Seriously Eurofags, when is enough enough?
Where the White women at?
Other urls found in this thread:
>t. 60% white, zionist shithole
Why do Americans seem to think they have any room to talk?
Our population is way bigger than yours. Even though we're 60%, we still have more white people than you.
>Our population is way bigger than yours
lmao how the fuck is this even relevant? You've also got a bigger country if you hadn't noticed, that doesn't change the fact that percentages are what matter.
clearly you never been to the white sections of this fine country.
The best parts of your country are uninhabited.
NEver unless the Eu crumbles and europe goes into full blown civil war mode.
Until that happens they will ship more and more in everyday.
Its not our call, its the elite doing that.
Just wait and see what Trump has in store for you (a little activating of the almonds, Merkel used to be very hardline on immigrants and multicultural societies in general, one day she just did a 180 turn and started the shit were in now, nobody could see it coming it was insane)
As soon as we get to 56% white.
It's a known fact all non whites , Jews and degenerated got gassed , this picture is clearly fake
>In 10 seconds
>In 20 seconds
>Eric Hunt: Majdanek
>Eric Hunt: Treblinka, Belzec, Sobibor
>David Cole
>David Irving
>Gerd Shulze-Ronhoff
>Steven Anderson
>The Haavara Agreement
>The 6 million
“You shall return minus 6 million"
I see where you are goin and yes America is beautiful. We have far more land and resources then the shithole you call a country. The good parts of every city are usually incredible. you just have to know where to go. Southern states are the best.. more violent and aggressive. fuckin love it mate you should get out of euro while you can. before you are forced to convert to islam to show how tolerant you are
all the muslims, mexicans and blacks are in the cities. You can drive for literally thousands and thousands of miles and never see a minority if you want. Not possible in the UK
Is this real?
Once all the cis white scum become the minority!
>all the muslims, mexicans and blacks are in the cities
Yes, and that's the way it is here as well. Anything else?
>abandon your country goy
Fuck off, I've got plans
It's a boatload of Albanian refugees in the 90's
>Just wait and see what Trump has in store for you (a little activating of the almonds, Merkel used to be very hardline on immigrants and multicultural societies in general, one day she just did a 180 turn
A trip to Saudia Arabia and Israel always does that. Always.
you are in the wrong part of the city if that is what you are experiencing. Have you ever heard of the Realestate practice "red lining"?
leaf i read in a different thread you now have a nation muslim day for schools? be it true?
that's not how it works, buddy
What's the most elegant way to sink that ship?
America was founded on immigration. Britain is supposed to be for White Anglos you dumb cunt
>What's the most elegant way to sink that ship?
Trained dolphins attaching plastic explosive charges to the hull?
like insects clinging to a dead body they float over to infest the pussys of your white womenz
keep voting for """her""" and that side you fucking idiots.
I just have this feeling that is soon as indigenous European population numbers are low enough worldwide that (((they))) are going to use shit skins to completely annihilate us.
What he's saying is
If usa accepts 100m rapefugees over 3 decades, they go from 56% to 50%
If kraut accepts the same number, you go from 90% to 45%
You are more in the position to do that btw
Not true, i went to the highlands in Scotland last year, i never seen a non-white the entire time, Scotland is 96% white.
what to do with all those torpedoes about nearing their expiration date....
>Is this real?
Screencap: Camp of the Saints
The movie
When the last white dies
By overloading with rapefugees until it capsizes.
And yet you keep re-electing her
>80% white in ancestral homeland
>"HUURR 60% LOL"
>The best parts of your country are uninhabited.
KEK. True. Second best are far away from the chocolate cities.
>he is less than 60% currently
>he is less than 50% with the age group of 10 and less
>he has no control of his country in any way
>Trump lmao
>does nothing
>has guns
>does nothing
>has vast land
>does nothing
>could reclaim parts of the US back
>does nothing
>thinks he has any place to judge others
Is there anything burgershartclapcucks can even do besides being lazy and judgemental?
Holy fuck, American education everybody
>>What's the most elegant way to sink that ship?
>Trained dolphins attaching plastic explosive charges to the hull?
Is it possible to meme this into existence? Some other way to sink the S.S. Nigboat would be acceptable as well.
>your shithole of you call a country
Again, murishit arrogance prevails. You wouldn't know what to do with that land, mongrel. Remember it is the people that make the Nation, not just the landscape. America has gone downhill ever since WASP's have lost ground at the top.
wtf I already have both of you
what's going on in Sri Lanka