>be non-white pop star >"dangerous woman" >be pro-LGBTQ%#@ >be progressive and tolerant >support refugees and fight Islamophobia >"A Muslim would never want to hurt me!" >brown person with diametrically opposite beliefs bombs concert and kills fans >???? > ...
What do you guys think will happen to her? I mean she HAS to be asking herself why this happened to her.
Nolan Gomez
>What do you guys think will happen to her? I mean she HAS to be asking herself why this happened to her.
I think you misunderstand the power of the hamster.
Brayden Stewart
What are you on about
Nolan Harris
She literally tweeted for Brits to carry on as if nothing happened.
Leo Ward
>be non-white pop star She's of Italian heritage you idiot.
Isaiah Gutierrez
Isaac Carter
This was the catalyst for the 'drug addiction/alcoholism' stage of her career.
Charles Clark
That was fake
Evan Wilson
she will join MOAS and fight for diversity in war victims
Asher Russell
a hamster born in a barn isn't a cow.
Christian Martinez
> what will happen to her Either denial or she will get suicided. Alternatively, she will on up on joe rogan.
Xavier Williams
she's algerian YOU idiot
she doesn't even look italian
Elijah Price
no one comments on how the show was super sexual and non-appropriate for 8 year old girls it was haram af, and while I don't agree that muslims should kill our children I do agree that these concerts are degenerate
William Lee
>All according to keikaku
Asher Morris
It is if you're a delusional lunatic.
You would be wise to remember this.
Christopher Reyes
>assuming she is getting redpilled never trust a pastanigger, even jews are more trusthworthy
Luke Hernandez
MGTOW phrase.. Metaphorical hamster wheel in a woman's head that symbolizes their ability to spin absolutely anything in any direction they want in order to suit their own needs and desires.
Gay? Yes. Accurate? A little. It'd be more accurate to say they let others think for them, and when others come to them for advice they give them the basic virtue signaling garbage that they get because making somebody feel better is more important that making someone actually better.
Zachary Phillips
Anthony Martinez
What's your point?
Jackson Martinez
Jace Mitchell
Carter Gray
10/10 i laughed
Ryan Young
That's what I think is the problem with entertainment. To be left wing is all you can count on to be relevant.
That's why many of these people turn to drugs and suicide because they can't take the phoniness.
Anthony Cook
that's why he wrote nonwhite you dingofucker
Anthony Mitchell
I thought her concert will be a blast, but sadly it bombed.
Aaron Sullivan
+1 (you)
Ryan Cruz
Honestly, she's probably making up excuses for them in her mind. If she IS questioning it she will have to hide it and make excuses for them on twitter anyway.
We should be SPAMMING her, her fans, her hashtags with the truth about "moderate muslims"
Thomas Mitchell
She's probably glad for all the publicity she's getting from this. It's as much Adriana Grande bombing as it is Manchester bombing.
Nolan Davis
I think she will rationalize this as "not all Muslims" Read what SJWs say and replace Islam/Muslim with Nazism/Nazi and see how absurd defending Islam truly is.
Jaxon Davis
Hahahahahaha >implying she didnt know what was going to happen >implying she didnt bathe in the victims collected blood in her penthouse suite's jacuzzi while having a gangbang sex ritual ceremony (on film) with niggers immediately after sometimes i wonder if i've even ever gotten through to you goys after all these years
Jackson Campbell
No, that's not the way. She'll simply deny it and won't allow herself to be swayed by alt reich trolls.
She needs to live with it on her own.
Blake Rodriguez
I never heard of her before the concert was bombed.
Jack Martinez
She'll be strong and carry on. It only happened because white racists exist anyway.
Hudson Morgan
Wasn't her biggest hit about, like, getting fucked so hard that you walk 'side-to-side' like a crab? Isn't her target demographic, like, 13-year old girls?
