Because this is the first time I've heard of it, and we've never discussed it for some strange reason: Alan Dershowitz is a personal friend and attorney for Jeffrey Epstein, a sex offender and rapist of underage girls with ties to the Clintons. Dershowitz has been going after Virginia Roberts Giuffre, one of Epstein's victims, because she has accused Dershowitz of engaging in Epstein's activities with underage girls. In this case, Giuffre is suing Ghislaine Maxwell, Epstein's madam, for defamation since Maxwell accused Giuffre of making up all her claims. For some reason, Dershowitz wants information released from this case, that Giuffre does not. It is unclear what the information is, but it may be personal to Giuffre or another one of Epstein's victims. Either way, the judge denied Dershowitz's motion.
Enter Mike Cernovich. He pretended to file on behalf of Ghislane, in his capacity as a "investigative journalist", implying that he was interested in breaking open a story that was damaging to the Clintons. THEN, Mike Cernovich filed a motion asking for the same information the alleged sex offender Dershowitz was asking for: he filed to have the same document released that Guiffre blocked. Giuffre and her attorneys' still don't want the docs released and filed a response showing Mike Cernovich's close ties to Dershowitz (pic related: The other man in the photo is Loren Feldman, a rabidly anti-white Jew who spews hate and lunacy on Twitter. He's Mike Cernovitch's big investor and business partner.) Giuffre believes that Cernovich was ACTUALLY asking for the information to benefit Dershowitz under the pretense that he is the only a journalist who knew about or became interested in the information
because this placed ceased to be a place of good information and actual digging when the Trumplets flooded in (paid shills) (google Donald Trump+Palmer+Luckey)
Ian Smith
You think they were paying to cover this up?
Ethan Wood
i couldn't tell you mate but one thing is abundantly clear this place was suberted by paid pro Trump shills. Every wonder how those Trump generals were quite so regular?
>Dowson described his strategy as spreading "devastating anti-Clinton, pro-Trump memes and sound bites into sections of the population too disillusioned with politics to have taken any notice of conventional campaigning."
Dylan Barnes
>Ever wonder how those Trump generals were quite so regular Yeah I noticed that. None of the real Generals are ever that regular, not even the oldest ones that are the most established.
Asher Morris
there are shills everywhere.
there are multiple russian groups
there are multiple liberal groups
there are multiple trump groups
there are AIs
Dylan Parker
exactly and have you also noticed how without fail whenever Trump cucks up some convoluted counter argument is cooked up and repeated.
We should really be working full time to remove the pro Trump shills or at least make people aware of what they have done. Otherwise this place is never going to become what it was again
Robert Anderson
this. this whole board looks completely different now, like there are full-time posters just filling it with nonsense. it NEVER used to be like this and it's not normal human posting.
Caleb Price
No far left shills though really grinds your gears doesn't it
Adam Turner
I dont know if we can actually do that here. Maybe posting on /qa/ but if it is paid activity and the mods havent done anything yet, they might be letting it happen.
also, people don't support all those other shills and weren't duped by them
Anthony Nguyen
in all likely hood Luckey approached the mods and recruited them personally. They were probably already a NEET, it probably cost almost nothing to get them to do it
Connor Edwards
that's really sad, but what's new I guess. This place hasn't really been getting better over the years.
Joshua Ross
do you not see the spaniard making the commie thread every fucking day?
Jacob Watson
Yeah, it is that same Spaniard every time
Christian Rogers
What I'm mostly seeing is in repetitive terminology on certain subjects, literally no one was talking about "cultural Marxism" until recently, this is the type of scare language used to shore up support for corporations and/or a political ideology that is subservient to them.
Also the word "BASED" as a meme would long be viewed as passé or ruined in the lexicon of a site with this sort of volume.
I'm not a robot. But I can almost whole-heatedly guarantee that there's been threads that mostly just bots and shills arguing with one another.
There's no authority but yourself, no one on here has any actual education I'm any of the social or evening issues that they are attempting to address. Don't listen to anyone.
Jordan Campbell
Capped for future, but need a better file name
Mason Reed
>there are shills everywhere.
