Remember that asshole biker that constantly weaves in and out of traffic, flips people off, cuts people off...

Remember that asshole biker that constantly weaves in and out of traffic, flips people off, cuts people off, and chases people when they don't take his shit?

Well here's the video he deleted.
He he cuts and old man off for no reason, and flips him off. The old man drives around and cuts him off and the biker rages. He makes him pull over and the old man kicks his ass and steals his camera.

Heres other videos of the asshole biker
Guy rides his ass for flipping him off.

Chases down mom for unbuckled kids.

Swerving in between lanes, then gets pissed when he has to slow down.

Gets fucking rekt because of dumb niggers turn into HOV lane and he wasn't paying attention.

Other urls found in this thread:

Oh the pussy deleted the mom video and guy riding his ass video

thank you for enriching the culture of Sup Forums with these wonderful videos and commentary

That bikers thought process had about 2 seconds of foresight
It was like second long intervals he woke up and had to wonder why an old man was beating his ass
>breaks mans mirror
>2 seconds later
>old man running jump kick

first video was lol but looks like he hid the others

his voice doesn't match the last two

I swear to you that they are all him.

Really enjoyed watching smug fucker get fucked.

Is this bikerfag blind or some shit? He had a ton of time to see that car changing lanes.

For the videos that are deleted.
In one he lane splits on the highway during a crawl. Some SUV gets off the on ramp next to him.
He rages and flips the SUV off. The SUV like anyone, rides his ass. When traffic speeds up he chases the guy for miles flipping him off.

The other one he deleted is where he is driving, then sees a like 7 year old girl standing up in a minivan.
He then chases the van all the way to a parking lot.
He then pulls up beside her and yells at her while her kids are in the car, about your kids should be buckled and blah blah blah. The woman's husband in a another car pulls up and smacks the guys hand away because the biker has his finger in her face.
He freaks out shouting don't touch me.
He drives off and rants calling her a bitch and more.

If you watch the rest of his video's, its all the same.
In California, lane splitting and riding a motorcycle in the HOV lane is legal.
He abuses this by always and I mean ALWAYS lane splitting and always drives in the HOV lane.
If you slow him down, be it driving in the HOV lane (especially without a passenger), turn ahead of him, enter the lane he just cut into and ect, he fucking rages, flips you off and even chases you.


Dumbass put his email on his instagram page

This guy needs to lose his license.

Here you go op

It's 6:16 in Germany guys

>Passes a turning car
>Nearly crashes into a stopped car
>Gets mad when he can't cut off a driver with the right of way while turning
>Talks to himself in a parking garage
Okay he's retarded.

Bikers and anyone that doesn't follow traffic rules should be shot on sight.

Nice to hear that, Hans.

Lane splitting is legal but you can't go more than 10 mph faster than traffic which he clearly does often.

God I wanna kick this guys ass too. Post picks of his motorcycle. Maybe we can get a doxx

I love that he got his ass kicked. He drives like an asshole and pisses others off with his antics. I'm glad that his shitty attitude came back to bite him in the ass. Did the guy in the video steal his helmet or something?

this faggot got on the front page of reddit and had a buncha losers on his side


This is it from the op video.

I'm willing to let him have that nigger hov situation. Other than not really attempting to brake, I don't blame him for such a retarded move. All the other videos (that are still up) are completely his fault and I enjoyed seeing getting drop-kicked by an old man.

Thanks for the laugh, op.

dox this shit bag mother fucker
guy needs more than one ass kicking

points to the guy that chains his fucking bike up and drags that shit across town.

>that old bald guy sprinting at the biker and karate kicking in the air

fucking dead. sides astrally projecting

me too senpai desu
sides in orbit


haha its like when i was 16 and would watch "Dad smashes spoiled brat's xbox" videos
Some things never change


While I love watching him get his ass kicked in by a geriatric, and then his helmet cam stolen, I think my absolute favorite part of all is when the nignog crosses lanes and causes him to crash.


Faggots like this give motorcyclists a bad name. I'd love to see him try his shit against a real biker and then catch a crowbar to the face.

Isn't a different guy isn't it?

Also why did he get mad at the nigs fro crossing a yellow line?

Lane splitting in CA is legal

Many people on motorcycles ride like dangerous assholes due to their legal right to lane split.

Voice sounds the same between the clips, I'm pretty sure it's the same guy and the only reason it didn't get posted to the bikefags youtube is because the based geriatric actually took his helmet and helmet camera with the footage.

And because he's a piece of shit who feels like he should be the only one on the road, that's why.

have we considered the idea that this shit might be fake and gay?

Its a double yellow line = no crossing it. It's usually for no passing zones.

So the niggers aren't at fault? I don't understand American road rules

They are in the way they pulled into that lane from a stationary lane to an open, full speed lane quickly without looking, plus the solid yellow line means no lane change there.

>cuts him off for no reason
The biker signaled right and was going and the old guy sped up so he couldn't safely get in

Then old dude swerves by and almost knocks the guy off the bike, which would get you a reckless hands down. Beyond that the bikers just a retard, take a mirror and gtfo

t. sportbike rider

In California, arguably the most nanny state in the US and where everything causes cancer, it's actually legal to lane split. Not necessarily legal, but there's nothing in the laws saying people can't do it, so they do, and die
>inb4 but lane splitting is safer and here's pr-
Not safer when you drive like that guy

I am beyond thankful that I've never encountered somebody like this. At times, I'll let my rage get the better of me. After he cut the guy off, then slowed down, then sat there flipping him off, I would've "accidentally" contact his rear wheel with the front of my car.

[email protected]

somebody should tell him that if he died the streets would be a safer place

top lel he sounds like a numale cuck

I see the old man works at american airlines..

time to write up a complaint lol, old man is getting fucked big time for this

probably a pilot
many pilots come from military backgrounds
makes sense


Is this all the same retard boiker?

>Sup Forums

How did he upload it if the grandpa took off with his helmet

Because it's fake.

>Guy punches him
>breaks mirror
>Gets hit more

Video literally says it all.

cops caught him, returned property. Guy is a faggot, but niggers broke the law and will face the brunt of the charges (in main video). Double yellow, on phone, chance of drugs, etc. You shouldn't expect people to constantly break the law when you're near them, except he's in cali (presumed), so it's actually rather normal. Here in cali people don't really stop at things like stop signs, everyone does rolling stops. People also forget they are in a 1.5+ ton metal car, trying to ram an object 1/10th of their weight with the idea "that'll show him". Like a linebacker tackling a toddler telling them stop being a pussy, it was only a tackle.

Hope you end up splattered on the asphalt you fucking coward.

I have never met a single person who rides a motorcycle who isn't the most entitled douchebag piece of shit I have ever met in my life. I've "hit" two of them in my life, and by "hit" I mean they tried to pass on a shoulder or lane split and they wrecked themselves on my car because I didn't get out of their way.

Fuck them, I wish they had died.

HOLY SHIT this makes me feel so fucking good.

>be a tough guy
>cut off drivers and then yell at them
>shit talk an old man
>old man beats your ass

haha good thread op

This makes me think actually. I just got a Yamaha v star 1100, it's a cruiser for those who don't know. I just ride it after work few times a week. I'm very cautious, very courteous, always yield to cars, aware that a pebble can kill me. I don't speed or cut people off man, I just want to enjoy myself and get back home after 2 hours in the seat. Assholes like this guy make me really angry. Shit, it sucks that a lot of people feel like you probably.

I wish he beat that fag to death


Great bike! I love that one. I also love the BMW r1200rt.