If only muslim suicide bombers were not so incompetent. I hope the Illuminati blowbangs with 80yr old men she has to participate in to get record deals will happen more often
Brandon Bennett
Jordan Sullivan
>Greek and North African >Italian
Sounds right.
Liam Russell
Same, probably some mid tier British artist. Now millions know her name.
Christopher Adams
She is promoting haram entertainment and corrupting women.
Oh and ever since she renounced Catholicism because muh gay marriage (under Benedict, I don't think she's returned to the church under Francis the Marxist antipope), she is a secularist.
And a secularist is lower than a Jew in Islam.
Jeremiah Campbell
Her career is over btw. She will never recover from this.
Aiden Cook
>italian >white
Carter Moore
Implying she won't swim in money after she concerts against hate in few months.
Ethan Howard
>conflating southern italian moors with northern italian whites tsk tsk tsk user
Parker Bell
>Her career is over btw. Singing, maybe. Porn? Could be the start.
Lucas Sanchez
What the fuck I just looked it up. How is this sort of degeneracy just completely normal now? Jesus her target audience is children, an 8 year old died at her concert listening and probably singing along with this filth.
Gabriel Ward
Same thing that happened to Kayne West after Kim Kardashian got robbed and raped at gunpoint in the middle of gun-free Paris.
> bitch about it one time too many > get dragged off to Room 101 > come out declaring their unconditional love for multiculturalism
Elijah Richardson
She doesn't possess the intellectual capacity of a white women, who are barely capable of being redpilled in the first place. She will go on as though nothing happened eventually
Julian Green
Ryan Sullivan
> Islam destroying cultural degeneracy in the West for us.
Jonathan Stewart
Those brown eyes tho
Leo Scott
>intellectual capacity of a white women That's myth, tho.
Ryan Williams
Literally google "Ariana grande side to side meaning"
Christian Robinson
@_@ eh maybe
Angel Bailey
she has muuuch smaller lips than her makeup shows. look closely at the overlap and judge her
Brody Hughes
Blue eyes are a recessive traits among whites also. I don't know enough about the long history of race-mixing to say that all white people with brown eyes are racemixed but the way the alleles play out is such that there could be like 5+ generations of only white parents and you could still end up with brown eyes. I mostly don't care though because my wife and I both have blue eyes so I'm good
Ian Gomez
I fail to see why you're calling him an idiot.
Easton Flores
>not white Well not shit....
Hudson Campbell
>she HAS to be asking herself why this happened to her.
Yeah but nothing will happen cause she will meet countless therapists that will skew her mind and she'll just go back to normal
Grayson Fisher
>She doesn't possess the intellectual capacity of a white women >a white women >a women Do a white men possesses the intellectual capacity it claims?
Ethan King
It's not over.
Christian Smith
>I mean she HAS to be asking herself why this happened to her.
That's not how biocunt lemmings work, her (((manager))) will ask her to take a moral stand and shill for islam forgiveness.
Levi Lee
you think this evil whore needs help to recover?
>sing about degnerate nigger dick what did she think would happen? the chickens have merely come home to roost.
Joshua Walker
Not all Nazis did the holocaust. It was a few bad apples.
Yeah, guess that makes sense.
Leo Scott
Shut up jew. She's a jew too but being on your side means swallowing psy ops. Muh gays muh muslims muh dont look at my nose. Hysterics over nothing. No evidence. All this shit is always fake. Celebrities dont have opinions. They are told what to say. Much like this psy op board of psy ops
Jace Diaz
ALL Nazis did the holocaust. Bombing of Dresden - greatest day of my life.
Nathaniel Scott
>when the muslim taxi drivers and your police state are one in the same
Anthony Lee
You work in Hollywood?
Ethan Rodriguez
she got paid lots of monies and eternal fame
Liam Bennett
You are a bigot. I'm outraged!
Brayden Diaz
Intellect lies on an actual spectrum for everyone including women. White women are more capable of abstract and rational thought that women of other races, it's pretty easy to see if you have known enough women.