>there are multiple russian groups
>there are multiple liberal groups
>there are multiple trump groups
>there are AIs
there are aliens
there are reptilian jews
there are demon vampire pedophile groups
And that's just the tip of the ice(((berg)))
Carson Ortiz
nice, saved >literally no one was talking about "cultural Marxism" until recently How recently do you mean? I remember talking about it when I first came here in 2011. It was one of the things that got me hooked and kept me coming back. So I'm not sure what your experience was or why you missed it, but learning about Yuri Bezmenov was one of the first things I did here. You are right that there's a lot of new language, but cultural Marxism isnt really new, it just started getting over-used when the Trump stuff got popular. I don't think most people even know the meanings of all these terms that have been popularized.
Ian Young
Try not to sound so salty when you talk about jews, it just makes you sound like an angry jew, bitter that jews get talked about on Sup Forums.
Ethan Kelly
filthy kike Jews helping other filthy kike Jews while pretending to be the white man's ally. How did we never suspect this?...
Ethan Barnes
I think it just seems like a convenient verbal foil to use, I mean I thought we'd be past worrying about the red menace and just acknowledge the utility of ideas in certain situations sometimes goes beyond the totality of any fundamentalism.
Like in the same context of Operation Paperclip, we didn't write off Werner Von Braun because we respected the ideas of his that were valuable and junked the rest.
To write off any examination of labor as it applies to society as just being a commie plot is likewise counter productive to the goals of a society.
I'd say anyone advocating any simple, wholesale solution to any of society's problems without any caveat or exception is either a shill or unworthy of attention.
But maybe I'm just old or something at this point
Connor Powell
good thread bro bump get these faggot kikes out
Anthony Richardson
> mean I thought we'd be past worrying about the red menace >To write off any examination of labor as it applies to society as just being a commie plot I think you're straw-manning it just a bit. It's a bit more nuanced than that. Like I said, I wouldn't expect most of the newfriend normies to really read up on or study what they talk about, but it's not as simple as "red menance": no one's talking about the KGB or Stalin's NKVD. They're talking about the more Western, Fabian-style "communism light" that survived the collapse of the Soviet Union, and became the only kind of communism left in the West. It's a perspective germane to reading / listening speakers and authors like Jonathan Bowden or Roger Scruton. See these videos for example and pic related:
The shills that go after him stink up the threads and shriek kike and abuse and try to look edgy and pretend they are hard, I tried explaining to them that people here already hate the bloke but the shills don't understand why they don't understand mike or this place what motivates him or the various posters here People are waiting and watching i guess if he didn't shill on twitter or fuck with the rest of right the autists wouldn't be lurking wanting blood People have stuff on him and know he isnt what he makes himself out to be
There are people here who make it there business to know everything, i wouldn't want to upset them
Also there is something very strange about this place the comments and interactions many times are not normal these are bots very bad scripts that contradict themselves when trying to shill, something isnt right about this place
Jace Williams
>these are bots very bad scripts that contradict themselves when trying to shill I've noticed this too. SOmetimes its so bad you can't tell if you mised something in the conversation, or if the person you're talking to is insane. Even when you point out obvious contradictions they still fight you like it never happened. Its probably a technique, just to have argument and slide the thread with it.
Brayden Smith
The explosion of Jordan Peterson definitely has something to do with people talking about social Marxism.
Lucas Sanchez
In regards to the first video.
Well, I think the lack of pride in one's country probably comes from more than political correctness or some sort of subliminal thought.
The plurality of ideas in any population would preclude probably even a majority being proud at any given time. Like the very few people advocating race war, this is something that would probably displease the majority of the population.
But, the commonality between being anti politically correct and people who look at it all as simply not being jerks to one another for prejudicial reasons is that neither side welcomes a paternalistic influence in their thought processes.
No one is 100% right, and I think if there was some way to track entries based on individual's certainty of their claims we'd be able to screen for bots and shills a little easier.
