
Når skal Skandinavia våkne opp? Alt jeg horer er at terroren ikke skal "dele" oss, lev som for, og den storste faren fremover er den voksende hoyrepopulismen. Har folk gått fullstendig av skaftet?

Why aren't the fucking Italian elections ever on this fucking list?

Is that picture a joke?

Is there any right-wing, anti-immigration parties left in Italy?

because no one knows anything about italy. most of Sup Forums couldn't even tell you which wing is in power there right now

Det krävs att det blir mycket värre innan folk vaknar. Dessutom är jag skeptisk till att Jimmie kan fixa landet. Snarare normalisera läget som det är idag med västvärldens kanske högsta våldtäktsstatistik.

Petry dropped out because muh ebil right bing. AfD is completely fucked now.

Because Italian left wing is further right than european right wing

The best option is the Five Star Movement, which is tied for first in polls. Look at their party platform, in many ways they are //OurParty//

Har samma typ av funderingar.


Mener du at vi ikke skal bytte ut sikkerhet med toleranse?

Honestly, after this Manchester suicide bombing I am beginning to think that it might be better for Europe to just vote hard leftist and let the bombs just explode until either the masses are all dead or they finally wake up.

Clearly the masses are not woke enough to want to stop the madness so maybe a few more suicide bombings and they will not buy into the MSM false narratives that anyone who votes right is a racist Nazi.

>Not killing herself before the election

Jeg er så forbanna trott av å hore på det toleranse-bullshittet til NRK, Aftenposten og resten av toskene. "Mer hjerterom", "vi må ikke la hatet dele oss". Det er vel ikke lenge for NRK går ut på nytt med den plakaten de viste på Urix, hvor de ba folk holde seg helt rolig, fordi det er jo storre sannsynlighet å kjore på en elg.

so we aren't scandinavians now?

Same here, there's no right wing party but if you were to put the current governing party( which is socialistic and basically old commies) they would be literally nazis.

>like one seat

>second biggest with 20 seats

Really activates the axons.

Precis, han är tom sponsrad av Israel. Ända hoppet vi har är att Nordfront vinner men alla ser dem som 'onda nazister' (även om det senare stämmer).

Tror ikke det droyer særlig lenge for "rosetog", blomsterhav og varme ord blir byttet ut med krav om handling.

Det finnes en generell utmatting blant befolkningen av å hore og se parodiene som utspiller seg etter hvert bidige terrorangrep.

>onda nazister
Onda och onda. Det beror ju på hur man ser det.
De vill ju ha ett rent, vitt och fint land

How come Romania is the only uncucked nordic country?

Well not only most of the countries who went though communism are like that but we've also being nationalistic for like.. ever, even during communism.

Not to mention the deep state and like 80% of the population is conservative

Farage wouldve won 80+ seats if we had PR like the Dutch do.

I guess they think you already have an anti-immigration party in the government.


Remove Sylvi Listhaug please.

A. Romania is not nordic
B. Romania is cucked as fuck now

If norway falls there is no hope.

Why ?


why ?
because Siv is the actual leader of the party ?


Centralization will make things a lot worse.
She's going to integrate those who already are here. The party is just fucking bullshit. They will not stop the immigration, mabye slow it down. Just like any other popular party they will lie for votes. Also they're (((pro-Israel))).

Mate, Five Star and Leaga Nord.

The latter is basically openly fascist and commands great support.

Sylvi is my fucking hero.

Stripping Citizenship off Somali's 20 years after the fact. They have to go back.

I agree we shouldnt centralize, but keeping immigration as low as possible is my first priority

Well you are not wrong about pro-Israel and FrP being pro-EU
Sylvi as an immigration minister or prime minister would at least delay the hordes a little bit

but one cant be pro-EU and anti-immigration at the same time
i truly have no idea who to vote for


Mainland is cucked, Scandinavia will be the 4th Reich.

How are so many random mother fucking European countries cucked to all hell?

>implying she has done and will do anything about immigration


>De vill ju ha ett rent, vitt och fint land (the nazis want to have a clean, white and free country)

Seriously dude, everyone wants utopia but we all have different ideas about what the path there is or what compromises we need to take. Nazi's are toxic and violent fucks so it means nothing if you say "oh but we have this nice utopia idea of a ethnic nation state that feels comfy for violent regressive thugs such as me". Like just go fuck yourself.

Bonus point for none of you fuckers removing Frauke Petry. Good job.

Brexit don't fix anything, Farage leave and the immigration is not stopped.

Trump is like the other presidents and don't fix anything.


He actualy has done a lot, deportation has incrased by 40%

thats pretty dank

but are Alliansen a serious party or is it Kystpartiet / "Distrikts-FrP" tier ?
not gonna waste my vote on some Martin Schanke/Soviknes meme

does any of the leaders stand up to even the sligthest of scrutiny ?


Sweden isn't supposed to have other people than Swedes and Samis.
The rest can fuck off to their own countries.

What do immigrants do for us?

It's a serious new party. Nobody knows how many votes it will get.
They have written a lot of redpilled stuff on (((Facebook))) and have gotten a bit of media attention lately. You should check them out.

The guy that made this pic doesn´t know Austrian politics.


Can some Norwegian explain the Norsk parties to me? They are only ever mentioned briefly in textbooks and the like (and never on TV that I have seen). This textbook just talks about utilising your right to vote in Norway, but nothing about the ideas you would be voting for.

we just stopped giving a shit about politics

Rodt - literal commies
SV - translates to "Socialistic Left-party"
Arbeiderpartiet - Social democrats, biggest and most powerful party
Senterpartiet - "the centre party" - they are anti-EU
Venstre - literally "the left"
Kristelig folkepart - "The christian party", literal cucks
Hoyre- translates as "the right" but is commonly translated as "Conservative", they are pro-EU
Fremskrittspartiet - "the prograssive party" anti-kebab but pro-EU, lots of controversy with this party
Miljopartiet De Gronne - meme party for inner-Oslo hipsters
Kystpartiet - anti-EU but a meme party
Pensjonistpartiet - literally a party for pensioned people.

and then theres a new party forming right now known as "Alliansen", but it is little known. anti-EU, anti-Kebab

menade att de var nazister inte att de var onda :)

Jaaa du tänker så