I feel so angry and helpless as European and as a man. I punched the wall yesterday so hard I bled...

I feel so angry and helpless as European and as a man. I punched the wall yesterday so hard I bled. I can't process the situation in which we keep accepting these violent attacks as if they're a condition of life and treating weakness and acceptence of our slaughter as some form of intellectual higher ground and proper way to be. It's not

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oh no. are you literally shaking right now?

You are right to feel that way.

No. im just sad

take the blackpill . the only way to not worry anymore .


hey, asshole. how about you stop being bitter, and edgy? you know op is completely right, right?
you're either a shill, psycho, or edgy faggot

Fuck off

Clearly what should be done if you should teach all those Muslims how its all their collective fault for the action of the one terrorist guy by going out and murdering a bunch of random innocent Muslim people to punish them for the terrorists. They're all the same right?

Almost like the terrorist went out to kill a bunch of random innocent westerners because he believed they were all collectively responsible for some random act of violence committed some random time in some random middle eastern country by westerners.

Oh wow, its almost like you and the terrorist are the same guy in your soul, share the same irrational rage, the same need to justify your sociopath tendencies, the same bitter pathetic excuse for a man you think you are, and the same desire for a regressive world of socially isolated homogenous societies. There is no "our" slaughter. You're more similar to the islamic terrorist than you are to us. You want to rid the world of another potential terror attack, kill yourself.

What's the alternative to helpless anger?

spotted the shill. Fuck off to your sand-nigger den

>opposing terrorism is just as bad as terrorism
what's your solution then shitburger?

>Angry about innocent children dying

Just get the fuck out retard

You seem to imply that I would tarnish my soul and well being by physically harming innocent Muslims, like they do to our children. You are part of the problem, because you'd do nothing but live in the acceptence of it hoping for it to get better.
I'm not similar to the Islamic terrorist because I have western values, same values that are stopping western countries from violently turning on ALL of them like they'd be justified to do even only decades ago by every reasonable standards.

>There is no "our" slaughter
There definitely is an attack against one race and its way of life. Don't play a smartass where you really can't, there's a problem and if everything you can do is place a blame on Europeans for feeling unsafe and threatened, then you should probably check your priorities

What's your solution? You act if attacks happen because no one is trying to prevent terrorism. We both know what you mean by "opposing terrorism" is a neo-nazi style purge of any and all non-whites, non-christians. Violent purge is necessary since you dehumanize muslims same as terrorists dehumanize westernerrs. To prevent crime by one, treat all as criminals. Funny how that literally the same thinking terrorist use. Thats what ISIS is all about. Creating a new pure Arab Caliphate, restoring their "pure" culture, getting the western deviance out of their societies.

Congrats. You're the White Trash ISIS. You have more in common with Al Qaeda than any of us. You're not against islamic terrorists, you're in competition with them. You're different brands of the same product.

Nazis fought, killed and died for their countries. After WW2 we denazified Germany so fucking hard they turned into a bunch of spineless cucks. Same for Imperial Japan.
The West can win a culture war, but only if it'll fight.

It's almost as if multiculturalism dosen't work.

>"opposing terrorism is terrorism" again
>no solution
fuck off then

Join politics. Be unashamed about your beliefs. Prepare yourself for slander. Gather likeminded men in bars and taverns.

No, its almost like minor groups of racial religious supremacist conservatives, Alt-Right, ISIS, etc....are dragging the rest of humanity into constant conflict to satisfy their manchild bitch natures. Multiculturalism works...the mental health of people like you doesn't work.

Wow, you're seriously mentally ill. I hope some security agency finds you before you murder the people you literally just admitted you plan to murder.



>a neo-nazi style purge of any and all non-whites, non-christians. Violent purge is necessary

this guys got the right idea! well said old chap! remove kebeb!

I have punched several holes in my wall.This shit is seriously getting out of control.Liberals are the cancer of this planet, thankfully this anger only makes us stronger.

