fair play for standing up against sjws as a professor I guess. But the philosophy this guy spews out is boring and his voice is annoying
I haven't heard him say one interesting thing. I'm convinced all the people on his crotch are severely low iq
fair play for standing up against sjws as a professor I guess. But the philosophy this guy spews out is boring and his voice is annoying
I haven't heard him say one interesting thing. I'm convinced all the people on his crotch are severely low iq
Other urls found in this thread:
Are you perhaps autistic?
It's his insight into human interaction that makes him worth listening to.
>People who reach different conclusions are ACTUALLY DIFFERENT
I can let so much water slide off my back now, or just reformulate my arguments once I get a feeling for the other person's personality.
Admit you have low iq. Everything this guy says is shit normal people already know. I've glossed over a good proportion of his talks and haven't found a single interesting statement by him. This is philosophy for people with low iq there's no other way to put it
You sure are obsessed with IQ. Got rejected from Mensa or something recently?
then maybe return to r/elchapotraphouse ok?
he has some serious dick riders too. Idont get it, people in the comments of his videos are acting like there's gonna be statues built for him in the future
But 90% of the shit he says sounds like it was lifted directly from a reddddddit post
Tfw too advanced for Peterson
I would suck his dick so hard his chest would cave-in
>The biggest inherent issue with modern western civilization isn't the loss of identity and attachment to your shared history that teaches morals and values
>Everyone knows this as they fuck 10 partners a week, sniff cocaine, wonder aimlessly through life and work jobs they hate till they die or commit suicide.
You are another bad shill. Speaking of low IQ your inability to see past your insecurities about the issues he talks about is a good sign of low IQ. You project your insecurities about the way petersons talks about your life that you lash out in the gayest way possible, posting about him here. Also the vast majority of people are average IQ of what 100? The vast majority of people are average and need guidance, your inability to see that again shows a lack of high IQ.
You just have too low IQ to understand him.
You haven't made a single argument against his philosophy presented through his lectures.
Sort yourself out, bucko.
Also nice reddit spacing, go back there.