White hypocrisy exposed!!

You may disagree with him but deep down you know he is right Sup Forums! You only care about deaths when it is white bodies lying on the floor.


Why would I care otherwise?

the joker explains this in the dark knight

>You only care about whites



I don't care about non-whites.

I also don't pray.


No shit. Not sure what that has to do with anything.

>11 people were killed in a roadside bombing in Afghanistan on Friday

So what?

>Because they were not white

Why would I care then?

>A car bomb in Syria wounded &/or killed over two dozen people today

A bear shits in the woods.

>Because you only care about white deaths

...I mean...I'm white?

>over 100 people killed in a bombing. Did you tweet about that? NO. They were not white.

No one tweeted about the St. Petersburg bombing either.

Oh. Slavs. My bad.

>you may disagree but Hurr durr I'm right ur wrong durr HURRR durr

The reason why leftists are universally despised through history

He's right.

Kikes fuck everyone's countries up.

>Actually here are some other unrelated complaints I have about (((western))) interests

>/! You only care about deaths when it is white bodies lying on the floor.
i only care when it is people like me, correct. i only care when it could be me or people i care about. fellow brits are my brothers, fellow whites are my brothers. it is us versus everyone else.

it's too bad that Afghans are dying, but i don't care. i think it is a shame that Syrians are dying though, they could be cousins of us as some ar Christians and Assad is based.

>caring about only your own kin is a bad thing

>only white people care about white deaths

This says more about how the other races react to white deaths.
Whites respond to all attacks against all races or religions.
Non-whites only respond to attacks against their own ethnicities.
We aren't seeing only whites caring because whites are racist, we're seeing the absence of other races caring.
So who are the racists?
Simmer that in your saucepan.

On some level he is right. When shit like this happens in Africa, we don't even bat an eye anymore. We should be condemning ALL acts of terrorism, regardless of where they happen and to whom.

well, duh

>implying it's wrong to care more about your tribe
>implying that terrorist bombings should continue and that mass immigration is a good thing for white countries

>I care less about unrelated countries blowing up each other then I do when unrelated countries blow up people from related countries
You don't say


1. I don't care what happens to non-Europeans.

2. Africans are a plague and there are only benefits from their self removal.

Of course that faggot is right.Your point is...?

Better yet;


Well gee, better invite them all over for dinner.

Doesn't he realise that similar events in the middle east don't receive coverage, in an attempt to hide the reality of countries lead by muslims?

Animals are killed at the slaughter house every day. Why would I care if more animals are butchered in Afghanistan and Syria?

Nobody cares what happens in Africa or some desert shithole because rape and people getting bombed is just another Monday for them

They can be stupid and self-destructive all they want, but that doesn't mean I want them to live in constant fear.

The conflict and oppression would have happened anyway, they'd just all be under Communist influence today, like Afghanistan. Either way thousands will die needless deaths, the only thing that'd change would be the flag they died under

And oil would be priced in Rubles, and Russia would be a dominant economic power

yeah i dont care if some Niggers kill each other.
its only a problem for me if said Niggers Kill Humans.

Onision suffers from severe mental illness.

This virtue signaling makes me vormit, what is this guy even doing on twitter?
How can he afford internet? Doesnt he know that the money he pays for showering everyday could feed a whole family in SOMALIA

Literal retards. Not like iraq gassed it's own people, not like syria oppressed kurds etc etc

Fucking socialists, are thick as fuck.

I bet he didn't tweet about it when it happened though

What's the problem again?


It's not about race you colossal fucking faggot. The only reason these deaths get covered is because this is the first world, not Syriraqistan. The (((media))) specifically never covers that shit because then we might have to hold someone accountable in the public sphere. There's a point you could actually make about our lack of cares on Arab children getting bombed but instead you turn the whole issue into a bullshit race debate like the leftists want you too. Good job

I don't want them alive, period.

But while I wouldn't wish constant fear or suffering on them...I'm not actually interested in doing a single thing to alleviate it.

They out number us by hundreds of millions, and do nothing to make our lives easier. Why should we, a minority, do anything to assist them?


I think a Jap said it best. When you find shit in the toilet; no one is surprised . It's suppose to be there. When you start finding shit on your kitchen table, then well, something needs to be done.

well obviously they do

Would you not care more about a bomb going off in Mumbai than Damascus?

Would you not care more about 22 dead Indians than 22 dead Syrians?

If answered no to any of the above then you are whats wrong with this country and should hang yourself

>onishit shilling himself on Sup Forums

reminder this guy is a pedo and got underage girls to send him lewds

You wake up to a turd in your toilet and it's not a notable occurrence.

You wake up to a turd on your kitchen table and it's a whole different story.

so is this like the internet-post edition of the two minutes hate?

He's a literal child rapist and abuser.