Also, there's a wishful thinking that Islam can integrate into the Christian west, but anyone who truly knows this religion also knows what a firm hold it has over the Muslim population, its practically impossible to leave it or become a lukewarm secular Muslim for many of them. maybe in few generations. but religion itself doesn't even worry me all that much, its their lack of humanist ideas as parts of their upbringing in all the countries they come from, it only remains to hope that 2nd generations will be re-educated in its spirit, but i find this extremely unlikely. europeans spent centuries learning on their mistakes, repeating them to generations, fighting for their rights and making them work as a part of the system and now you have guys that treat women like less than a dog shit or have irrational fear/hatred followed by literal shaking when they see a church or woman in a skirt. how would you handle this, how to "fix" the millions of people that are and will be 1st generation Muslims in Europe for several more decades??

>frantic one liner
>jr high school infographic
i'll just take that response as you were put in your place like the bogan bitch you are and felt the need to make any reply thinking it will safe face since you had no comeback.

remember, to prevent a potential future terrorist act, kill yourself tonight and make the world a better place, we both know it would be better without you and not like anyone would miss you.

if you didn't want to have a discussion, you could've just said it from the start. you're just a shill, if you read my post properly you'll find out that I'm seeking a realistic solution that doesnt involve a chimpout, but for a shill like you even that is likely unaccaptable

>I hope some security agency finds you before you murder the people you literally just admitted you plan to murder.

I think you will find the spooks are rather busy at the moment trying to find the people who plan to murder us, except for real.

Kek curses you shill, a pox on your hand a stone on your heart. Praise Kek!

Life is constant conflict, kiddo. So is the solution not to mix competing ideologies in your theoretical multictural society? Doesn't sound very multictural then.. rather homogeneous.

White men are always punching holes in walls. It's all you weaklings will ever do. It's funny really, there are so many legal ways to affect change, but you're the progeny of cowards, cuckolds, and idiots, and that important fact is lost on you.

dont go away shillary. post some more of your memes they are the best.

Remember, your fellow Europeans did this to themselves.

>legal ways to affect change
No there isn't.

Cant affect change when bringing up the issue is illegal.

Ya'll need to relax. The war is unwinnable. The only thing left to do is let the left win, and watch the world burn. When the fires finally go out, those who are left can build something from the ashes. White people don't have kids, most young white people are indoctrinated leftists, and there are pretty much no majority white countries which will be majority white by 2040. Its all ogre, let them have it.

>still no solution
>only whining
>wants more pic related
yeah you sure showed me

Europe is lost.

Come home

>another frantic one liner trying to save face
>posts picture of little girl in another thread he's probably call subhuman and mistake for arab because she's just a lil too greek

You never shared your solution. I asked you outright. I guess in your frantic butthurt desperation to save face you forgot. I gave you my solution. You kill yourself. One less terrorist. Other than that, the solutions to terrorism are already the best they can be, vigilance but acceptance that a free society is a double edged sword where despite best efforts shit like this can and will happen.

Now if you'd like, since clearly we all know Alt Right trash like you are all alphas and everyone else is a cuck...an alternative solution....you make a direct challenge to ISIS....you and all your neo-nazi friends and ISIS gather, fight it out in one battle and winner takes all. Battle Royale. You're not a cuck are you? Go take the fight directly to ISIS, or are you gonna talk tough on the internet about your imaginary solutions you refuse to say outright while you daydream of murdering little muslim girls as retribution to let us all know you're as much of a bitch coward as the bomber.

I sincerely sympathize with you. I get how you feel. I'm frustrated too because I don't think there any easy solutions. The left is so brainwashed that they will force us to violence to change things. But everything's already getting more and more violent, so I guess in the end we have nothing to lose. And everything to gain. So stay strong and prepare. What else can anyone do? We know what's coming. I doubt anything can stop it now.

I guess we're due for another blood revolution soon. It's closing in on a century since the last great war.

You alt reich pisses of shit just killed an innocent army Lieutenant about to graduate from college in Maryland. You have the nerve to talk.

At least are culture/race war will be easier than yours. Your not at ar3 stage yet buy it's still progressing

Had no started to actually make plans? I have, I've stocked up on food and when the normies start getting worse I'm going to actively agitate the more vocal ones.