Thomas Turner
Yes its really bad if you force them to go off script and interact with you then you know they are human, Many of the names they use that do social commentary on twitter or tv or youtube they try to lump them into labels and groups and none of it makes sense some they try to argue taking different sides and made up positions that these e-clebs apparently have and go at each other, I think its a tactic to sound so inconceivably stupid that people leave the thread also its to slide and i guess some are genuinely that stupid they think if they shout kike and nigger then post some old meme with a quote about a jewish individual is what the evil nazi poster on Sup Forums do, Im really tired of people shouting jew at everything the world is a complicated place
this is the 2nd thread about about this individual haven't seen any about him for a long time
David Lopez
>a tactic to sound so inconceivably stupid that people leave the thread this. You can almost feel the air leave the room when a thread becomes too stupid and frantic, like everyone with a brain just clicked over to a new tab. Then the thred dies, the page number goes up closer to autosage, and maybe after a while some of the people who left check back in, but by then the thread might have died. Its not all shills doing this, but definitely the shills know they can create a mob attracting useful idiots just by frantically and idiotically posting for a time.
Adam Brooks
>Because this is the first time I've heard of it, and we've never discussed it for some strange reason: Alan Dershowitz >for some strange reason
Wild guess: Because Dershowitz has always been a solid Clinton guy until he went on Tucker a couple days ago and said literally nothing of the crazy shit Trump has ever been accused of would even be a crime?
>We never discussed it because Dershowitz is a Clinton guy >We never discussed a Clinton guy on a pro-Trump board No that doesn't make much sense. Try this theory instead: >This thread is actually about Mike Cernovitch >Mike Cernovitch is a pro-Trump guy >This is a pro-Trump board Funny that you conveniently left out Mike Cernovitch being the main subject of the thread. Did you do that on purpose?
Daniel Edwards
are you tryin to tel me cernovich is a spah
Lincoln Rivera
you're delusional
Austin Jenkins
Cernovitch is obviously one of (((them))) just like most of the alt-right celebrities.
Cooper Miller
>but definitely the shills know they can create a >mob attracting useful idiots just by frantically >and idiotically posting for a time.
yeah some topics if done right can create a fury of sperging out it just fatigues me though which is a tactic to get rid of posters
I currently have about 50 threads filtered
I don't really have a problem with mike as long as he attacks and destroys the people fucking with Trump, but he just had to be such a jew about it
Its interesting how he doesn't get shilled against you have many pro trump blind fanboys who are incredibly useful for people pushing agendas and using that knowledge on this board, then there are people who just want the damn truth and can think for themselves and form there own opinions
here friend check out an example of a retard shill poster with muh Alt-Right meme
>Cernovitch is obviously one of (((them))) just >like most of the alt-right celebrities.
Michael Hall
>cernovich is a spah no, just greedy and ambitious probably
Isaiah Russell
Nicholas Price
> just greedy and ambitious probably
>pretty much
I am an autist though so im constantly rustled and i do enjoy drama and people shafting each other in the social media war, guess that can be a problem and the sperg rage if whipped up correctly can be directed at e-clebs the establishment is threatened by
Landon Hernandez
>establishment threatened by a rag-tag group of Canadian CSIS Jews and Jewish 'white nationalists' like Spencer Oh lord you do have chutzpah. Good for you.
Michael Young
Luis Perry
This, shilling is just marketing 2.0 at this point.
Hudson Thomas
Trump on Epstein:
"I've known Jeff for fifteen years. Terrific guy,''
"He's a lot of fun to be with. It is even said that he likes beautiful women as much as I do, and many of them are on the younger side."
Zachary Baker
>shilling is just marketing 2.0 at this point boom, this
William Cook
The only threads when people screams shills all the time are the ones with actual shills.
Is there a problem for Sup Forums if this turns out to be true?
Jack Powell
A woman in California, “identified” as Katie Johnson, filed a $100 million lawsuit against Trump on April 26, accusing the real estate mogul of raping her when she was just 13 years old.
Johnson “claims Trump raped her when she was 13-years-old and forced her to engage in sex acts by threatening to harm her and her family,” notes The Independent UK. “She claims the alleged abuse took place over a four-month period at underage sex parties held in New York City in 1994.” Epstein was also named for alleged sexual misconduct and threats.
This is some advanced shilling. I doubt either of you willfully spend time here
Dylan Rivera
Jason Thomas
I tend not to listen to any accusations that came during the campaign. If it came during the campaign, it's too tainted by that to be believed. Of course he might have used escorts, because he's rich etc, but he probably didn't ever have to.
