I found fucking code words in an old Vanity article.
Look what I just stumbled onto.
Is this a coincidence just like Podesta's hotdog stand in Hawaii?
I found fucking code words in an old Vanity article.
Look what I just stumbled onto.
Is this a coincidence just like Podesta's hotdog stand in Hawaii?
Other urls found in this thread:
>coincidence just like Podesta's hotdog stand in Hawaii?
Holy Fucking Shit
Im not a Seth Rich guy but
Holy Fucking Shit
Are you posting stuff like this to delegitimize this board? Fuck you.
holy shit guy?
Holy interdast. Good find.
Sharyl Attkisson: I think there are important questions and if you don’t know who murdered him you can’t really say, “Please don’t look here.
Wow crazy shit like this delegitimizes our broader message. Delete this.
nothing to see here do you guys think ill do better playing on cheese than pasta?
holy shit
You shills REALLY suck at what you're doing and you're gonna get hung high by the law once this busts open.
This ain't your board, shill.
> 126953303
You have just failed.
>t-totally just a right wing c-conspiracy!
hahahahaha no no no my friend.....
Law will have to wait in line just like everyone else.
Also, fast track passes are available for those who brought their own rope....
Panda, Panda
Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda, Panda
I got killed in a scandal
Clinton, Podesta examples
Now the hill left in shambles
Cause of the leaks that I sampled
I am not, Russia
Media callin me Russia
Took me out of the discussion
Took me out don't you discuss it!
Oh, shit kids. Look who I found.
wait, you're a disinfo faggot trying to clutter the investigation with ridiculousness.
So what's panda code for? Someone was gonna rape his jew ass or what?
That's some spooky synchronicity.
That's some mKultura shit right there. Post this in the main seth rich thread user, even the donald on reddit. More eyes the better
Who is this T. A.Frank guy?
gets for the panda
Who's writing the script for you faggots. Keep this thread going. This fucking guy intentionally wrote this. It's like one of us tweeting a rainbow flagged "OK" hand symbol to someone else to tip them off that we're all in on a dark inside joke.
>someone makes a really bad forced analogy
dude's just a bad writer
Did Seth Rich work on the "America" video?
Seth Rich's preffered online handle was panda
so, who T. A. Frank then?
His nickname was Panda.
>Delete this
Make me
Only the highest branch will be reserved for you and the other shills when this is all said and done.
I'm sure it's nothing guys just another coincidence hehe...
stumbled on some other creepy ass shit no one is talking about.
someone should make an M-Ultra thread.
I mean if this were in an email around that time period it would be big league evidence but this is a vanity fair article, it doesn't make any sense why it's there.
>occult hand
>occult hand
>occult hand
This is nothing but "journalists" posturing.
What did they mean by this
This one is just unsettling. Like it's all just a cruel sick joke for these people.
It could be a blatant threat, meant to scare Seth. Maybe Seth didn't cooperate and thus ended up getting shot.
in the digital age why would dems communicate through code words in PUBLIC?
Someone archive this twitter account
Seth was obviously killed by the DNC but this is literally retarded. Sage
Task Assignement frank
They all have nickname perhaph
what did japmoot mean by this?
Some user said it might have been a warning to Rich and others that were working with him.
some kind of sick joke as well.
because they have a long history of taunting the public with their crimes.
Who the fuck makes up an expression like that? Could have used bull in a china shop or something. But no. Decided to use PANDA.
he really does look like a panda. all bullshit aside.
Seriously, look up 'occult' hand'.
Exactly. Like the "Scalia" movie.
Stupid retards, Seth Rich was a piece of shit loser who died in a robbery, there was no assassination, are you all this braindead?
This was 5 1/2 months before his death, though?
It's a little too early for it to have been a code word, right?
Nah, if anything he's just the communicator/messenger/documenter.
But it would be really really far out. On the other hand, what ya know.
Seth sent allegedly 40.000 emails to Wikileaks.
Something he was probably doing for several months.
They knew.
Holy Shit!
>one off
We should dig into the T. A. Frank faggot journalist who used the code words. Looking through his past stories he's a clear deep state shill.
He has some kind of relationship with Donna Brazile. In this 2013 article about TV shows he casually mentions a conversation with Donna Brazile.
>Today, 14th Street shines. One searches in vain for a decent crack house in Mt. Vernon Square. And we try to justify our appetite for all the new shows about the place. Julia Louis-Dreyfus, the star of “Veep,” speculated to Politico that it has “something to do with the fact that Obama’s in office.” Democratic strategist Donna Brazile told me the dysfunction of Washington “makes fodder for a Hollywood script. People like the sleaze.” Anti-heroes have been hot for years, and Washington is full of promising real-life inspirations.
He will be avenged.
He got shot 6 months later. Not very timely. Also, there's hundreds of thousands of articles referring to Hillary Clinton, the odds of panda popping up aren't that bad. The phrase "shoot the panda" is very odd though.
Reasonable take. I'm daring to say this shit was intentional. It referenced Bernie in the same clip. If it was something like how to deal with China, then fine. I would dismiss it as coincidence. Pandas from China, shitty writer takes the lowest hanging fruit to make a metaphor or some shit.
I'm standing with these fucks would do something like this. They fuck kids and boast about it publicly in veiled terms. This is the kind of shit these sick people would do.
Okay that's too fucking weird to be coincidental. Holy shit.
Pretty sure they used an article to detail the Scalia wet work as well.