Him and his wife invited a child to live with them, drugged her, and repeatedly raped and """"emotionally abused"""" her.

So he needs to virtue signal at the force of a thousand suns to clean his public image.

>You only care about deaths when it is white bodies

I see nothing wrong with that.

I don't really care about non-whites OR whites. Like comparing two sets of turds.

You can troll these people by saying "yeah X number of black people were shot in Chicago this year and NO MEDIA COVERAGE" and when they take the bait tell them that they were all shot by other black people

>let's all

When a white person says this, they're directing it at other whites.
Just like when blacks/indios/faggots say it.

Brown skins don't give a fuck about white people.
They don't even really give a fuck about eachother either except as a vicarious stand in for themselves.

I wish I could truly not care about them.
Though I bring up the horrors and evils occurring in countries around the world and throughout all of human history in conversation with brain dead leftist narcissists often several times a week.
It's funny, but it's the supposed humanitarian that actually don't give a shit the most.
It's fucking mind boggling the amount of apathy they possess and how nonchalantly they deflect and down play such things.

distance/personal connections to an event do in fact affect how much people care about a particular event. it's not due to being cold or unfeeling, it's just you don't feel the impact unless it happens to you or someone you know.

You don't freak out when someone shits in the toilet, but when they shit in the bed, the kitchen, or anywhere that they shouldn't, you freak out a little.



i didn't care about this bombing either. once these dumbdick mudslimes piss off the normies enough the US is going to eradicate islam from the planet

I expect to find shit in a toilet. I'm outraged when i find shit in my kitchen.

Because that shits VEEU prevalent over there.
In places like Manchester you don't expect it.

Yes... very good


People blowing up in Afghanistan, totally normal. People blowing up in England, sad and tragic.

> europeans care abour what happends in europe
What a surprise.

Does this guy think anyone non-white cares about other people's deaths? They for the large part don't even care about their own people's deaths.

guy's got his head so far up his ass, jeese.

Its not racist to care for your own people when they're being attacked based on race. Fuck you. Black lives will matter to us when they matter to you.

I mean, he has a point about Western governments, but most of the people don't support those actions. If we have to differentiate between Muslims and terrorists, you have to differentiate between Westerners and their governments.

>repeating the Jap Anons joke from months ago


Well he is right on the last post, our interference has destabilized their countries, but blame the American lobbyists for that shit. Many of us want them gone but are deeply rooted like a cancer.

Yes. And?

>"only care about whites"
>in world population, non-whites are a very large majority
>basic economics: "the more money in circulation, the less value it has"
>conversion: "the more of a race population there is, the less value it has"
>dont forget: white pop < non-white pop
>therefore white population is significantly more valuable than non-white population
>therefore care when whites die
But wait there's more
>no whites went to shithole middle east to kill non-whites. They are killing eachother and only have themselves to blame.
>a non-white came over and killed whites. This was unprovoked and is caused by muh religion. Therefore, a much more tragic killing than what happens in middle east daily
So your right. I really don't give a fuck about some allahslimes getting fucking wrecked in the middle east
pic not related

Syria and Afghanistan are war zones... you dumbass. also if you agree with onision you should kys.


Race is an evolutionary and biological reality.
Proving that I am being racist does nothing to actually criticize my actions.
There's just nothing wrong with being racist.

We cant do anything useful about those deaths. This is an Islam problem and the only thing an outsider can do is kill, expel, or deny access to Muslims. Hell if you want to help them do not allow any more into your country and focus on integrating the ones you have. Then there will be a civilized Islam that can fight back against the shit version.

He is not right, you know why? Because those places are SHIT, and they have been shit for millennia. It is not about white, is about EVOLVED, about societies that actually live in 2017 not in 1720. THAT is why we don't give a shit, so fuck off with your stupid fucking low level rhetoric.

He's still wrong. We have a society where the natives for the most part don't do that shit. That's why it's huge news when it happens. Out ancestors built a safe, civilized society. We are under no obligation to fix the rest of the world's problems, nor to import them here in such numbers that their problems become our problems. It's like if I have a nice, well manicured lawn and my neighbor just keeps letting his dogs shit in it and dig it up. Asking his dogs to come live with me isn't going to solve my problem. I'd probably put up a fence, but the HoA would call me a racist against dogs. I should just learn to be more tolerant of canine culture, and anyway, not all of his dogs dig up and shit on my yard, just a couple of them. I only have a nice lawn anyway because I got it by systemically discriminating against the dogs, and if they had the same chances I had in life, surely dogs would have nice lawns too. So I should probably not put up a fence to stop the dogs from fucking up my lawn because that will only make them angry and want to fuck up lawn but dogs are a culture of peace.

You expect extreme violence in known warzones, not at concerts in first world countries.

Nice pic and post.