Cameron Sanders
T.farleft shill
Angel Lopez
Back in 2010, Epstein admitted to “socializing” with Trump, but when a lawyer representing an under-aged victim of Epstein’s asked if he has “ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18,” Epstein curiously pled the Fifth:
>Q: Have you ever had a personal relationship with Donald Trump? >A. What do you mean by "personal relationship," sir? >Q. Have you socialized with him? >A. Yes, sir. >Q. Yes? >A. Yes, sir. >Q. Have you ever socialized with Donald Trump in the presence of females under the age of 18? >A: Though I'd like to answer that question, at least today I'm going to have to assert my Fifth, Sixth, and 14th Amendment rights, sir.
Luis Smith
Henry Hughes
People should be smart enough to see Cernovich is a manipulative jew who just wants to bank off making retarded beta whites even more retarded. Guy acts all 'alpha male' but hes a fucking submissive bottom
Lincoln Edwards
>This is some advanced shilling >REEEEEEEEEEEEE Yeah, irrefutable facts are some "advanced shilling" kys
I know derschowitz is a zionist that tried to destroy that guys career who was also a jew but was blowing the whistle on milking the holohoax n sheit. It appears Loren Feldmen seems to be a rabid Zionist too. Cernovich is considered a leading figure in the right wing 'independent journalism'(kek) field yet it turns out he might be funded by Zionist jews? Is there any sauce on feldman funding him?
Milo is another of the main eceleb new right journos that has the slickest PR and most funding and he is a half Jew zionist too....
Noah Hall
People are forgetting the summerfags
Ryan Young
I just read through all of this and unfortunately there's nothing noteworthy. But look at the time, it's getting late...we should all get some sleep.
Jason Collins
>Is there any sauce on feldman funding him? Yeah, he funded and produced Mike's movie 'Silenced', but the site for it is shut down now. Here's the link right above it from the search:
>we should all get some sleep Good night sleepy-side
Robert Gutierrez
Fucking spot on, they flood this board whenever controversial shit happens with Trump trying to shut down dissent. After the strikes on Syria they created all those fake shill screenshots and created conspiracy theories to get their retards to attack different factions of the board. Look at how they flooded the board with Seth Rich conspiracies to use Sup Forums as a base to flood the internet to drown out the Trump/Russia connection. Remember the Colbert cock holster joke they tried to get him fired over ?
Zachary Cook
Some of us have, i'd never trust a kike.
Michael Walker
The board did flood with Seth Rich, but it was also being promoted on Fox by Hannity at the same time. Not saying they weren't flooding the story here, but it came from the mainstream. I also think Seth Rich was murdered in stange circumstances, but its weird when they only care about it at certain times, then stop caring all of a sudden.
Noah Lee
That's just us talking, but i have to say that this thread it's been strange.
Dominic Bell
Found Cernovich shilling against an anti israel guy too here. Looks suspicious.
>Adam S. Lovinger So this guy on the Security Coincil he's shilling for, that got his security clearance pulled, is this Mike's "inside source" he keeps talking about? Every time Mike talks that way, all I can think about is how the CIA hires "assets" to be their pawns. Mike sounds like an asset for someone, just a mouthpiece pretending to be independent while people tell him what to say.
Kayden Sanchez
There is no way the brews were going to allow completely independent journalism goyim. Even if it looks completely independent they will be influencing it somehow.
Christian Robinson
I'm not saying everything is trump shills but they're easy to spot and go over board, like enter unrelated threads and spout their nonsense or create wild conspiracies to counter opposing view points.
Sebastian Ward
yeah, well you can tell when its really independent because the person's life ends / gets ruined. Its this atmosphere of perception that "everyone behind Trump is a renegade outside the system". Well that might have been true once, but not now. If Mike knows "insiders" that leak to him, they do it to use him. It doesn't automagically make them or him the "good guys"
Jason Taylor
I say it, because I followed the Seth Rich lead since it happened, but this in particular feels weird.
