety net, incremental and technocratic public policy.


worst cancer i've ever seen. they unironically shill for globalism and oligarchy. somehow they think because they are on reddit typing from a computer they are part of the elite class.it's neocon but repackaged as liberal, basic laissez faire globalism. also probably neocon foreign policy. unironic shilling for big business. like i said, they fancy themselves part of the global elite because they have access to hulu and supermarkets.

It was only a matter of time. Anything successful will be imitated. Within a few years they will likely eclipse us. We may have both truth and humor on our side but they don't have the burden of redpilling anyone. They can spread over facebook and appeal to the uninitiated normie.

usually go there for laughs and/or cringe. never disappoints.

I think you should stop posting here, reddit.

looks like most of their memes are just copies--unclear if they can innovate on their own

>paying for a tax cut
my nigga waat?

Liberals will never make a meme as good as the nelson mandela tire necklacing kit

the entire thread is unironic Pangloss quoting. at least they're trying to come out in the open now about their actual worldview rather than shrouding themselves in humanitarianism.

My theory is that neoliberals are just proto-pollacks that haven't yet accepted human biodiversity.

There are circumstances where cutting taxes generates more tax revenue, like if taxes are too high. That's what they mean by "pay" for itself.

It really is the question they have no answer for.

Anti-protectionist memes are always 100% shit. This meme is shit. And it's not theirs.

I'm pretty sure it's just lolbertarians from old Sup Forums shitposting.

and white genocide. i hate neoliberals so fucking much, they have reduced all life to economic transactions and envision global shopping malls as the highest form of life. It's globalism.

I think actually a lot of them do accept the core science of IQ, race etc. People like Scott Alexander of Slate Star Codex, Charles Murray, economist Garrett Jones are all on board the neoliberal train

These fucks... Dear G-d. I can't believe this is real. They LARP'd moral indignation over global trade our entire lives. I didn't even anticipate they would start parroting shit like this.

Overton Window confirmed 100% real.

Impossible, because they look like pic related. The liberals are the boring adults now like the conservatives were 15 years ago.

They've missed the whole point of that meme though, it's supposed to get more ironic as it goes up, they're dead serious the whole way.
Cringey as fuck.

I hope you're right user. I really do.

Neoliberals aren't liberals user, pic related.

the main shitposter @calebwatney is only like 24 or something, but yeah most of them are old

you might be mistaking the concepts. Neoliberal is another term for Globalist.

left libertarians, it seems. Degeneracy, hedonism, fuck the environment, fuck the family, fuck the nation, fuck purpose in life besides my own gratification and credit card swiping we have 4k streaming and fresh fruit all year around haha wow surely this isn't nihilism and won't lead to suicide and listlessness

>what does /pol think of this? Are they stealing our meme magic?

Neo liberals are better at self deprecating comedy


no, they are middle/upper middle class kids circlejerking. there is no thought going on or actual discussion, it's a group identity activity. makes them feel good to parrot the same things back and forth to one another.

>Impossible, because they look like pic related. The liberals are the boring adults now like the conservatives were 15 years ago.

Yeah we just don't know how to have fun like the alt-right HAHAHA

it's just boomerism with an ironic layer. millenial nostalgia finally reached politics, that's all it is.


Spotted the merchant.

these kids are having fun. good for them to get out of the house.

No. Why?


I support this new openness. The Democrats' open contempt for poor white males in 2016 was a "good" step as well. As is, for that matter, people's increasing openness about white nationalism. Out with it all -- let the Anglo-certified marketplace of ideas sort it.

True, but nevertheless they're still onboard with open borders and unfettered immigration. They don't acknowledge the causal link between migration and war. They refuse to account for the intrinsic non-negotiable tribalism that exists at all levels of mankind and the implications that this has on the feasibility of multicultural society. They believe in freedom of association between races but not within them.

At the end of the day their only real interest is expanding and integrating markets. It's pathological.

memes rely on truthful observation. neo liberalism thrives on brainwashing.

they will fail

Oh yes, the Laffer curve, I'm sure normal people know about that

can't argue that logic

These people glee at the idea of reducing all of humanity to the level of mindless, identityless economic ants. To them, destruction of cultures and ethnicities is not just a side-effect of open borders and globalism, it's something to be actively strived for in the name of "progress". Neo-liberals are honestly worse than commies.

hell yes, any of these people would get destroyed in an open debate. they're too young or blindered to realize they are parroting the conservative platform from basically our entire lives and we know how effective that was rhetorically.

why don't you want taco trucks on every corner?

white culture is trash anyway

the point is to reference things smart people (really just people who could afford and qualify for undergraduate courses) would have heard of. it's a conspicuous display of class. the reddit parks and recreation.

liberals fail horribly at memes

see: 2016 election

it's humanistic to destroy the product of thousands of years of human endeavour in the name of diversity

Inb4 can't be done faggots

Can we start making some (very) shitty liberal memes to start mixing in with theirs? It should, at a minimum, cause confusion and lower morale against whatever they are trying to do.

seems correct


They are fighting an ideological war against nature

Fuck these shit memes, post good ones.

I'm from that demographic and you're right.

