Anyone else wary about Cernovich?

Anyone else wary about Cernovich?

This guy was heavy into the PUA community writing about sex pillows and womanizing in Las Vegas a few years ago, and now he's everyone's favorite right-wing Twitter Jew.

I'm not saying the guys a fraud but does anyone have any information on the guy's past?

Other urls found in this thread:


retarded conmen and scumbags-anyone on the alt-right

opportunistic celebrity whores-anyone on the alt-lite

I will give it to Gavin though because he has been consistent in his beliefs long before this was a thing. What I hate is people like Paul Joseph Watson or Mark Dice because they were Illuminati faggots forever, then when people stopped giving a shit about that, they jumped on the Trump train.

is the tranny story true?

yes, be wary of everybody.

Seriously what does this guy and everyone else in the 'alt-right' do?

It's like they make a living by inconveniencing sjws and are proud of it.

He is a lispy piece of human garbage. He constantly makes up nonsensical sensational headlines to plug his "brand" And he got the embarrassing hashtag StandwithFLynn going while Flynn was lying to the president.

Cernovich has broken a lot of news stories before MSM did. He seems to have develop a legit source network in the past 2 years.

There is huge overlap between the manosphere and the alt right. We even stole the term "red pilled" from them.
You're on the wrong team if you don't like that kind of stuff. The alt right is basically the love child of the Manosphere and Gamergate.

His was a lawyer for Hotwheels (the former 8ch admin) at one point. He looks like a kike.

I don't trust any e-celeb today, they're all in it for the money and will comprise on any issue or principle just for more popularity.