My town is a tourist town aswell so it will be easy to do

>just accept terrorism
>little girls die, shit happens
>kill yourself if you don't like it
>best "solution"
sure thing mo

our women are testing us and we are failing
our genes are too weak for this crowded global world


Like I said. ...Build banks, crypto-currency, mass media, mainstream news, build a social network. get rich. buy politicians.

Yes. """nothing""" you can do legally. I'd make the list longer but your sub-human white cuck brain can't process facts and truth.

We need our own media.

who cares about a few terrorist attacks? you're still far more likely to die in a car crash or due to disease. honestly these news didn't infuence my travel plans in the slightest.

You literally need to beat the Left into submission before they let Islam do it.

It is as simple as that. Hurt them until they shut the fuck up and get out of the way to let what needs to be done happen.

This is true. White men only truly ever functioned when they were spread out away from everyone else. It really says a lot about how tough you think you were.

One man can make a difference, Breivik proved that. Be the hero you're meant to be.

When freedom of speech is gone, violence is the only course of action. A mosque was burned immediately following the Manchester attack.

That would require white men getting off their asses and actually working hard for the long term.

That isn't going to happen.

That's why we conquered the world, right? Fuck off

That huge Imam cock, yum yum.

I think he mistook white men for niggers.

Thought you was dutch and I felt sorry. But Croat? C'mon bro, you just have a little bosniaks, they are not going to be so problematic as the "refugees" the Western World is accepting.

Start supporting Red Ice for example.

Ours is gonna be really fucking bad. And a long time in the making

Checking it out. Thanks.

fuck i didnt mean to laugh but this got me

stop being a bitch, get on a plane, go to the Middle East, kill some muslims

no? thats what i thought. post some more memes and talk in "we"s about you and your imaginary friends on the internet as if playing make believe crusader with anonymous strangers makes you a real man. come on cuck, stop talking and do something but you're too much of a bitch aren't you?

Tribalism is an inherent trait in humans and their primate ancestors

You are the one who is mentally ill, proclaiming that different tribes of people who have been ENEMIES FOR MOST OF THEIR HISTORY WILL SUDDENLY LIVE HAPPILY EVER AFTER SINGING KUMBAYA.

i commend him for having some kind of sorrow for the death of innocent people by the hands of the religion of peace. white people arent suppose to stand for the killing of each other, innocent people for that matter. it should enrage us all.

With the rise of the internet and fall of mainstream media that's happening.
You're more likely to die of cancer than lion attack, so setting hungry lions free in childcare centres isn't a big deal.
>has no alternative to accepting terrorism other than middle east racewar
>is angry about this
what are you even trying to do?


Cool picture of the white terrorist. Got one from current century?

Finding some good stuff so far.

its not the niggers that you gotta be watchful of, its the spics. they have a nation of them just underneath you after all.

Not one that made it to the cover of time.

i thought he just like private island parties

Sure. Here you go. Brandon Russell, member of the neo-nazi group, Atomwaffen. Arrested YESTERDAY when he got caught with a homemade bomb.

How about this guy, member of the "Alt Reich". Murdered a black US Army second lieutenant earlier in the week.

>implying racist politics that Sup Forums wants to implement wouldn't accelerate terrorism
>implying fighting terrorism isn't harder than locking some lions up
but honestly it's not even the point. Sup Forumsacks here literally believe that terrorism is the end of europe. it is starting to sound like actual isis propaganda by now.

There are many small media sites and jewtube channels, that are on your side. Red Ice however has gotten a lot of momentum lately and has the potential to become big. They are openly alt-right/white nationalist and jundging by their views, they could be called national socialist. They are naming the Jew and are redpilling people on the holocaust as well. That's why I became a member, I want them to have more financial capacity.

One more for high score. Alexandre Bissonnette, walked into a mosque a week after Trump got sworn in. Big fan of Trump and La Pen according to his social media. Shot 25 people in the mosque. 6 of them died.