Matthew Morris
Liberals always double down after attacks like this. Expect even more virtue signaling and Muslim ass kissing.
Lucas Powell
Don't worry. I bet that from now on a state funded army of special forces commandos is going to protect her concerts, so average Joe can pay his hard earned money on front row seat ticket for his 10-yr old daughter and be rest assured that jewish brainfuck will take place without disturbances
Landon White
Bentley Nelson
youre thinking of katy "ten inches and ten cocks just arent enough" perry.
Brody Cruz
that tweet looks so fake I can't even laugh at it ironically. I get that it's supposed to be obviously fake, but for fucks sake put some effort into it you clown
Joseph Murphy
>White women are more capable of abstract and rational thought that women of other races >that women of other races Okay, but I mean if you're going to criticize the intelligence of others, at least don't do it so sloppily.
Charles Cruz
Brayden Watson
>in hysterics
i got a cure for that
Michael Smith
Yeah, she's a degenerate entertain. She either doubles down and does a "Stop Hate" concert and has Hijab dancers on the stage, or she begins unraveling and eventually fucking kills herself through drinking and drugs, I mean, actually all scenarios are going to end with her destroying herself with drinking and drugs.
Kevin Perez
Camden Wood
>She doesn't possess the intellectual capacity of a white women what is that
Ryan Jones
Don't fucking call me names.
Connor Jackson
Ariana doesn't care. She's one of those dead-eyed whores that Dan Schneider and Nickelodeon turns out with regularity. Grande's entire image is cultivated to emphasize her youth and to create dissonance between her "innocent" face and her over-sexualized image and lyrics. Her target audience is girls, apparently as young as 8-years old.
I'm left with the conclusion that Ariana Grande was groomed for a role as a "conditioner" for young girls. Condition them towards promiscuity at as young an age as possible. Combine this with observations of the apparent cruelty in her candid comments about fans, or about people in general? She's an incredibly damaged individual who appears to be "happy" to ruin the lives of as many other young girls as she possibly can. A part of her is probably celebrating the carnage at her show the other night.
Come on Sup Forums, you can see this too.
Ryder Morales
White women have higher brainpower than nonwhite women in the same way that white men do. Our X chromosomes are superior in the same way that our Y chromosome is superior.
Camden Parker
Cooper Wilson
So that's why my dick is rape hard
Henry Wood
>letting who your ancestors were determine who you are I swear these people are plebs
Christian Torres
Makes sense. Although i think as long as you don't get bombed at your concert this will not concern you too much - most people don't really care about politics that much.
Aaron Reyes
Stop it with the white shit. We need to focus on the enemy, not petty bullshit like race. this is coming from a white blue eyed fucker, too. Focus on the enemy at hand, the cia, the nsa, and the terrorists who wish to destroy our way of living.
Adrian Hall
I thought female intelligence overall was pretty standard.
Nolan Morris
Colton Allen
Vivid will release a video of her taking 3 BBC's in about 3 weeks
Connor Howard
You seem to be confused, user. You say that intellect lies on a spectrum, and then arbitrarily declare a particular individual to be less intelligent than "white women". How do you know she's not on the high end of the intelligence spectrum of non-white women? She seems kinda dumb, but the average white woman is pretty dumb as well. For all you know, she happens to be smarter than white women.
Josiah Lee
Yes. You must participate in the organized lying of the far left or you're kicked off the "love" bus.
Joseph Morris
She will come out and speak about the need of understanding and diversity Euroshits will hail her as a hero
Dylan Lee
All you need to know is that she's a woman. Problem solved.
Sebastian Scott
no, she's like one the top tier celebrities these days. i constantly heard her on the radio for years
Charles Hill
>She never looked in the mirror and thought "Gee, i look like an arab"
Andrew Thompson
MKULTRA sex slave, she doesn't hold any meaningful opinions of her own and is probably physically incapable of it.
James Morris
Music is haram.
Leo Scott
She's a moron and also non-white. Who cares what she thinks.