Muslims are ba-

Muslims are ba-

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That's a Sikh Bro OP!

How many are still missing?

>not muslim
>his people kill muslims.
>fuck off shill.

>americans think thats a muslim because he has le funny turban on

He's wearing a turban, he's Sikh.

He's a Sikh.

Thats the fancy way of saying non- christian


I remember seeing the tweet from a cosmopolitan editor asking if they could use his image.

In the original tweet it was "Sikh community helping out with free taxis" hahahaha

He's Sikh

I bet he's about to get killed

If he's a Muslim why isn't there a blast crater?

>leaf education

>Libbies can't tell brownskins apart
How racist.


That's the joke. It's Cosmo, they couldn't be any more retarded.


Sikhs are meme tier

This came up on my normiebook feed with no mention of the fact he was a Sikh. I only hope most people aren't retarded enough to believe he's a Muslim.

Again with this thread? That's not what ecco chamber means

His own twitter. He's a fucking Sikh by his own words. Cosmo used him for their narrative that muslims are wonderful angels.

>took kids home

yeah to his home, for rape.


Leftists are not Americans.

the only response to you fags spamming thia shit. Pic related
His name is fucking SINGH.


Sikhs share a common enemy and they are nice enough people.

He's wearing a turban you dumb fuck.


Report all OPs that end in a dash. 100% of them have been one-post-by-this-ID.

plus they don't racemix , I beleive

Except this one. Also mods don't care about this board.

t. one-post-by-this-id


That guy is Sikh you idiot.

still better than an atheist

Based white guy!

That's a Sikh driver you fucking mong. Practice what you preach.

Tfw these idiots get to write garbage articles form their bed for 100k a year.

Nine I think... Who chose the destination, the driver or the passenger?

it's either fake or they deleted it

Everytime a shitlib can't tell the difference between a Sikh and a Muslim, I chuckle just a bit

They deleted it because everyone was calling out how fucking stupid they are.

That's a towel, bro, therefore it's muslim. Based muslims taxi people for free. Let's all forget that concert thing and move on.

Thats a Sikh anyways

That's a Sikh you git

Good thing they have universal healthcare

>Purple hair...


Gotta feel bad for Sikhs. Everyone confuses them with their mortal enemies just because they are brown and wear funny hats.

Poor sikhbro. Even leftists think they're Mudslimes.

Sold their souls for 100k a year.


kee-rist man.

>Implying you wouldn't do the same

I'd sell out my race for 100k a year you would too.

They can never resist a five finger discount

I'd like to ass-fist a Cosmo """reporter""".

The fucking cheek on this cunt....the absolute cheek.

-latently not sikhs.

The guy was a sikh you stupid cuck. What are you implying? That there's decent goatfuckers out there?

This. I would do it for even less.

When will people learn that people can only be motivated by money or violence?

So anyway, how's your sex life?

based Sikhs imo

A lot of those children disappeared

>trusting muslims ever

also that is a sikh, not a muslim.

sikh is just indian muslim no?

You're not serious, are you?

Hey guys look this one muslim out of this murderous horde of 1.6 billion seems to be a decent guy

Dumb ass.

Sikhs are way more bro-tier than muslims

Canadians aren't this dumb are they?

you are embarrassing yourself

>Free Taxi Rides

Ok media. Il just ignore the 22 people murdered by a Muslim a few hours before.

I think we need to bring more Muslims to the west so they can drive taxis and give free rides after their brothers kill people.

Its like a Utopia guys. Like OMG

>Muslims are ba-

>jews are more patriotic than the general white british population


Muslim taxi drivers....
Tossed their bodies between the explosion and the children to shield the children...
Donated an oil tanker worth of blood to the hospitalized victims....
Collected and distributed a victim compensation fund of over ten billion trillion dollars...

Yeah, we can all make up bullshit stories about good Muslims.