*on our side

Hush your mouth stupid Russian. You Russian are snakes.

Another one who is literally shaking right now

>A single instance of murder makes both sides equivocal
Do you forget all of the terror attacks of just 2016? 19 people dying in a terror attack is different than a single homicide.
Remember Nice?
Remember Orlando?
Remember Berlin?
Remember Brussels?
Remember Paris?

That is not even counting the thousands of terror attacks against other Muslims. They suffer more terror attacks than any other group. Fucking cancer.

So who do we think is gonna snap first and how are they gonna LARP?

1) Guy charging mosque with AK47 dressed as a crusader
2) Hitler with a machine gun
3) Christian Suicide bomber
5) Random muzzie murders in the dead of night
6) Full on race war!.

>I can't process the situation
Stop being a whiny adolescent cuck just angry with the state of the world and actually do something about it. This doesn't mean killing Arabs in the street and memorizing Mein Kampf, start off with putting yourself into the mindset of brainwashed western sheep-person.
Also you're Croatian what the fuck kind of violent attacks are you accepting?

If Sup Forums got its way the terrorists would all be deported so if they all exploded they'd only kill each other.
End of Europe is cultural decline, demographics, importing a hostile, incompatible culture, reactions like "we deserved it" or "not all muslims" to terrorism.
Birth rates are below replacement so we're not even going to replace the people who get killed.

>If Sup Forums got its way the terrorists would all be deported
I assure you, Sup Forums would do more horrific things than that to them.

>5) Random muzzie murders in the dead of night
>4) RWDS
once they get organised enough

>terrorism is the end of europe
No, the demografic replacement is the end of Europe. Terrorism is just a warning sign that even bluepilled people can understand.

>Abandoning the homeland for greener pastures to a bunch of mudslimes, child rapist degenerates because the fight is too hard

This is the same shitty attitude all the """refugees""" fighting age adult males fleeing Syria for Germoney. They have no spines to fight for their home, but have the means to be smuggled into Europe leaving women, children, and the elderly at home to suffer the war.

Fuck that




Are you fucking kidding me user??? :D

>Accelerationism is the idea that either the prevailing system of capitalism, or certain technosocial processes that have historically characterised it, should be expanded, repurposed, or accelerated in order to generate radical social change.

>Accelerationism may also refer more broadly, and usually pejoratively, to support for the deepening of capitalism in the belief that this will hasten its self-destructive tendencies and ultimately lead to its collapse.[2][3]

In time my friend, let the pockets of people start to run dry, they'll make way.

i don't think it's that easy to deport everyone with dark skin t b h
>"we deserved it"
i only see this posted by bitter polacks, so i can agree with you here
>Birth rates are below replacement
it's more of a problem with capitalism and civilizational progress than le islam and kultural marks

None of you have the answers. None of you, but you all act like you know exactly whats going on and its funny. You got people trying to merge a bunch of countries together thinking your going to create a happy pappy care bear land, then on the other side of the coin you all think its the end of the world because foreigners are migrating places and blowing things up here and there... In the big grand schema of things none of it matters, you all die in the end, and become nothing. Just quite bitching about what you cant control... go to bed, you got a job to do in the morning, kids to feed, girlfriend to go out with. Fuck the EU, the terrorists, trump, brexit, AIDS, cancer, the bullshit news telling you only bad news. Move on with life.

Jesus fuck. Russia, get your shit together and genocide the Chechens.

Fuck that, the homeland is a bastion of culture and society. We rule three and a half of the six inhabited continents, not one inch I say.


Shut the fuck up. It is a controllable. Just meme migrant haters into office. It's simple. Share the memes kek will will it. Unless you're in Germany, Then you're fucked, place is way to cucked for saving.

Did you think we could gain ability to instantly communicate across vast distances without consequences?

Or the ability to look up any information for free?

Terrorism is a fact of life in the same way wars were a fact of life in the last century or dieing from infection was in the century before.

I don't give a shit about the degenerate and neither should you, a Croatian

Hopefully all this shit in Europe creates a white Christian migrant crisis and they all flock to the US.