>T. A. Frank faggot journalist
Can you find the one? And run a check on the author(s) ASAP. They'll lock down everything once this gets out.
Not the first time Vanity Fair has made ominous references. See: Epstein
wew lad. Who's the writer? We need to research him asap
>this deligitimizes Sup Forums
>deligitimizes a mongolian futa-porn image site
Shills don't know...
Shilling for downs-faced Chelsea
Don't underestimate politicians and media people. They are all friends. They love this putting this coded shit in the public view. It's like art for them.
jep, if bernie is associated with pandas somehow, it could simply mean a dirty character assasination campaign agains B, risking a party split.
monumentally mangled imagery in this case. cringe galore.
I honestly can't tell who's shilling who in this thread.
This is interesting, but you haven't provided any reason Vanity Fair would write coded words about Seth Rich in a random article.
And who is this author? are there any connections?
This doesn't make any sense to me at all.
But I'm fairly confident either nu/pol/-reddifuges or shill-trolls are in here blindly crying happening.
It's literally like memes.
>nothing taken
>December 16, 2015 -- NGP VAN applies new patch to DNC servers. According to email 15792, due to a "glitch in the code" the normal system barriers were lowered for four hours and users could access other users data. This data could still only be accessed by other DNC user accounts. Four unique users ran and downloaded the results of 25 unique searches, saved to private hard drives and were removed from the premises.
>Note: Urbetsky was unavailable for comment in the aftermath. December 17, 2015 -- DNC officials discover the person who accessed information was connected to the Bernie team and demand discipline of the individual.
>December 18, 2015 -- Bernie campaign fires Josh Uretsky, his campaign's national data director
>December 19, 2015 (Saturday evening at 10pm) Amy Dacey reports the previous incident to Podesta (via Mary Fisher for some reason)
>Jan 2016 -- Sanders claims (in May 17 interview) that his Nevada HQ had shots fired and nearby employee apartments ransacked
>***January 2016 -- Seth Rich creates Pandas4Bernie Twitter, tumblr and FB page#
They knew/suspected Seth was responsible for the December breach.
>like a priceless vase grabbed by a panda
Something valuable stolen by someone who identifies with pandas (and had that same month set up vocal anti-Hillary/pro-Bernie Panda-themed social media accounts).
>She'd prefer to shoot the panda
Statement of intent from the inner-circle to those in the know. They're letting their comrades know "she" (could be HIllary but more likely Palmieri as she was in more direct contact with Seth and would be more attentive to actions he'd taken) plans or is asking to assassinate Seth.
We're looking at either a disguised declaration of intent, or a request for action.
I think our memes have occult power that (((they))) have known about for millennia... and most of us are just beginning to discover...
Shilling by anti-shilling, nice.
Rich was a Bernie supporter, user. That's the link.
do you feel tired? I feel tired, let's go to sleep anons
They're laughing at investigators.
Clearly they think it's airtight
>Shilling by anti-shilling, nice.
lots of shill accusations, not a lot of explaining how this makes sense.
Spam Seth Rich all over YouTube. Put the YouTube video of his parents side-by-side with the article from whatever shitrag that said that the family was speaking against "conspiracy theories."
Their little Saturn cult bullshit isn't working anymore and they are confused.
Sorry, took me a minute to locate this.
There are no shills here. But it is very boring and there's nothing happening. It's been a whole lot of nothing for a long time and it's probably time you tried getting some sleep. I'm very sleepy now and I'm going to lie down after I drink my medicine.
Seth Rich is a Panda for Progress
Is a Bernie supporter
Democrat shilling journalist writes article
shooting the panda while talking about Bernie
>we're above the law and everyone else and we'll display right in the public's face because we kind of get kicks from doing so.
Sorry for accusing you of shilling user.
>For the second time in eight years, Hillary Clinton sees the Democratic nomination being pawed by a charming interloper, like a priceless vase grabbed by a panda
Translation: A young and upcoming prospect in the DNC who is "in the know" has dabbled and possibly leaked information for at least the second time, potentially damaging an incredibly important, culture-shifting election
Literal definition of "interloper" - a person who becomes involved in a place or situation where they are not wanted or are considered not to belong.
>She'd prefer to shoot the panda, but that could mean breaking the vase, and onlookers would object.
Translation: Hillary and the DNC have the means to eliminate the threat (Seth Rich), but doing so could be messy and ultimately ruin her chances at the presidency, as well as lose support within the DNC inner circles or end up destroying it completely
>To make matters worse, Bernie Sanders, who leads Clinton in both New Hampshire and Iowa, has produced a new video ad, "America," a wordless feel-hope montage that is awfully good, good enough that I can't help feeling both moved by it and resentful that it works on me.
Translation: Bernie has a real shot to upset Hillary, and in combination with the threat of leaks coming from Seth Rich, who we know supports Bernie, it could spell disaster for her campaign.
Maybe shoot the panda.
Translation: Kill Seth Rich before it's too late
i fucked the formatting. last part should be:
>To make matters worse, Bernie Sanders, who leads Clinton in both New Hampshire and Iowa, has produced a new video ad, "America," a wordless feel-hope montage that is awfully good, good enough that I can't help feeling both moved by it and resentful that it works on me.
Translation: Bernie has a real shot to upset Hillary, and in combination with the threat of leaks coming from Seth Rich, who we know supports Bernie, it could spell disaster for her campaign.
>Maybe shoot the panda.
Translation: Kill Seth Rich before it's too late