Which one of these are most responsible for the destruction of our civilization?
Which one of these are most responsible for the destruction of our civilization?
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I dont know for sure, user, but i'm pretty sure you've done nothing to contribute.
The jews are making the women open the borders to the niggers and the arabs, supported by cucked western 'men'
By working I contribute. By working and paying taxes I keep subhumans like you alive.
Ourselves, if we don't accept that we forfeit control of our destinies therefore any discussion is futile.
We allowed the Jews to Jew, instead of butchering them for their crimes against our race.
Arabs are merely a sympton of a larger disease in the west. It is rational by a natural law that the muslims seek to conquer and dominate, traitors within are to blame.
Same with women, they are behaving rationally with the incentives of a rotten culture offered to them.
Everyone does that you degenerate LARPing faggot.
Our national elites accepted the influences of Jews and Muslims in our society.
Ourselves obviously, only our decadence allowed any of those groups to get power.
Jews are more like Hyenas not Lions.
I'm not sure
Jews by inventing cultural marxism
ourselves by being influenced by cultural marxism