Why do jews, blacks, sjw's, non-white and leftist see only white men as their enemy and not white women?

Why do jews, blacks, sjw's, non-white and leftist see only white men as their enemy and not white women?

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archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

>gauged ears

Get the fuck out.

Because white women can be influenced by the media Jew and will vote against her own racial interests.

Also everyone wants to fuck white women.

Gee..I wonder why

because that would be sexist user :^)

Social Engineering & wanting to destroy The West.

archive.4plebs.org/pol/search/subject/knowledge bomb/username/anonymous5/tripcode/!!9O2tecpDHQ6/

Their brains are wired to hate what they're told to hate and to like what they're told to like. Liberals claim to be smart, but they've just been brainwashed by the Frankfurt School and (((Cultural Marxism))) into caring more about feelings then facts. They won't realize the error of their ways until it's too late

we built the west boy. To give an example: we study in a library, which white Europeans fund, built from stone, and created the works which are in the library. We built the west. Of course the importance of women cannot be underestimated but from a general perspective the west was built by men.

He's the german jesus. Stfu.

You don't need to hate an enemy's woman. You kill your enemy and submit his woman to you.