Did anyone see this video?

Did anyone see this video?
It had some pretty cringey moments, especially when she said
>alt-lit is like a gateway drug for alt-right
Then there's this part of the video from 13:55 - 16:16 that I couldn't stop replaying. I nearly ended up fapping to it.Some higlights of it
>I've never said this on camera before, but I've been groped twice when I was a teenager, once by a black and the other by a middle easterner
>I get harassed by black guys all the time, and it's really annoying.
>I've been mugged twice
>I haven't been raped, thankfully
I almost considered looking up an IR gang bang where the woman in it has the same hair, skin, and eye color, but stopped myself. I'm going to hell, aren't I? Can anyone recommend what I should use as mind bleach after all this shit?

Other urls found in this thread:


>Can anyone recommend what I should use as mind bleach after all this shit?

Do us all a favor.

Nobody wants to hear a wet rat ramble about blow dryers and air conditioning for an hour.

Kys amerilard.

Is the new shill tactic to try and call everything right wing cringe?

>I nearly ended up fapping to it.
Oh yeah, this might require some investigation
>>I've been groped twice
>>once by a nigger
>>once by an arab

And just like that, the magic was gone.

kill yourself op

>I almost considered looking up an IR gang bang where the woman in it has the same hair, skin, and eye color
top cuck

I was watching part of this yesterday. Honestly Tara has a lot of learning to do. She doesn't even have a lot of knowledge within her so called field.

She'd do well to sit back and study first, and talk later. She's doing it the other way round right now so she's constantly being asked questions and saying she can't answer them due to insufficient knowledge.

Can't even blag that she's being strategic, unless sounding like a dimwit is also the strategy, which is not a good idea.

She just needs to learn more.

Isn't she a kike anyway?