Jacob Wright
Kikeapedia. Clever. You wouldn't have this expanding right wing problem if you had hadn't fucked with us. Even now, all you have to do is call up the video game makers and have them turn it down a notch, call your press lapdogs and stop spreading the name of this place. But you won't. You can't help yourselves. It's drives you nuts that we even exist. So you send agents into our cave. And when the come out they aren't the same. Some never come out at all. And you flood the place with normies. That really had to be the stupidest thing ever. Now people are walking around in public worshipping our god. Anyway, since you fuck up our world (video games) we are going to grief the hell out of you in yours.
Enjoy. :)
Andrew Hall
>but this in particular feels weird I've been following it since the election to but kind of ignored it this last time because it seemed to be more about Hannity / Kimdotcom promoting it than much new info. I did notice more about the Podesta links to the Police, etc, but then ignored it because it was flooding. What do yo think is different about the story this time?
Adrian Nelson
More proof Cernovich is controlled opposition
Asher Turner
this is the only bright spot about us being absolutely submerged in normies. Those Kekistani faggots may be cancer but they're our cancer after all and it's hilarious how mainstream /pol ideals are becoming to the point where normies are clamoring to fit in. > I mean did you ever expect to see a repurposed Nazi battle flag being shown off in public all the time and on the least keks were had
Zachary Morgan
The Seth Rich parents video with the PR guy.
Josiah Robinson
lol you're good at seeing the bright side oh yeah that is weird. Anything worthwhile to know on that? Are the parents paid off or what?
Ryan Harris
They aren't sad, like they know something we don't.
Gavin Flores
>page 1 >3 seconds later this thread is on page 5 The slide is in effect yeah, that's fucked up. Somethings up there.
Nathaniel Diaz
more Loren Feldman tweets
Justin Evans
David Campbell
You're literally fucking retarded. Cultural Marxism has been a commonly used term on Sup Forums since Breveik's manifesto was released, in which he discussed Cultural Marxism at length. Furthermore, you obviously have no idea what Cultural Marxism is if you think that rhetoric is used to shore up support for "corporations" because Cultural Marxism itself basically describes the intercourse between intersectional radical feminism (which now covers almost all "privilege" theory) and Neoliberal Globalism, which is the actual ideology of Corporations. (Neoconservatism and Neoliberalism are essentially the same thing with some superficial differences when it comes to social issues).
"Based" is just a meme that has gone stale, and I agree that there are plenty of threads that are just shills arguing with shills.
William Cook
>feminism covers privilege theory It was originally called Critical Theory, before feminism and critical race theory, anti-colonialism, etc. So it all really started with "cultural marxism"
Adrian King
Daniel Perry
I'm not 100% up on everything but I do know that Privilege theory in it's current form is an evolution of Critical Theory that stems from McIntosh's "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack," which essentially became the basis for Intersectional Feminism, which is what separates third wave feminism from second wave feminism, which is based more broadly in Critical Theory.
McIntosh specialized in education, and in fact "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack" is basically just telling teachers that they need to be mindful of their students' backgrounds and experiences when they are trying to teach (like how using a peanut butter and jelly sandwich as an example is "white privilige" because some shitskin who is fresh off the boat won't know what that is, and will have a disadvantage when it comes to learning the lesson, relative to the white devil who already is familiar with that concept)
But anyway for the other guy, "Cultural Marxism" is literally just applying the Opressor-Opressee dynamic Marx laid out to describe the relationship between the Bourgeoise and the Proletariat and applying it to any situation where critical theory and privilege theory observe one group enjoying an advantage over another.
Lucas Martinez
>Critical Theory that stems from McIntosh's "Unpacking the Invisible Knapsack," you give her way too much credit, she was just dumbing down the same stuff that Bell was talking about in the 1970s with critical race theory. So I guess I'm arguing that the "3rd wave" we always talking about is part of them just tossing every idea they ever had into this giant gumbo. So when a Feminist talks feminism she says the same shit the Black Lives Matter activists says, they just change the label based on the person and audience. It gets really funny when you see them turn on each other, like when "PoC feminists" turn on "white feminists" and they all use the same language, but the white feminists loses... because it was all just anti-white rhetoric and ideas to begin with...