Blowing up little kids was over the fucking line goat fuckers!

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Burgers want to stop Assad.

not clicking that virus riddled link, post screenshot Achmed

not all burgers


are you even in the military?

I hope you can read german

This will be another bullshit war to a) cause more immigrants to flee muh war zone or b) be a fake proxy war against russia / syria


Get ready to enjoy some new friends, yurofags

>Blowing up little kids was over the fucking line goat fuckers!

Yeah, you're supposed to rip them limb from limb or even vacuum their brains out in the womb, but never blow them up with pipe bombs.

No, seriously!




i have an inside scoop from someone who, let's say, is very well travelled,
he said that european armies would rather sabotage their own equipment than helping USA in more wars

the last word in the title sounds arabic

>ching chong ling ding dong ding

>Blowing up little kids was over the fucking line

Yeah, an anti-ISIS coalition that is going to target Assad and give ISIS money.

looks like im actually going to war

Assads had plenty of time to get his house in order. Maybe its time for some other shitskin colonel to have a shot.

only 1 kid died in the attack and less than 20% of total injured were under 18

baaaaaaaaaaaaah baaaaaaaaaaaaah

somehow they'll find a way to blame assad

Our government does. I'm against ousting Assad unless leveling the entire goddamned Muslim world is included in the package. It takes shitty strongman dictators to keep the goatfuckers in line. Leave the dictators in place, or kill'em all.

>remove your adblock

Stoltenberg, that fucking idiot. Let USA and Russia handle this.

We're going to war with the Saudis? Sweet. About time.

North Atlantic Terrorist Organization

whoa sick burn

>I hope you can read german
No problem, Hans!

nope, simply a truthfact

Is it true everyone who enlists gets to fuck Ariana?

>Anti-ISIS coalition

Aka "we don't give a shit about ISIS and want to topple Assad" coalition, you gigantic retard.

>North Atlantic Transsexual Orgy

Fuck regime change. Get your kike nose out of their country and ours. The real regime change that needs to take place is here in america

Yeah Hans, join the Bundeswehr today!

>yuropes think they can go to war by themselves

lmao what am I reading. You ain't going to do shit without your dick buddies usa.

"Not All Terrorists" Organisation

yay, going to fight wars for the shitskins, and get more refugees.
i can't wait

>Reading comprehension
no active engagement just surveillance and more money for Iraqi army

If there is any chance of actually destroying some middle eastern shithole I might be tempted to go there. But only if it includes deportations from Europe to the ME

Here's an article in english about it

this just means that Berlin Hamburg and München are going to be enriched by ISIS even more now.

You realize that Saudis are part of the so called "anti-ISIS coalition"?

So it's a win-win situation for us?

>Aka "we don't give a shit about ISIS and want to topple Assad" coalition,
This desu, if the west really wanted to stop ISIS they would have aligned themselves with Assad to drive them out.
But as you know, the (((US))) loves Saudi Arabia and their brother Israel.

The only good lads in NATO from Europe are the Danish and suprisingly the Estonians.

makes sense.
Saudis support ISIS
'murica supports ISIS
Europe supports ISIS
Germany supports ISIS through air reconnaissance over Syria (which also goes against internal law)

it all makes sense

What a joke, the war isn't on any front lines. It's
in the minds of radicalized mudshits inside our borders.

my bad

Can't wait for some hot Syrian cock in my anus after the fasting.

> our

you're a disgrace to my country you fucking kike

>No Article V activation

Not a real "NATO" war cry

Fuck you, Mohammed.

kosher burgers

I'm from Arizona , let's role boys. Load us up. Luke has a shit ton of f35s , and a shit ton of reserves. We need to just crusade this shit. It's becoming more apparent to the NORMIES that earth, does not require Islam anymore as a "religion"

Get the religious fundamentalist to be signed as terrorist organizations through petitions

And let's purge our great nation of ONCE AND FOR ALL

Here´s an more accurate one



The real question is if there will be boots on the ground for realzies or if its just bark with no bite.

We have elections in the UK and Germany this year.

I don't think we will see a real war.





What's on his tongue? Mini korans?

B.But WE kill their kids everyday...why is this any different.


fuck ya'll

They are brown

I think we just want to eradicate all shitskins since they cause every single problem the world has

Funny because Poland is in the NATO

Fuck NATO mate :^)

yeah aint it funny?

dumb polaks that allowed these western cocksuckering kikes to fool them again will be packing up and shipping out into the deserts

not people like me

cuz Im 2smart to get fucked over by kikes

...That's all you got.

Hes whiter than you, thats for sure

It's really not. This is another war for Israel. But Muslims have been building the stage for this and it'll go down in their neighborhood, so let's have at it lads.

I'm a racist. I don't need any other reasons

>using windows
>not using chrome

100% hoi polloi

As a Britbong all i can do now is KEK until i get necked.

Translate please
I don't speak barbarian.

I'm using Chrome


>Fighting brown people
Fake news.



Is that the anti-ISIS coalition that's been bombing the only force that's actually been consistently fighting against the jihadi's then? The coalition that's been arming and supplying them, even providing occasional air cover and gorillions of free media?
Not hard to pull the wool over your eyes, is it?

You can always firebomb some mosques or politicians' comfy homes. Also, this post is entirely satirical.

Good luck NATO please return with Assad's head and drive Russia out of the middle east

Can't wait to see Russian getting BTFO once again

Who cares, all shitskins deserve the rope, als Trump already confirmed yet again that we are not going after Assad
>b-but muh airbase

No, extending the war by having poor trained goat fuckers fight it is what is causing the refugees to flee. Sending in well trained professionals to blow the fuck out of ISIS quickly is in our best interest. If we end active combat in the region, they can go home.

Yeah, like we needed fucking NATO to do that.
We'll just blow some shitskin kids as usual is what it means.
Maybe we could ramp it up so that the number that immigrate is lower, but I doubt so.


NATO is a mutual defense treaty. Doesn't that mean we should join together to remove kebab on our own soil?

If your nation was a member of the Coalition of the Willing, it's your fucking responsibility to clean up this mess.

>inb4 right wing immigration enforcement finally takes over europe

why did you move to a nato country, slobo?

Fuck that shit, I'm not fighting for NATO even if it's against ISIS.
I fight only in the name of Greece and the Orthodox Church.
NATO is an obsolete piece of shit.

Ideally, once the security situation has been brought down to manageable levels, the refugees have no reason to stay.

When Turkey invades Greece I'll find you and hit you with a giant cross until you get buried underground

(so the Turks can't find you, you may be stupid but you are still greek)

It's LSD, fampai.

I'm British. I care about British kids. I care about American kids. I care about European kids... I don't give a shit about anyone else.

You say Assad is part of ISIS?