*1000 people in the ME die every day*

*1000 people in the ME die every day*

*20 people in the UK die in a single accident*
omg it's the end of the world!! race war now!!

kek, does Sup Forums not realize how dumb you all sound?

Other urls found in this thread:


>If I find poop in the toilet, then it's not really a surprise, but if I find it on the table, no I have reason to be concerned

the ME was peaceful and rich before we went there to steal their oil

If they could afford to kill you more they would goy

Does anyone unironically believe this

it was peaceful and rich before we killed off all their leaders like saddam and ghadafi (and soon assad, undoubtedly)

There's a difference between a War and normal peacetime society.

You see - War is when there's a specific two sided big conflict going on. And violence is
USUALLY what happens between them to achieve their goals.
Because it is fucking Wartime obviously.

In Peacetime, things are NORMAL. Violence is UNJUSTIFIED. You get it?


>1000 people in the ME die every day
The difference is that they're doing it to themselves, not others.

>when I find shit in the toilet, I'm not surprised, because it kind of belongs there but when I find shit on my dinner plate, that concerns me.