When it comes to progressive ideology, neoliberals are to SJWs what cool-guy-minister-who-wears-bluejeans-and-doesn't-tuck-his-shirt-in non-denominational Christianity is to the Southern Baptist Convention.


We should make them from a pro colonialist perspective and floo their subreddit
Like how natives were living in squalor until the white man came along

Word. You can't be very funny w/o the truth, Kek will see us through

There are quite a few there that had protectionist and socialist ideas. Lee Kuan Yew was a socialist and the chaebol system is very protectionist.

They never will, most anti-social members are simplistic and are able to show and tell, like how old political cartoons were before the age of the "write words everywhere" began. They are also highly ironic, mainly portraying itself as a parody of the situation on all sides (like the picture of Trump as a pee smugly looking at angry Mexicans

Liberal memes require that you already be apart of a certain group, and demands that you see the other side as inferior.

I'm glad you guys are pointing this out. I've noticed that subreddit becoming increasingly popular and they don't even try to mask their intentions to be globalist, anti-freedom cunts. It's very obvious to me that this is a coordinated-from-the-top response to Sup Forums and T_D (even though that place is a shithole now). Good to identify the enemy now and put out strategic warnings so we can make tactical meme strikes against their bullshit.

kek, neo-col, or neo-mercantlist? i actually want to make this. we could pretend to be 17th century globalists and copy every one of their posts identically with global trade memes.

>why do you hate the global poor
>why don't you take up the white man's burden


i think it's just the internet culture. "when i was your age" people in business and poli sci just did their homework and shut the fuck up about it, but there wasn't twitter to post about to show off what you learned freshman year.

GOP establishment - neoliberals
clintons = liberal interventionists
Obama/ sanders= socialism
Cruz/Rubio = classical liberals / libertarians
pol = ANcap, NATSOC, 3rd position, neo monarchist fringe shit


Also humor is generally offensive to someone if it's funny at all and liberals can only repetitively bash white people and Trump. They run out of material pretty fast.

such blasphemy will not be taken lightly by our Lord Kek
it's very much advisable that they cease these attempts immediately lest people start having accidents



That shit only works when the population isn't completely in debt to sand merchants. This is why the majority of Kikes vote blue.

>Japan not also there

They did it first even.

I scoured for good memes and I found this one. Pretty funny to be honest.

I'd agree. I think neoliberalism will continue to hang around for the next 80 years or so, but the hey-day is over.

>Their values are solely grounded in economic ones. It's the same with commies.

Great insight. I'll have to bring this up with my neoliberal friends.

just tell them, i agree, it's the white man's burden to lift every other race out of the stone age, and capitalism is the most efficient means.

>Neoliberals understand that free-market capitalism creates unparalleled growth, opportunity, and innovation, but may fail to allocate wealth efficiently or fairly. Therefore, the state serves vital roles in correcting market failure, implementing welfare programs, and conducting monetary policy. At the same time, the state should pursue these goals with minimal interference and under the check of inclusive institutions to free it from the influence of corporations, unions, and other special interests.

>Therefore, the state serves vital roles in correcting market failure, implementing welfare programs, and conducting monetary policy.

This is 1930s neoliberalism.

Friedman and shit is 1960s neoliberalism (the current one)

Neoliberalism really shouldnt be a word because it means different things to different people.

Admittedly, that meme made me chuckle.

>neoliberals as in social justice?
No-one but retards uses it in this way


if it was "Don't grab her by the pussy" then maybe I can see how it would be funny, but this is just clearly a politically motivated attack, not only that but how professional looking that picture looks makes me think that these "memes" are just part of the Dems failing 2020 move.

HoW Is ThAt fuNny?

/r/neoliberal mod here.

I haven't used Sup Forums in...six years. AMA

this is astoundingly gay senpai

neoliberalism is better than the current commie freaks at least

The problem with their memes is that when you see them, you can feel deep in your stomach that they are trying to impress someone and virtue signal.
The reason why Hitler and Right-Wing memes (at least today and for the most part) work is because it's done out of the person's own will. You can tell shit like this comes from someone who wants people to like them without knowing how.

*pushes up glasses*
ah, reddit

It is the yellow man's burden now.

>high wages

>low wages

>Libshits fail so hard at memeing that they have to bastardize Sup Forums memes
>Said bastardized memes are sanitized and unfunny
You can't win this, libshits. Our humor is organic and natural. Yours is manufactured and corporate.

both are authoritarian and treat citizens like slaves


It's worse. Commies are at least honest. Neoliberalism is how you get mouthbreathing "conservatives" who think deportation and "discrimination" are immoral.

>in this persons mind a space-gook was the smartest being in the universe

the mod team gets paid everytime we get a post to the front page

I dont get this neoliberalism and globalism only have one thing in common and that is free trade

>there is no thought going on or actual discussion, it's a group identity activity. makes them feel good to parrot the same things back and forth to one another.
you just described Sup Forums perfectly

If they can post this: then they are not too far away. Unless they think it is mere coincidence that all of those countries are full of east asians and they could just as easily have been african countries.

Man we sure got BTFO by these plebbitors.

Yeah, and they threw in a random le Reddit Prequel Memeā„¢ for extra good goy points.