I want off this timeline

I want off this timeline


Gayman wants to get thrown off a roof by Muzzies

w-what? why?

What is the cheese cake factory menu?

whatever here's the headlines, Trump is a racist, you'll keep eating it up fuck you, is this news? It is now motherfucker

Its a menu at a popular chick restaurant. Girls think its fancy and love to take pictures of their food there.

It's basically the length of a novel. But yeah I don't get this

Cheesecake Factory is some gay restaurant where they serve cheesecakes.
This is one of those reddit ''haha, famous people reads some dumb shit haha'' thing, like Morgan Freeman reading the lyrics of What Does the Fox Say.

This is our gay culture in [current year], and I am ashamed that I understand what these nutjobs are on about.

It's a restaurant in burger land.

reminder that gaiman is a kike